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1、instcir深圳旺星宇光电有限公司She nzhe nvin starPhotoelectricity CO.,LTDQuality Assura nee of LED lightz产品售出一个月内,无人为损坏 30天内无条件免费退换,运费(国内部分)我公司承担。Products can replace free un der con diti ons with in one month after sale, in the prec on diti on of non-artificial damage. We pay for the freight for domestic market

2、.z产品售出3年内无人为损坏,由于产品质量问题造成无法正常使用免费更换,运费(国内部分)我公司承担。Products can replace free with in three years after sale if it cannot use due to the quality problems, in the prec on diti on of non-artificial damage. We pay for the freight only for the of domestic market.z保修期限为3年,保修期内按照使用说明书正常使用情况下,产品发生故障或者损坏,我司予以

3、免费维修或更换。保修期后进行终身的有偿维护,主要涉及电源及核心部件的更换或维修。The warra nty time is three years. Within Warra nty period, if un der the usage of in structio n sheet, any product broke n or damage, we will offer the repair service for free or replace for free. Beside the warra nty days, we con ti nue to provide life-l ong

4、 maintenance services mainly for the power supply and some core comp onen ts.z在保修期起始时间为我司制造出厂日期,特殊情况由用户、销售代理商、厂家共同协商。Warra nty time is start with the date of manu facturer, If any special circumsta nces, the user, sales age nts, manufacturers can n egotiate.z即使在保修期内,如发生以下情况,将收取一定的维修费用Even if within

5、the warranty period, if the following occurs, certain maintenance costs will be charged因使用上的错误及自行擅自修理、改造而导致的故障及损坏。The malfu nction and damaged caused by in correct use, the un authorized repairs and alteratio n.由于火灾、水灾、电压异常、其他天灾及二次灾害造成的产品损坏。The damage caused by fire, flood, abno rmal voltage, other

6、n atural disasters and sec on dary product damage.购买后由于摔落及运输导致的产品故障。The product malfu ncti on caused by the fall and tran sportati on failures after purchase. 不按照用户手册操作导致的产品故障。The product malfu nction caused by Not in accorda nee with the user manual operatio n. 因产品以外的障碍(人为或者外部设备因素)而导致的故障及损坏。The mal

7、fu nction and damaged caused by the other barriers (ma n-made factors or exter nal device).在未提示本保修卡及购买发票的场合。Purchase without the warra nty card and purchase in voices在本保修卡上未填写产品型号、制造号码、购买日期、销售商名称等,或其中 字句被改动时。There are not complete product model, manufacturing number, purchase date, agent name etc on

8、 the warranty card, or one of the words was changed.z 在保修期内的免费更换,请您务必正确和详细填写 “保修卡 ”的各项内容。 Free replace during the warranty period, please be sure to fill out the warranty card correctlyz 超过保修期的修理,我司提供维修使用的零部件:电源及 LED ,且该类配件只收取成 本费用。The repair after warranty period, we offer repair with part of the p

9、roducts : power supply and LED, and charging only the costs of such components.z 本保修在任何情况下均不能补发,请您务必保留此卡,并在维修更换时出示给代理商。In any case, this warranty card can not be a replacement, please be sure to keep this card and show it to the agents when you need repair or replace.z 在售后服务中如有问题,请您与我司代理商或者我司联系。Any problems in the after-sales service, please contact our agents or us directly.After service Department Date:2010.06.08


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