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1、牛津英语7A Unit3基础题一、词组翻译开放日_ 10月9日_家长会_ 观摩我们两节课_你最喜欢的科目_ 在校门口_在两点开始_ 最喜欢语文_每个学科的名字_ 带领某人参观_在教学楼前_ 在底层_干净明亮_ 请走这边_看上去现代的_ 开会_学校礼堂_ 穿白色衬衫的男生_在教学楼前_ 干净明亮_一个美术室_ 学校礼堂_在那边的建筑_ 看墙上的图片_通电话_ 向她问好_听清楚你_ 让我想想_课后_ 告诉你关于它_和一些新朋友玩_ 坐公交车上班_坐公交车上班_ 到达学校_步行上学_ 住在我们学校附近_早上8点开到下午5点_ 一段长路_骑自行车去公园_ 骑自行车去公园_从我家到学校_ 开着的/关着的

2、_从图书馆借书_ 各种各样的书_感谢某人做某事_ 几个教室_住得离学校远_ 在教学楼前面_一切顺利_二、单项选择 1.-_ today, Millie? - Let me see. Its September 30th. A.What day is it B.When is it C.Whats the date D.What date 2. I dont know your sister. _ she tall and slim? A. Is B. Do C. Are D. Does 3. I am from Nanjing _ live in Shanghai now. A.so B.an

3、d C.after D.but 4. Mary comes from Englang, _ she is good at speaking English. A. so B.or C.after D.but5.What does Tim look like?-_. A. He looks happy. B.He is tall and strong. C.He likes playing football. D.He is 13 years old.6.-_do youvisit your parents? -Once a month.A.How much B.How often C.How

4、long D. How many7.Millie and Simon are talking _ the news.A.with B.to C.at D.about8.Jane _ the blackboard but cant _the word clearly.A.sees;sees B.sees;looks at C.looks at; sees D.looks at; see9.Peter and I _love playing football.A.both B.all C.each D.every10.When I sit _the No.1 bus, I see a car is

5、 _it.A. in front of; in front of B.in the front of; in the front of C.in front of; in the front of D.in the front of; in front of 11.Mike, you look modern _the T-shirt. A.wear B.with C.in D.on 12.Simon is in the middle school football team. _is the best team in our city. _all play football quite wel

6、l. A.It; They B.It; You C.She; They D.He; We 13._ are all Chinese. A.We,you and they B.You,they and we C.He,you and I D.They,you and we 14.I like reading. I think _is helpful and interesting. A.they B. he C. it D.she 15.Between you and _, I like _better. A.he;you B.him;he C.him;her D.him;you 16.Its

7、ten oclock. The bookshop _now. It ususlly _at 8a.m. A.opens;opens B.is open;opens C.is opening; is opened D.is opened; opens 17.Do you ususlly _the bus to school every day? Yes. It _me about 20minutes. A.take;spend B.take;takes C.by;costs D.by;takes 18.Mikes home is only 3 kilometers_school, so he g

8、oes to school by bike. A.far from B.far away from C.long from D.away from 19.Would you like _bread? No, I dont want to eat_. A.some;some B.any;some C.any;any D.some;any 20.Thanks for _ me _your weekend. A.telling;to B.asking;on C.telling;about D.saying;about三、根据句意和所给中文,写出正确单词。 1.Some of my classmate

9、s like _(历史) because there are many interesting stories in it. 2.I like _(地理)best because I can learn a lot about the world. 3.The students all like their _(生物)teacher,because he is very helpful. 4.The girl like keeping _(日记)every day. 5.Are there many _(开放的)parks in Changzhou? 6.Do you know the gir

10、l_(穿) a pink dress? 7.Thanks for_(帮助) me a lot. 8.Our teachers are all nice to_(我们). 9.There are _(几乎没有) apples in the fridge. We have to buy some. 10.Can you tell me the _(路)to go to school?11.The shop always _(关)at 9 p.m.12.-Do _(他们) often watch TV? -No.Mum asks_(他们)not to watch TV too much.四、用所给词

11、的适当形式填空。 1.Would you like _(have) some orange juice? 2.Tom,_(open) the door,please. 3._the sports meeting _(begin) at 8 in the morning. 4.Look! The new school _(look) nice.5.Let me _(show) you my photos in Nanjing.6.Cindy _(fly) a kite in the park on Sundays.7.Tom is good at _(swim).8.Who _(teach) t

12、hem Chinese this term? Miss Zhang does. 9.Lets _(go)shopping after work.10._Tom and Jimmy _(like) China?11.-_she _(walk) to school? -No,she _(take) a bus.12.Id like _(go) running with you.13.We all know winter _(come)after autumn.14.Each student in my class _(be) happy to hear that. 15.Daniel is a s

13、mart boy with _(glass)16.The shopping mall is _(open) from 9 to 10 p.m. 五、句型转换1.Andy plays football very well.(改同义句) Andy _ _ _ _football.2.Mary does well in singing English songs.(改同义句) Mary_ _ _ _ English songs.3.We have 25 classrooms in our school.(改同义句) _ _ 25 classrooms in our school.4.Miss Wu

14、is an English teacher.(改同义句) Miss Wu_ _.5.The classroom looks modern and nice.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the classroom _? 6.We are behind the teaching building.(改为同义句) The teaching building _ _ _ _ _.7.Our classroom is on the ground floor.(划线部分提问) _ floor _ your classroom _?8.We have meetings in the school hall.

15、(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ in the school hall?六、句子翻译1.汤姆,哪一门是你最喜欢的学科?-地理。_2.我希望下午两点在校门口见面。_ 3.你认识那个穿黄色衬衫的男孩吗?_ 4.让Jim带他们参观我们的花园吧。_ 5.让我来告诉你关于我们新学校的情况。_ 6.你的父母在家吗?我想要向他们问好。_(2)顶点式: 7.Amy有时候在英语方面帮助我。(2)三角形的外心: 三角形外接圆的圆心叫做这个三角形的外心._ 8.在中学里谁教他语文。(2)经过三点作圆要分两种情况:_描述性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做

16、圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O” 9.妈妈经常告诉我不要在课堂上聊天。_ 10.我每天花两小时写作业。_ 11.从我家到学校有一条很长的路。=0 抛物线与x轴有1个交点;_1.圆的定义: 12.她经常从你这里借书吗?_一锐角三角函数 13.从我家到学校坐公交车大约花费我20分钟时间。10、做好培优扶差工作,提高数学及格率,力争使及格率达95%。_3.规律:利用特殊角的三角函数值表,可以看出,(1)当角度在090间变化时,正弦值、正切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小);余弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大)。(2)0sin1,0cos1。 14.Simon住得离学校很远。125.145.20加与减(三)4 P68-74_ 15.穿白色衬衫的学生是谁? _


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