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1、What will you study in the United States?I will be studying language learning in the US, and I like this major very much because I am very interested in the languages. I have been once learning Spanish and now English is my aim.What will you do in USA?I think I will spend all of the time studying in

2、 America because I don t think I am a very talented language learner so I have to spend more time than the other people on study.Are you going to study in USA?Yes I am. This has always been my dream to get to study in the universities of USA.What do you want to study in USA?I will be studying langua

3、ge learning in the US, and I like this major very much because I am very interested in the languages. I have been once learning Spanish and now English is my aim.What is your purpose for the visa?I get the offerfrom the NYU, and I will be studyingin America for like half a year so this is why I need

4、the visa.What is your major?My English is not really something I could be proudof, so after I go to America I think I will be studying mostly about the language first.In what aspect of your major will you study?Language, just English language.Can it be used to military utilities?Sure it can t.What i

5、s your favorite subject?Art is my favourite I guess. And I enjoy everything about art because sometimes it gives me goose bumps.Why do you like your major?It can help me to some extent improve my language ability and nowadays China is developing so fast that everybody speaks English. Therefore, I ne

6、ed to improve mine.What does your major mean?When/where did you get your BS/MS?Bachelor / masterWhat/where are you working now?I work as accounting in a company now but I decide to quit for some time while I can wholy put myself into study.What is your academic background?I am an undergraduate from

7、a university in China.What have you done after you graduated from HighSchoolAfter I graduated from the high school, I was admitted by a local university in China and after that I focused on study on campus until I realize it was not enough for meto get from domestic education.How long will you study

8、 in USA?For like half a year. Because I decide to further mystudy as a graduate after I finish my langugage learning course in NYU.Have you any scholarship?No. I haven t.What is your plan?I will be studying language learning in the US, and I like this major very much because I am very interested in

9、the languages. And at the same time I would like to go around America to broaden my horizon.What will you do after graduation? Why?I ll directly come back China to work for the companyI ve worked for.What kind of job can you find in the future?I llbe an accountant again.What is your ultimate academi

10、c goal?To learn how to manage English better becaue I have many friends who speak English very well.Give me three reasons that you will come back toChina?First of all, I am a Chinese, and I like this land where I was born and raised in very much. Second, I think I have all the connection in China, a

11、nd I can t stand to lose it. Third, China is getting better, so coming back with better English is good for my self-development.So I have every reason to come back.Can you explain why 90%Chinese students didnt come back?I am extremely different from those people who didntcome back China. First, the

12、only aim I go to America is to learn English language better in order to communicate with my friends in China better. And second,like I said, I have every reason to come back.How do you know this Univ.?I have searched a lot of imformation on the internet until I find NYU is famous for language cours

13、e. So I decide to get into this university. And the climate of the New York suit me just fine.Why do you choose this Univ.?I find NYU is famous for language course. So I decideto get into this university. And the climate of the New York suit me just fine.Why did you choose xxxxxx University?How much

14、 do you know about the university? 27Why do you want to study in USA?28As everybody knows, USAhas the most advanced education in the world. The educational system is the most completed and the US has the most excellent faculty of all.Why do you want go to the United States for further study? 29As ev

15、erybody knows, USAhas the most advanced education in the world. The educational system is the most completed and the US has the most excellent faculty of all. And like I said, I can get enough from the domestic education.Why do you want to study xxx in the US? 30.I want to study Ian guage lear ning

16、in the US, and I likethis major very much because I am very interestedin theIanguages. And I would like to improve myEnglish partly because I have a bunch of friends who speak English verywell.What is the difficult class do you have? 31I think the language itself is very difficult for me because I a

17、m not really talented in language learning.Whats your name? 32 |My name is Chuchu Ye and you can call me Vivian.32) How many institutions have you applied, and whoare they? 33 |Only NYU.Did any other school admit you? 3434) Do you have any relatives in the United States?No, I don .35) What do your p

18、arents do?They are bussiness dealer.36) Howmuch do you expect you will have to spend eachyear in the United States? (*)I will only stay in America for a short period for language learning course, so I dont think spend a lot. I believe I will have to spend no more than 1500 $ per month.37) How do you

19、 support yourself during your studies in the United States?I ve been saving some money these two years and I think it will be enough for me to make the days in the US.38) Do you plan to seek Financial support in(*)No, and I think I will have no time to do that andI won tdo that.39) Who will be your

20、sponsor? (*)(How much is his annual income and what will be the amount you will receive annually? )of timeI willthe US?Now, I am my sponsor if needed I think I will ask myparents for help. I dont think I need their helpcurrently.Do you have a bank deposit certification? (*)Yes, I do.64) Have you any

21、 bank deposit? (*)Yes, I have.40) Do you plan to seek employment in the US afteryou have completed your studies?No, first of all, I wont get any degree certification and I have said it, I will come back China to continue doing what I am doing now.43) How long have you prepared your visa interview?Fo

22、r like a month because its important for me.44) Howlong have you prepared for GRE?Did you cheat?I don t take the examination.45) Are you a worker or a student now?I am now a worker but I decide to be a student for3 months and to apply for the graduate course afterI finished the language learning cou

23、rse.46) Where are you from? Where is your hometown?I am from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China.It is a reallybeautiful city and that s the reason why I need to come back.47) How much do you earn now? (*)How much will you earn when you come back?5000 RMB and I of course hope that I can get far more than this

24、when I come back. And I believe with better English I can get a raise.48) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?I have no idea, but I think NYU is good enough for me.50) What will you study in this major? What courses?53) When are you going to enter US?At the end of August.54

25、) What is your dream?My dream is to travel around the world in the near future.55) What is the thing you like best in America, orthe thing you like best in China?I ve never been to America so from what I know on lineI think the landscape in America attracts me most and America is a perfect land for

26、vacation but China is the best country for me to live in because I am most familiar with the culture.56) Then what is the thing you dont like most about China?I like China but if you really ask meto say somethingI don t like about China, it would be the heavy traffic, so I think I will move to the c

27、ountryside after I get old.59) What is your favorite pet?Why? (*)Puppy, it s lovely.60) Whats your best or worst quality?My best quality I believe would be honest. I seldomlie to people. And the worst I think would be a little shy. It s very difficult for me to get adapted to the new environment not

28、 even to say dwelling in there for a long time.61) What do you think is the best/worstthing of theU.S?First, I have never been there. So I have no idea what is the worst thing about the US. And like I said before, America has the most breath-taking landscape that attracts me a lot.62) Have you ever

29、been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad?I ve been to singapore and malaysia before partly because I dont wanna leave hometoo far but this time, going to America for study would be the farthest trip that I have ever been taken so I would like to come back as soon as I finish my lear

30、ning.63) Whats your favorite food?My favourite food is Peking duck, and some other traditional Chinese food.67) How old are you?I m 27.69) When did you take the T/G test?I don t need that.71) 课程概述 . Can you talk something about the course XX?I am not really an expert in this, but if I am askedto tal

31、k about this, I would say its more connectedwith languages itself.72) Do you have sisters or brothers?Yes, I do. And I have two little sisters.73) How long have you been in shanghai?Only one day, I am a littlebusy lately. So I was herenot long ago.74) Why you live in Wenzhou?This is where my parents

32、 and I are from.75) Whats your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?Dancing and painting, to be frank. I watch movies and go shopping in my spare time.80) What is your favorite American movie?I like The Titanic and Avatar very much. I like James Cameron too.81) Whodo you think is the best presid

33、ent of the US? I don t really care about the politics but I thinkObama is really a cool guy and I am really impressed by his line“change we can ”.82) Where is your HUKOU( 户口 )?In wenzhou, the city I come from.83) Do you have a boyfriend?Where is he?Are you sure your bf will keep related with youduri

34、ng your graduate study?I have a boyfriend and he is now in wenzhou and I think that s part of the reasons why I wanna come back chinaand I think I am a very dependent person so I think I will keep very frequent connection with him whileI ?I m away.84) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the w

35、orld? Why?greatestI have never thought about this but if I am ready to say, I d say Einstine because he is the leader in the scientific field.87) Which is your favorite restaurant or cafe? My favourite food is chinese food so my favourite restaurant is a local famous restaurant named 浦饭摊 “ and I als

36、o like western food too.89) Where do you live or where will you live?I am now living in Wenzhou, China. And if I am lucky enough I think I will be living in america for a short period of time soon while I am studying.94) You can also make more of this kind of money inUS, why dont you want to earn mo

37、re?Why you come back to China instead of finding ajob in America?First of all, I am a Chinese, and I like this land where I was born and raised in very much. Second, I think I have all the connection in China, and I can t stand to lose it. Third, China is getting better, so coming back with better E

38、nglish is good for my self-development.So I have every reason to come back.95) Where is your company located in? (*)Gaoxiang industrial center.97) Have you business card? Do you have a name card? (*)No, I haven t.100) Is xxxxxxx the first university to give you an offer?Yes, because I ve only applie

39、d NYU.103) Are you a top student in your school? What about your ranking in your class?Not really but I am always hardworking. I ranked the tenth in my class.104) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?No, I don t. I m not used to this.105) What kind of computer do you have?A laptop and I think its very convenient.106) What is your favorite color?I like white because thats a very pure colour.107) (Set up my own company about*) Is it difficult? (*)I ve never considered about this and I will absolutely think it s impossible for a person like me who is very dependent.


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