九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Star signs Reading I精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Star signs Reading I精品学案 牛津译林版课题9A Unit1 Reading I学习目标知识目标了解西方文化中有关星座的信息,要求认识和了解与性格有关的形容词能力目标能用形容词描述人物情感目标树立自信心:每一个星座都有优点学习重点能用形容词描述人物学习难点了解西方文化中有关星座的信息,能用形容词描述人物课前自学一、读下面的自学讲解,注意划线部分的短语和方框内的注意点,每个知识点造一个句子。1. year is divided into (被分成)12 different star signs.2. The time of your birthd

2、ay decides your star sign.3.People born under the same star sign (出生在同一星座下的人)share similar characteristics.(be similar to = be the same as 和相同,与.相似)4. buy your friends nice gifts = buy nice gifts for your friends 给朋友买漂亮的礼物5. have lots of energy = energetic 精力充沛 6. keep secrets 保守秘密 7. enjoy life 热爱生

3、活 8. have a good sense of humour 有幽默感9be successful in doing sth. 成功地做某事10.dream about everything 梦想一切11. You love peace(热爱和平) and do not like to argue with others.(和别人争吵)(argue with sb. about sth.因某事和某人争吵)12.It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults. (原谅别人的过失) (forgive sb. for sth.

4、原谅某人某事)(动词不定式的否定放在不定式前面 not to do sth.)1 13.You are patient enough(enough 修饰形容词放在形容词后面,patient 形容词,前面要用be动词)to wait without getting angry. (介词后面用动词ing 形式)14. You hate to be like anyone else( else修饰特殊疑问词、不定代词,放在它们后面) and try everything just to be different.二、根据汉语意思完成下列单词1. Tom is a _(好奇的) student. He

5、 often asks some strange questions. 2. As we know, Chen Peisi has a good _(意识)of humour. 3. Timmy always believed himself, and he was a _ (自信的)boy. 4. People, born on Feb 28 might be _(有创造力)and imaginative. 5. We should pay attention to _ (细节). 6. The young man is so _ (充满活力的). 7. She took an _ (积极的

6、) part in the sports meeting. 8. Lily is a _ (刻苦的) student.三、猜一猜,填一填,再看看这些形容词适合你的个性吗?1. Sams an e boy. He has lots of energy and doesnt sleep much. 2. Mays an o . She always makes new friends easily.3. Jim is c to himself. He is always sure he can be the first in exams.4. My cousin is very s . He ne

7、ver shares cakes with me.5. I have an e aunt. Everyone gets on well with her because she seldom gets angry.6. To be a f leader, you should give everyone the same treatment.7. If a nurse is p , she will take care of patients without getting angry.8. Eddie is c to everything because he thinks it may b

8、e nice food.四、了解自己What is your star sign? What are your characteristics? Can you write some words about yourself? 课堂交流展示1.讲解自学内容,每个知识点造一个句子。(小组展示)(班内展示)2.尽量说全说对十二星座。 (集体展示)3.说出部分课文中表人的形容词,展示自己的预习。(小组展示)4.归纳出每个星座的主要特征。(小组展示,找出重点词语)5.拼出新词,熟悉新词。(两人展示)6.Debate (辩论)(小组展示)Topic: Do you believe that star s

9、igns are really related to your characteristics and future events?For(正方): I believe it because. The child is father of the man. 三岁定到老。 Against(反方): I dont believe it because. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 课堂达标检测一、用适当形式填空1. He thinks of himself first. He is too _ (self).2. A year is

10、_ (divide) into 12 months.3. Its not difficult _ (walk) across the river.4. Shenzhou VII has been sent up into space _ (success).5. What _ (decide) your star signs?二、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词1. An e_ person has a lot of energy.2. An o_ person is friendly and loves to meet people.3. A c_ person feels sure about

11、 his/her own ability.4. A s_ person cares only himself/herself.5. A p_ person can wait without getting angry.6. A c_ person wants to know about everything.三、根据课文内容填空1.If you were born on 27th Mar, you are _ _, and your characteristics are _ _. 2. The Cancer would be_ _, they can be born on _ _ _. 3.

12、 The Taurus was born on _ _. They are _ _. 4. The Virgo are_ _. They were born in the season of _ _. 5. If you are Aquarius, you are_ _. You were born in _ _. 6. Some people believe that people born under the same_ _ share _ _characteristics 四、选词或者词组填空take care of, worry too much, saves money, help,

13、 divide into1. Youd better not _about him. He has grown into a 19-year-old young man.2. How did the wise man _ the 17 sheep _three parts?3. A nurses job is _ _ patients.4. He always _ _ in the bank near his house.5. It is_ to have a look at what you learned before exams.第2课时一、用适当形式填空1. selfish 2. di

14、vided 3. to walk 4. successfully 5. decides二、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词1. energetic 2. outgoing 3. confident 4. selfish 5. patient 6. curious三、根据课文内容填空1. Gemini,clever, outgoing, talkative; kind, 22nd June-22nd Jul; 2. 21st Apr -21st May ,stubborn, hardworking,patient;3. modest, practical, summer;4. kind, wise, spring;5. star sign ,similar 四、选词填空1. worry too much, 2. divide into 3. to take care of, 4. saves money, 5. helpful


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