九年级英语下册 Unit 1 Life in Mars Reading I精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、九年级英语下册 Unit 1 Life in Mars Reading I精品学案 牛津译林版课题9B Unit1 Reading I学习目标知识目标To understand the context of a future life on another planet.能力目标To recognize and understand vocabulary about life on Mars.To recognize and list differences between life on Earth and life情感目标To arouse the Ss awareness of mise

2、ry学习重点vocabulary about life on Mars学习难点recognize and list differences between life on Earth and life on Mars 课前自学I.learn the words by heart.1.想象 2.开发 3.漂浮 4.连接 5.呼吸 6.系,扎 7.拥挤的 8.被污染的 9.行星 10.确定的 11.流行的 12.令人愉快的 13.令人恐惧的 14.科学家 15.移居者 16.张/片 17.药 18.恒星 19.任务 20.箱 21.味觉 22.怀着希望地 23.交通 24.旅程 25.速度 26.

3、人类 27.专门地 II.Read the article more carefully and try to tell the following sentences T or F. If it is false, please correct the mistake. 1. By 2100, people might live on Mars. ( ) 2 .Mars is becoming crowded and polluted. ( ) 3. By 2100,the space shuttles can travel at half the speed of sound. 4. By

4、 2100, scientists can develop plants on Mars to get food and oxygen ( ) 5 Humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves lighter. ( )课堂交流展示1. Do you believe that humans will ever be able to live on a different planet ? (个人展示)2.说出部分课文中的生词,展示自己的预习。(小组展示)3. Listen to the tape and answer t

5、he following questions: 1. How long does it take to fly to Mars at present? 2.What is the gravity on Mars? 3.Where will we live on Mars? 4.How will we study,do homework and take exams? 5. What will food be like on Mars?4.Debate (辩论)(小组展示)Topic: Do you believe that life on Mars is better than that on

6、 the earth?For(正方): I believe so because. Against(反方): I dont believe so because. 5.Fill in the chart.Life on Earth todayLife on Mars in 2100课堂达标检测词组翻译:1.难以想象 2.到2100年 3.目前 4.变得越来越拥挤,污染 5.以光速的一半 6. 对早期的定居者来说是一个问题7.八分之三的 8.使许多人感觉不舒服 9.漂浮在太空 10.在许多方面 学习感悟:10-21.难以想象 be hard to imagine 2.到2100年 by the year of 21003.目前 at the moment4.变得越来越拥挤,污染 become more and more crowed and polluted5.以光速的一半at the speed of light6. 对早期的定居者来说是一个问题 be a problem for the early settlers7.八分之三的 three-eighths 8.使许多人感觉不舒服make many people uncomfortable 9.漂浮在太空float away into space 10.在许多方面 in many ways


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