(通州区提供)北师大版英语七下Unit 1 Lesson 2 教学设计.docx

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1、.Unit 1 Lesson 2 A Dangerous Job 教学设计教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语七年级下册教材第1单元的第2课,话题为日常活动。本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重处理对文段的阅读,引导学生通过阅读,获取并整理有关消防员日常活动的主要信息及细节信息,最后结合课文的信息和语言进行输出性活动。在第一课时,学生还要学习词汇,并初步感知语法一般现在时的用法和意义。第二课时在对课文的语言和内容进行复习的基础上,引导学生归纳总结本课的语法:一般现在时,通过观察和分析例句,关注含有行为动词的一般现在时的肯定否定结构及主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化。最后运用本课所学语法内容,并结合

2、本课话题,描述父母一天的日常活动。教学内容话题:消防员的日常活动词汇:形容词:important, dangerous, difficult, easy, interesting, safe,其它词汇:fire, firefighter, training, later, eat, because, kilometer, rest, practice, drive, firefighting, communicate, free, if, or, someone, try ,best, keep, try ones best, not.at all, have to策略:采用不同策略获取主要信

3、息和细节信息语法:一般现在时第一课时First Period教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 辨认dangerous, difficult, safe等形容词的意义;2. 通过阅读获取有关消防员日常活动的信息; 3. 初步体验和感知一般现在时的表意功能和用法;教学过程教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间Pre-readingStep 1 Teacher shows a picture of some firefighters to Ss. And ask the questions: What do they do? What do you know about firefighters?

4、引入话题, 激活学生已有的背景知识。 CW IW 5 Step 2T shows some pictures and sentences to helps Ss understand the key words: adjectives. 1. 预教生词,用图片的形式,生动地呈现词汇。渗透围绕话题整理词汇的学习策略。 2. 教师借助图片领读词汇,学生熟悉单词发音,进一步认读和识记新词汇。 3.进一步理解词汇,并为阅读活动做铺垫。 CW4While-readingStep 3 1st reading:Ss go over the text quickly and find the main ide

5、a of the text.通过略读理解语篇的大意,核查预测。 CW 3 Step 42nd reading:Ss read the text and put the given numbers in the blanks.Then listen to the tape and check the answers.学生尝试运用阅读策略获取整体信息和细节信息。 IW, CW 8Step 53rd reading:Ss read again and complete the schedule of the firefighters.获取关于消防员正常活动的细节信息。CW, IW 6Step 6Ss

6、 answer some questions about the daily life of the firefighters.内化课文信息IW CW6Post-readingT shows the firefighters schedule again and Ss try to tell a day of the firefighters according to the schedule.运用课文的信息和语言,描述消防员的正常生活。进行基于课文的语言输出。 PW, CW 10Homework:1.朗读课文; 2.结合课上的Step7,写短文介绍消防员的生活; 3.完成Workbook E

7、x.1第二课时Second Period教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 体会一般现在时的基本用法;2. 正确运用含有行为动词的一般现在时的否定形式和主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化; 3. 综合运用一般现在时描述父母的日常生活;教学活动设计意图互动模式 时间Warming up and Leading in Step 1 T says sentences about the firefighters daily life.回顾上节课获取的信息。初步感知一般现在时的用法和功能。复习上节课所学内容,为下面的语法教学打基础。3Grammar Focus Step 1.T presents

8、some sentences to show the usage of the present simple.学生在教师的引导下,体会一般现在时的表意功能。5Step2 Teacher shows some pictures and sentences to help Ss learn the present simple, especially pay attention to the verbs.Then sum up the rules.Show the rules of the changes of the verbs.学习一般现在时的基本结构,学生要特别注意当主语为第三人称单数时,动

9、词要用第三人称单数形式。学习动词三单的变化规则。15 Step 3 Do some exercise about the present simple with different subjects. 练习一般现在时不同主语情况下动词的变化。5 Step4T presents some sentences to show the negative forms of the present simple. Then sum up the rules.学习运用包含行为动词的一般现在时的否定形式。5 Step 5T presents some sentences about Jim Robert a

10、nd his team, Ss decide the sentences are true or false and correct the false ones. 在巩固课文内容的基础上练习语法,在语境中练习一般现在时的使用。 6 Step 6 T asks students to work in pairs, Ss write some sentences about their parents daily life, then the partner make a guess to practice the present simple 运用一般现在时描述父母的日常生活,进行语言的输出。5 Homework 1. 完成Workbook Ex.2and Ex.32. 写一篇小短文介绍父亲或母亲的日常生活。:


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