浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学八年级英语《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》阅读训练 人教新目标版.doc

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浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学八年级英语《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》阅读训练 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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《浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学八年级英语《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》阅读训练 人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学八年级英语《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》阅读训练 人教新目标版.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学八年级英语Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells阅读训练 人教新目标版Passage 1导读:为什么这么多人喜欢集邮呢?看了下面的文章你就知道了。Many children like collecting stamps. Stamp-collecting didnt begin 11854. As time goes on, there are more and more kinds of stamps. These stamps are very beautiful and2. There are many w

2、onderful pictures them.And there are more and more stamps4 . Not only children but also men and women collect stamps. In 1921, America began5 all kinds of stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there are even 6on stamps-collecting in school. People all over the world are becoming more and more

3、7 in stamps. Each picture on a stamp has 8in it. It may be the9 of a great leader, a famous scientist or a writer. It may be a beautiful bird or a fish. It may be an interesting place. Every stamp10 us a story.( )1. A. until B. more C. till D. any more( )2. A. colorful B. boring C. smallD. interesti

4、ng( )3. A. at B. on C. in D. by( )4. A. albums B. collection C. collectors D. sellers( )5. A. collecting B. sending C. selling D. taking( )6. A. lessons B. shops C. booksD. students( )7. A. surprised B. interested C. interestingD. good( )8. A. stories B. means C. meaning D. pictures( )9. A. leg B. h

5、and C. knee(膝) D. head( )10. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talksPassage 2导读:踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫。Victor是怎样不费工夫得到他寻觅已久的邮票呢?请看下面的文章。Victors hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many1,like England, Canada and China. On his birthday, can you guess2people gave him? Thats rightstamps. Victors favori

6、te stamps came from France. He had almost every stamp 1954 to 2004. He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition(版本). It was very4 to find. He 5 it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives(亲戚) to help. But 6could find the stamp. It made Victor very7.Victor also liked writing. He had a p

7、en pal in France. His name was Phillip. They8 to each other every month. Once Phillips mother gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Victor got the letter, he was very9 . It was the 197410 edition stamp on the envelope. Victor was so happy. He told his sister, his mother and his father. “Y

8、ou see,” his father said. “You did find your stamp. So, its good to have two things in lifefriends and patience(耐心).( ) 1. A. world B. citiesC. countries D. friends( ) 2. A. why B. where C. when D. what( ) 3. A. from B. for C. to D. of( ) 4. A. easy B. interestingC. difficult D. popular( ) 5. A. loo

9、ked for B. found C. looked after D. looked at( ) 6. A. anybody B. nobody C. everybody D. somebody( ) 7. A. happyB. sad C. relaxingD. excited ( ) 8. A. visited B. played C. wrote D. talked( ) 9. A. surprised B. sad C. quiet D. wild( )10. A. special B. common C. difficult D. usualPassage 3Tom: Is that

10、 your guitar?Maria: Yes, it is.Tom: How long have you been playing the guitar? Maria: About three years.Tom: Cool, I love listening to guitar music.Maria: Me too. Thats why I decided to learn it.Tom: So, do you know how to play any other instrument?Maria: I know how to play the piano. Actually(实际上),

11、 that was the first instrument I learnt to play. I started playing it when I was seven.Tom: Really? So, do you still play the piano?Maria: Yes, I do. Ive been playing the piano for 14 years now. Do you play a musical instrument?Tom: No, I dont. But I can sing.Maria: Oh, how long have you been singin

12、g?Tom: Ive been singing since I was 13. Im not a professional singer but I sing at school concerts sometimes.Maria: Can you dance?Tom: Yes, I can. Ive been dancing since I was 10.Maria: Im a member of a small band. Weve been meeting for about 10 months. Why dont you write us a short description of y

13、our musical experience? Were currently (当前) looking for singers.根据短文内容回答问题。1. How long has Maria been playing the guitar?_2. How long has Maria been playing the piano?_3. How long has Tom been singing?_4. How long has Tom been dancing?_5. How long have Maria and Tom been meeting?_判断下列陈述正误,T表示正确, F表示

14、错误。( ) 6. Maria learnt to play the piano before the guitar. ( ) 7.Tom likes the guitar music. ( ) 8. Maria and Tom are in a band. ( ) 9. Maria only plays the guitar now. ( ) 10.Tom has been dancing longer than he has been singing. Passage 4导读:人的缺点就像细菌一样,如果你不去根除,它就会不停地滋生蔓延,直到不可挽回的地步。下面的这个故事,就告诉了大家这个道

15、理。A rich man asked a wise (聪明的)old man how to make his son give up his bad habits. The old man took the boy 1 a walk through a garden. He stopped suddenly, and 2 the boy to pull up a small plant growing there. The boy pulled it up . The old man then asked him to pull up a little 4 plant. The boy pul

16、led hard, and the plant came out. “Now pull up that one,” said the old man, 5a bush(矮树). The boy did his best, and pulled it up 6. “Now take this out,” said the old man, pointing(指向) to a big tree. The boy put his 7around the tree and tried to pulled it up. But he 8. He couldnt pull it this time. “I

17、ts impossible,” said the boy. He was tired. “Its 9as your bad habits,” said the old man. “When theyre young, its easy to pull them up, 10when they grow up you cant uproot (根除) them so easily.”( ) 1. A. with B. forC. in D. at( ) 2. A. kept B. let C. made D. asked( ) 3. A. hard B. easy C. easily D. sa

18、dly( ) 4. A. small B. smallerC. big D. bigger ( ) 5. A. pointing to B. looking at C. comparing with D. finding out( ) 6. A. really B. firstly C. finally D. hardly( ) 7. A. feet B. arms C. hands D. legs( ) 8. A. succeed B. failed C. complainedD. fell( ) 9. A. the same B. different C. unusual D. inter

19、esting( ) 10. A. and B. or C. but D. soPassage 5导读:街舞是一种民间舞蹈,这种舞蹈具有极强的参与性和表演性。你知道每场街舞表演是怎样开始的吗? In America, street dancing is a great outdoor sport for youngpeople to do with a group of friends. Many people bring theirradios out onto the streets, and then wait for others to join in.Step 1 Wear comfo

20、rtable clothes. Also wear comfortable running shoes that allow you to jump easily. Dancing requires(要求) a lot of movements, so it is smart to take care of your feet.Step 2 Get some music that you can dance to and bring a radio or a CD player.Step 3Invite some friends to street dance. Put some music

21、on and start dancing to it. Use your feet as much as possible and make quick movements.Step 4 Place(放) your arms up to the right, and then move them quickly to the left while turning your body. This will make others start street dancing.Step 5 Try different movements if possible. Street dancing is a

22、ll about free-style dancing. You can enjoy yourself while getting exercise by street dancing.( ) 1. Street dancing is a kind of _sport for young people.A. indoor B. outdoor C. busy-style D. ball( ) 2. The underlined word “movements” means _in Chinese.A. 转动 B. 活泼 C. 转移 D. 搬动( ) 3. If you want to stre

23、et dance, you dont need to _.A. wear comfortable clothes B. have a radio or a CD playerC. invite some friends D. ask your parents to dance with( ) 4. Which of the following is NOT right?A. Young people like to street dance.B. When you street dance, you need music.C. You must take care of your arms w

24、hile moving.D. Move your arms quickly while turning your body.( ) 5. The best title for the passage may be_.A. How to Street Dance B. Young People and Street DancingC. How Many Steps for Street Dancing D. Street Dancing in AmericaPassage 6导读:Mr. Green把自己家的鸡放到Mr. Black的菜地里,Mr. Black多次警告都没有效果,最后他想出了一个

25、好办法,是什么呢? Mr. Green lived in a village. He had pigs, chicks, cows and sheep on his farm. He worked in the fields with some workers, and his wife had to do all housework at home. “Therere so many chicks, dear,” said the woman one day. “I cant look after them at all.” “Thats easy,” said Mr. Green. “Th

26、eres Mr. Blacks farm outside our walls. Wed better make a few holes (洞) in the walls and chicks will go to his farm through them and eat his vegetables.” “Thats a good idea!” the woman said happily. Soon Mr. Black found it. He told Mr. Green and his wife about it. They promised(答应) they would stop t

27、heir chicks doing it but they didnt keep their promises at all. Mr. Black thought for a while and found a way. He put nearly twenty eggs near the holes one afternoon. And that evening, when Mrs. Green was counting her chicks, Mr. Black called out in his farm, “Oh, Im lucky today! Ive found twenty eg

28、gs on my farm.” Of course, the woman saw it herself. And the next morning Mr. Black found all the holes had been stopped up.( ) 1. The Greens and Mr. Black lived_.A. in the different villages B. in the same townC. far from each other D. next to each other( ) 2. Mrs. Green was busy because_.A. she ha

29、d a few farmB. she had to do much houseworkC. she had to help her husbandD. she wasnt strong enough to do all ( ) 3. Mr. Green made some holes in the walls to_.A. let his chicks go to Mr. Blacks farmB. lay some eggs in Mr. Blacks fieldsC. make Mr. Black angryD. watch his chicks( ) 4. The Greens thou

30、ght _, so they stopped up the holes that night.A. Mr. Black would kill their chicks B. their hens laid(下蛋) eggs in Mr. Blacks fieldsC. Mr. Blacks chicks would go to their farms D. Mr. Black would tell the police about it( ) 5. What kind of man is Mr. Green?A. He is kind.B. He is friendly. C. He is s

31、elfish(自私的).D. He is generous(大方的).Passage 7导读:你一定听说过甲流感吧?对于它的危害你也一定知道不少,但我们应怎样预防呢?The A/H1N1 Flu continues to spread (传播) around the world. The A/H1N1 is a new virus(病毒) causing illness in people. This virus is spreading quickly from person to person worldwide through coughing or sneezing by people

32、 with flu. Scientists and governments(政府) are working on the problem so that they can save more people and stop the spreading. In fact, everyone has his duty to stop the virus. Here are some tips to stop the spread of A/H1N1.They are simple and cheap methods(方法) to keep healthy. If every person can

33、do these tips, it will be helpful to stop the spread of A/H1N1. Wash hands often with soap(肥皂) and clean running water. Cover(掩盖) your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the trash can after you use it. Wash hands after throwing out tissues. If you are sick,

34、 you should stay home for 7 days or longer to keep from infecting(传染) others. Dont touch your nose, eyes, and mouth with dirty hands. _( ) 1.This virus is spreading by_.A. bloodB. airC. foodD. water( ) 2. To stop the spreading of A/H1N1needs the help of _.A. scientistsB. governmentC. doctorsD. all o

35、f the above( ) 3. The underlined word “tissue” may be a kind of _.A. clothB. woodC. iron(铁)D. paper( ) 4. Which tip can be put on the line?A. Try to keep away from people who are sick.B. You shouldnt drink much water every day.C. You should go to a public place every day.D. Do your best to help sick

36、 people in hospital.( ) 5. Which of the following is WRONG?A. The A/H1N1 Flu spreads quickly all over the world.B. Washing hands with clean water is good for health.C. If you are sick with flu, keep away from others.D. Germs (细菌) cant spread by touching noses with hands.Reading strategyLet your eyes

37、 “scan” the text quickly to find details that you are looking for. You can find information quickly without reading the whole text. Text 1In the US, you call the firefighters at 911. In China, you call them at 119. In the US, firefighters are trained in first aid. When people are sick or injured, fi

38、refighters come to save them. In China, theres a special phone number for first aid(救护). Its 120. In the US, being a firefighter is a job. Its like other jobs such as being a lawyer or teacher. There are young firefighters as well as old firefighters. Old firefighters have a lot of experience. In Ch

39、ina, most firefighters are soldiers. After a few years, they will leave and new soldiers will come. As a result, most firefighters are young. Young firefighters have a lot of energy and courage. In the US, firefighters do more than just fight fires. They come to the rescue(帮助) for many emergencies(紧

40、急情况). When people are sick, injured, or trapped in dangerous places, firefighters come to save them. In China, firefighters also do more than put out fires. They help people out in many ways. For example, they will help people open stuck doors or get rid of(去除) beehives(蜂窝) in trees near buildings.

41、But people in China often think of calling 110 for the police when they are in trouble.1. In China, theres a special phone number for first aid. Its_.2. In the US, when people are _ or_, firefighters come to save them.3. In China, most firefighters are _, so they are very young. 4. In China, young f

42、irefighters have a lot of _ and _.5. In _, the firefighters will help people open stuck doors or get rid of beehives in trees near buildings.Text 2导读:你一定在电视中看到过抢劫吧,下面故事中的抢劫犯抢到钱了吗?他们抢到什么了呢?The police received a report that six men had stopped a truck yesterday afternoon. It was carrying two bags full of important things. The six men had gone when the police


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