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1、Unit4 Lesson19 My favourite clothes 教学设计教学目标:1.知识目标:(1) 巩固、复习上一课所学人称代词we, they, 物主代词 our, their 。(2) 使学生能够正确表达对衣服的喜爱。(3) 使学生能正确地听、说、读、写、用but。2.技能目标:(1) 培养学生用英语交流,用英语做事的能力。(2) 通过让学生听录音、勾答案这一步骤,培养学生静听的习惯和在听的过程中抓住关键词分析信息的能力。3.情感目标:通过 chain game 和 have a match 等活动,培养学生团结协作的精神和合作竞争的意识。重点难点:1.教学重点:巩固、复习上一

2、课所学人称代词we, they, 物主代词our, their 。2.教学难点:使学生正确表达对衣服的喜爱。教学方法:任务教学法,图片展示法,问答法,小组合作法教具准备:多媒体课件,提前为学生每人准备一张表格。nameClothesskirtsshortssocksDannyJennyKimSteven教学过程:Step 1.Warming up.1. T: Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Hello,Miss XX.Nice to meet you,too.2. T: Let s sing a song about our clothes

3、.OK? Step 2.Presentation.1. T: (出示毛衣图片) What s this? Ss: sweater.T: Yes, I like sweater, sweater is my favourite clothes. Do you like sweater?S1,S2answer: Yes, I like sweater, too. (No, I don tkike sweater.)T: What s your favourite clothes?S3,S4answer: My favourite clothes is-.T: Now, please draw yo

4、ur favourite clothes and then we talk about it, OK? T: Look, this is a sweater.I like sweater. Sweater is my favourite clothes. (老师重复重点句型两遍。)T: Who want to show us your picture, and tell us your favourite clothes?小组合作练习新句型。通过学生画的服装, 教师选两个和自己一样喜爱sweater 的同学,展示他们练习的结果。老师适时地补充:I like sweater, too. Were

5、 the same板书并.(领读)老师再选两个喜爱其他服装的学生,展示他们的练习结果。老师适时补充:You like-, but I like sweater. ( 板书并领读 ) T shows several different clothes, say: I like -S1-4: I like- , too. We re the same/You. like -, but I like-3. T: Now, let s play a chain game.游戏说明:此游戏以小组为单位,一个接一个地表达自己对衣服的喜爱,直到最后一个,速度最快的为获胜组。E.g:S1 to S2: I l

6、ike skirt.S2: I like skirt too. We re the same.(Or: You like skirt, but I like-)S2 to S3: I like-. ( 自己喜爱的衣服 )S3: I like - , too. We re the same.(Or: You like -, but I like-)S3 to S4:-.4. T :( asks a girl) Do you like shorts?S1: No, I don t like shorts.T: I don t like shorts, either.( 出示单词卡片either,

7、read the word after the teacher. Then read“ I don t like shorts, I doneither.” after the teacher.)T: Do you like skirt? S2: Yes, I like skirt.T: I like skirt, too. (出示单词卡片too,并领读 ,之后领读句子I like skirt, I like skirt, too.)T: Please practice the sentences in pairs.5.T: Lets sing a song find a friend ,yo

8、u, please try to find your friends who like the same clothes as you.(老师走向说喜欢裙子的那一组)T: I like skirts .You like skirt.We like skirts. Our favourite clothes are skirts.(一组接一组地练习)T: He likes shorts .He likes shorts.They like shorts. Their favourite clothes are shorts.6.利用事先发放的表格,听录音,完成表格内容。T: Take out this piece of paper. Listen and watch. Try to tick out their favourite clothes. 7.听课文录音,让学生多次跟读。Step 3. Homework:1.完成课后练习。2.课后自觉听课文音频并熟读课文。


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