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1、就职即,奥巴马广获支持x 英语 就职在即 奥巴马广获支持 Americans giving Obama extraordinary support: polls 美国当选总统奥巴马就职典礼前夕,美国纽约时报和 CBS 新闻部联合进行的一项民意调查显示,有 79的民众都对即将到来的奥巴马任期持乐观态度,是历任五位总统中支持率最高的。而对即将卸任的布什总统,仅有 22被调查者对其任期内的表现表示满意,该支持率再创历史新低。 Barack Obama has attained extraordinarily high levels of public approval, according to o

2、pinion polls released Sunday, ahead of his historic inauguration ceremony as the first African-American president. Barack Obama has attained extraordinarily high levels of public approval, according to opinion polls released Sunday, ahead of his historic inauguration ceremony as the first African-Am

3、erican president. A survey conducted by The New York Times and CBS News found a US public eager to give the president-elect a wide berth as he attempts to turn around a faltering US economy, tackle global warming, help solve the intractable Middle East peace process, along with a plethora of other m

4、ammoth challenges. Of those surveyed, 79 percent were optimistic about the next four years under Obama, the highest level of goodwill attained by any of the past five incoming presidents. Most Americans told The Times that they did not expect real progress in improving economy, reforming the health

5、care system or ending the war in Iraq - three of the central promises of the Obama campaign for at least two years. The poll found that two-thirds of respondents think the recession will last two years or longer - midway through Obamas four-year term as its 44th president. By contrast, outgoing Pres

6、ident George W. Bush is leaving office with just 22 percent of Americans offering a favorable view of how he handled the eight years of his presidency, according to the poll - a record low. More than 80 percent of respondents said America is in worse shape today than it was five years ago. The telep

7、hone survey of 1,100 adults was conducted between January 11 and 15, and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percene points. Meanwhile, CNN television polled 1,245 adult Americans, found that 84 percent of respondents approve of how Barack Obama is handling his presidential transition. The poll taken by Opinion Research Corporation from January 12 to 15 found that nearly nine in ten US blacks report being thrilled or happy about Obamas impending inauguration. The phone poll, conducted between January 12 and 15 also had a three percent sampling error.


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