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1、1初一上册数学期末考试题(难题)12数 学 试 卷 一、精心选一选(每小题3分,共30分) 11(,的相反数是( ) 211A(2 B(,2 C( D(, 222(下列式子正确的是( ) 11A(,0.1,0.01 B(1,0 C(, D(,5,3 233( 沿图1中虚线旋转一周,能围成的几何体是下面几何体中的 ( ) A B C D 图1 24(多项式 是( ) xy,xy,1A(二次二项式 B(二次三项式 C(三次二项式 D(三次三项式 5(桌上放着一个茶壶,4个同学从各自的方向观察,请指出图3右边的四幅图,从左至右分别是由哪个同学看到的( ) 图3 A(? B(? C(? D(? ba,

2、ba6(数,在数轴上的位置如图2所示,则是( ) A(正数 B(零 C(负数 D(都有可能 图2 7( 每天供给地球光和热的太阳与我们的距离非常遥远,它距地球的距离约为15000000千米,将150000000千米用科学记数法表示为( ) 9877 A(0.15千米 B(1.5千米 C(15千米 D(1.5千米 10101010and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engine

3、ering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the open

4、ing and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident

5、penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occur

6、red, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct pu

7、nishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious cons

8、equences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction 8(图5是某市一天的温度变化曲线图,通过该

9、图可知,下列说法错误的是( ) 温度/? A(这天15点时的温度最高 38 B(这天3点时的温度最低 34 30 C(这天最高温度与最低温度的差是13? 26 D(这天21点时的温度是30? 22 15 18 21 24 3 6 9 12 时间/时 图5 9(一个正方体的侧面展开图如图4所示,用它围成的正方体只可能是( ) O O O O A C D B 图4 10(已知4个矿泉水空瓶可以换矿泉水一瓶,现有16个矿泉水空瓶,若不交钱,最多可以喝矿泉水( ) A(3瓶 B(4瓶 C(5瓶 D(6瓶 二、细心填一填(每空3分,共15分) 2xy,11(的系数是 。 512(某公园的成人单价是10元

10、,儿童单价是4元。某旅行团有a名成人和b名儿童;则旅行团的门票费用总和为 元。 2ab,113(已知(a,1),|b,2|,0,则的值等于 。 14(一根1米长的绳子,第一次剪去一半,第二次剪去剩下的一半,如此剪下去,第四次后剩下的绳子的长度是 米。 C 15(如图,点A、O、B在一条直线上,且?AOC=50?,D OD平分?AOC、,则图中?BOD= 度。 O A 三、对号入座(6分) B 16(1)把下列各整式填入相应的圈里: 122xab,c,2m,ax,c,,abc,a,0,,,y,2( 2-the direct punishment 500 curs,ing administrati

11、ve sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident oc10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concern-nt 0.5ions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Depa

12、rtment. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishmeponsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctct resthe unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly puni

13、shed 12 million. Direarge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, in ch and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction personr fined 20 Yuan. Gas bo

14、ttle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operato 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrest

15、or-on and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201and pump installation engineering constructient penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the constructionn team injuries accid1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for th

16、e accident and constructio-ive leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500strat100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the admini-1000, who is directly responsible

17、 for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 502 多项式 单项式 (2)把能用一副三角尺直接画出(或利用其角的加减可画出)的角的度数从左边框内挑出写入右边框内( 15?,20?,50?,75? 105?,120?,150?( 四、认真算一算 511217(计算 (,),(,),172252218(先化简,再求值: 其中a =,2。 (4a,3a),(1,4a,4a)19(已知:线段AB=6厘米,点C是AB的中点,点D在AC的中点,求线段BD的长。 B A C D 五、把道理说明白 20(知识是用来为人类服务的,

18、我们应该把它们用于有意义的方(下面就两个情景请你作出评判( 情景一:从教室到图书馆,总有少数同学不走人行道而横穿草坪,这是为什么呢,试用所学数学知识来说明这个问题。 教 学 草 坪 楼 图 书 馆 and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an inst

19、alled spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the respo

20、nsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million. Di

21、rect responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the di

22、rect responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident re

23、sponsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishmen

24、t. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction 情景二:A、B是河流l两旁的两个村庄,现要在河边修一个抽水站向两村供水,问抽水站修在什么地方才能使所需的管道最短,请在图中表示出抽水站点P的位置,并说明你的理由: A l B

25、 你赞同以上哪种做法,你认为应用数学知识为人类服务时应注意什么, 21(小明有一张地图,上面有A、B、C三地,但被墨迹污染,C地具体位置看不清楚了,但知道C地在A地的北偏东30?,在B地的南偏东45?,请你在图中画一画,试着帮他确定C地在地图上的位置。 北 B 东 A -ive leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500strat100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to concea

26、l the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the admini-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-the direct punishment 500 curs,ing administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company.

27、(3) personal injury accident oc10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concern-nt 0.5ions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishmeponsibility

28、for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctct resthe unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million. Direarge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job

29、 in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, in ch and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction personr fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of

30、 50 Yuan. (7) at height for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operato 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-on and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201and pump installation

31、engineering constructient penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the constructionn team injuries accid1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and constructio4 六、规律探究(6分) 22(下面有8个算式,排成4行2列 2,2, 22 33 3, 3 2244

32、4, 4 3355 5, 5 44, (1)同一行中两个算式的结果怎样, 20052005(2)算式2005,和2005的结果相等吗, 20042004(3)请你试写出算式,试一试,再探索其规律,并用含自然n的代数式表示这一规律。 七、(23题5分,24题6分,共11分) 23(有一天,某检察院接到报案,称某厂厂长提了五千万元现金,装在一个小手提箱里,准备潜逃,检察官们经过分析,认为这是不可能的,后经调查,确实有人报了假案。从数学的角度看,你知道这是为什么不可能的吗, 小常识:一张100元人民币常约为15.5cm,宽约为7.7聪明,100张100元的人民币 的厚度约为0.9cm。 and pu

33、mp installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined

34、20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and th

35、e job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as con

36、cerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrat

37、ive sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the acc

38、ident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construc

39、tion team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction 24(运动时心跳速率通常和人的年龄有关。用a表示一个人的年龄,用b表示正常情况下这个人在运动时所能承受的每分钟心跳的最高次数,则 . . b,0.8(220,a)(1)正常情况下,一个14岁的少年运动时所能承受的每分钟心跳的最高次数是多少, (2)当一个人的年龄增加10岁时,他运动时承受的每分钟心跳最高次数有何变化,变化次数是多少, (3)一个45岁的人运动时,10秒心跳次数为22

40、次,请问他有危险吗,为什么 八、(8分) 25(心理学家研究发现,一般情况下,学生的注意力随着教师讲课时间的变化而变化,讲课开始时学生的注意力逐步增强,中间有一段时间学生的注意力保持较为理想的状态,随后学生的注意力开始分散,经过实验分析可知,一般地,学生的注意力y随时间t的变化情况如下表: 上课时间t(分) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 学生的注意力y 100 191 240 240 240 205 170 135 100 65 (1)讲课开始后第5分钟时与讲课开始后第25分钟时比较,何时学生的注意力更集中, (2)从表中观察,讲课开始后,学生的注意力最集中的时间是那

41、一段, (3)从表中观察,讲课开始后,学生的注意力从第几分钟起开始下降,猜想注意力下降过程中y与t的关系,并用式子表示出来。 (4)用(3)题中的关系式,求当t=27分时,学生的注意力y的值是多少。现有一道数学难题,需要讲解20分钟,为了效果更好,要求学生的注意力最低达到190,那么老师能否在学生注意力达到所需状态下讲完这道题目,试着说明理由。 -the direct punishment 500 curs,ing administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company.

42、(3) personal injury accident oc10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concern-nt 0.5ions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishmeponsibility

43、for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctct resthe unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million. Direarge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job

44、 in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, in ch and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction personr fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of

45、 50 Yuan. (7) at height for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operato 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-on and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201and pump installation

46、engineering constructient penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the constructionn team injuries accid1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and constructio-ive leadership of the criticism, resulting in serio

47、us consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500strat100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the admini-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 506 数学试卷参考答案及评分

48、标准 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 C B B D A C A B C A 111、 12、 13、,1 14、155 15、1 10a,4b,51117、解:依题意得:(厘米)2分 AC,AB,,6,32211 (厘米)4分 AD,AC,,3,1.522所以 BD = AB,AD = 6,1.5 = 4.5(厘米) 6分 四、(8分) 1218、解:(1)单项式:2m,,abc,a,0,, 2分 x22,c,ax,c,y,2 4分 多项式:ab(2)15?,75?,105?,120?,150? 8分 五、(19题6分,20题5分,共11分) 21、解(1)处在同一行的两个算式,计算结果相等。 3分 (2)相等 5分 4、在教师的具体指导和组织下,能够实事求事地批评自己、评价他人。n,1n,1(n,1),,(n,1), (3) 8分 nna,1422、解:(1)当时,该少年运动时所能承受的每分钟心跳的最高次数是b,0.8,(220,14),164.8,1643分 (2)如果一个人的年龄为x岁,他


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