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1、Can tonese Roast Duck广东烤鸭主料:1只鸭,大约5磅,新鲜或冷 冻的,Main ingredients:1 duck, about 5 pounds, fresh or frozen , 辅料:几枝新鲜的香菜,用于配菜,Accessories:Few sprigs fresh cila ntro, for garnish ,调料:1大汤匙盐,1根葱,3片鲜 姜,釉:,1大汤匙轻玉米糖浆,2大 汤匙水,1大汤匙酱油,Seas oni ngs:1tablespo onsalt ,1 scalli on,3 slicesfreshgin ger,Glaze:,1tablespoo

2、n light corn syrup ,2 tablespoonswater ,1tablespoon soy sauce , 制作过程 producti on process1. Thaw the duck, if frozen. Remove any excess fat, and rinse and pat dry with paper towels. Rub the en tire surface of the1。如果冷冻,解冻鸭子。去掉任何 多余的脂肪,洗净,用纸巾拍干。用 盐擦鸭子的整个表面duck, i nside and out,with the salt. Cover and

3、 refrigerate for several hours, or, over ni ght.盖上冷藏几个小时,或者一夜。2. Put the scallion in the cavity and lay the slices of ginger on top of2。把葱放在腔内和把姜片放在the duck. Add at least 2 inches of water to a large flameproof roasting pan with a lid and put the pan on the stove. Place a 鸭子上。添加至少2英寸的水在大 的防爆带盖子的烤盘上,

4、把盘放在 炉子上。放置一个large rack in the roasting pan and bring the water to a boil. Choose an oval casserole large enough to hold the duck and 大架子在烤盘里,把水煮沸。选择 一个椭圆形的焙盘,大到足以容纳 鸭,小到足以放入烤盘。small eno ugh to fit into the roasting pan. Place the duck in the casserole and then put the casserole on the rack. Cover a

5、nd将鸭放入焙盘,然后把焙盘放在架 子上。盖上steam for 1 hour, check ing the water level from time to time 蒸1小时,经常检查水位的时候 and adding more boili ng water if necessary. Save the duck broth to use in soups or stir fry dishes. Whe n done, remove the并在必要时添加更多的沸水。保存 鸭汤使用或炒菜。完成后,duck from the casserole and place it on a rack to

6、 dry.并将其晾干。3. Combi ne the in gredie nts for the glaze in a small saucepa nand bring to a boil. With a pastry brush, paint the hot glaze3。结合釉的成分在一个小平底锅 里,煮至沸腾。用糕点刷,在鸭子的 表面涂抹热釉over the surface of the duck.Allow duck to dry for 1 hour.。让鸭子干燥1小时。4. Preheat the oven to 375F.Roast the duck, breast side d

7、own, for 20 minutes. Turn over and con ti nue to roast for 40 more4。预热烤箱至375 f。烤鸭子,鸭 胸朝下,20分钟。翻个身,继续烤 40多minutes.分钟。5. Transfer duck to a chopp ing board and allow to cool slightly. Using a cleaver, disjoint and cut the duck through the bone5。转移鸭到切菜板,稍微冷却。用 刀,通过骨切开,把鸭into bite size pieces. Arrange the pieces on a serving platter, garnish with cilantro and serve. 切成一口大小的零碎块。把肉块放 在浅盘里,饰以香菜和即成。


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