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1、四年级下册英语天天练四年级下册英语天天练A1 、 2 、 have a look.3 、 We like PE.Like PE? No, 4 、翻译:什么科目5、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择适宜的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground. In this building 楼 , you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor

2、. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on the second floor. It ?s big and clean. I like it. 1、 There are classrooms in my school. A 、 thirty B 、 thirteen 2、 The playground is . A 、 small B 、 big 3、 The library is on the floor. A、 firs

3、t B 、 second 4、 My classroom is A 、 clean B 、 small 5、 I my school. A 、 don?t like B 、 likeB1 、 table skate food good down window books lessons pity swim2 、阅读理解,从 AB两个句子中,选择适宜的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four

4、classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen at school. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven o ?clock. I go to bed at nine thirty. 1、 I get up at .A 、 6:40 B 、 6:30( ) 2、 I have at 7:10 A、lunch B 、 breakfast( ) 3、 I have classes all day.(全天;一整天 ) A

5、、 four B 、 six ( )4、Ihave lunch . A 、at school B 、at home( ) 5、 I go to bed at . A、 seven o ?clock B 、 nine thirtyC1 、( ) ( ( ) sleep meet ( ) watch afternoon( 2 、 our (单数形式)6: 45中文十、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“/,错的打“X(10分)I ?m ZhangPeng. It ?s 6:40. It ?s time to get up. I wear my new T-shirt. It?syellow. And I

6、wear my green shorts. They ?re old. But I like them very much. I have P.E. class today, so I wear my white shoes. At 7:00, I have some hamburgers and milk for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:20.( ) 1、 I get up at 6:40.( ) 2、 I have a yellow shirt. Its new.( ) 3、 I like my green shorts.( ) 4、 I w

7、ear green shoes today.( ) 5、 I have breakfast at 7:20.D1 、 ( )ten desk ( )red behind( )lake grape ( ) she meet( ) easy great2、一 where is helen? it s time for home 。ShesA.in the bedrooom.B.inthepark C.in the livingroom3、一C an you see birds?Y es, they are cute4、Read and judge.(读短文,判断正误,用“ T或“ F表示)10分D

8、ear Grandma: How are you? Thank you for the new shirt. It?s beautiful. I like it.Now I am writing(写) at the new school. This is a nice school. The trees are green; the flowers are red and yellow. We have a music room, an art room, a computer room, a canteen and a library. The playground is so big. W

9、e can play football there.Oh, it ?s time to go home now. Let me stop here. Welcome to my school and welcome to my home.( ) (1) John is writing to his mother.( ) (2) John has a new jacket.( ) (3) John ?s school is nice.( ) (4) The playground is big.( ) (5) They can play football on the playground.E1、

10、单词辨音,选不同、阅读短文,判断句子的正(丁)误(F)。10%Im Alice. This is our school. It is big. This is my classroom. Its big and clean. Look! That is my desk. It is yellow. My teacher is Miss Li. She is in the classroom. She is a good teacher. I like my teacher.1 、 ( ) My name is Alice.2 、 ( ) My school is small.3 、 ( ) M

11、y classroom is dirty(脏的 ).4 、 ( ) My desk is yellow.5 、 ( ) Miss Li is not in the classroom.阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“ T,错的打“ F10 分Today is Sunday. The weather is warm and windy. I can wear my shirt and jeans. I fly a kite on the playground. Tom and Jack wear their T-shirt and shorts. They play football. But in

12、 Harbin, its cold. Its snowy. People put on their coat and hats. They can make a snowman and skate 滑雪 . It s funny. 1、 It s cloudy and windy today. 2、 Its windy. So I can fly a kite. 3、 Its hot. Tom can wear his T-shirt and shorts. 4、 Its snowy in Harbin today. 5、 I can make a snowman, too.G九、从左边中选择

13、答案答复右边的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中。 10 分1 、 How much are the slippers? A、 It s twelve yuan.2 、 Can I help you ? B、 Yes, please.3 、 Are they cheap? C 、 There are 12.4 、 How many desks are there? D 、 No, they are too expensive.5 、 How much is the T-shirt? E、 Theyre 78 yuan.十、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“ ,错的打“ F 10分Assistant: Ca

14、nI help you, Miss White? Miss White: Yes. I want a pair of sandals, please.Assistant: What size? Miss White: Size nine.Assistant: How about this pair? They are black. They are good. Miss White:How much are they? Assistant: They are 60 yuan.Miss White: Oh. They are too expensive.Assistant: These brow

15、n sandals are cheaper. They?re 30 yuan. Miss White: OK.I will take them. 1、 Miss White wants a pair of sneakers. 2、 The sandals are size nine. 3、 The black sandals are 60 yuan. 4、 The brown sandals are 60 yuan. 5、 Miss White takes the black sandals.Dear Uncle:Thank you for the new jeans. They are ve

16、ry pretty. It?s cool in Beijing.It ?s sunny, too. I can wear my jeans and sweater. I have a pair of new sneakers. My old sneakers are too small. Today is grandma?s birthday. I want to buy someapples for grandma. She likes apples. What?s the weather like at the farm? Isit warm? How many ducks are the

17、re?Your love, John 1.It ?s sunny and cool in Beijing. 2. John can wear the jeans. 3. John?s old sneakers are too big. 4. Today is John ?s birthday. 5. Uncle is at the farm.四年级单词练习根据提示完成句子。1 : How many 兔子 are there in the picture? . 十只2: There are many 猪 and there. 狗3: I see 八 鸭子 and ten . 猫4: What c

18、an you in the picture?I can see two , 马 six , 绵羊 one, 山羊 andone. 母鸡5: Can you spell 十一, 十二, 十三 ,十五 , and 二十 ?6: A: Are these cucumbers? B: Yes, .7: The dress is 好的 , and the skirt is 廉价的9: It s three o ?clock, it 课的时候了 10: ?s for class. 三点了,该去上英语多少 slippers do you have? Two.11 : Can I help you ?Yes,

19、 I want 三个苹果 , 两个橙子 and 五个梨子 。 西瓜 ? Yes, I do.12 :Do you want a 大的 13: 多少钱 are the bananas? 20 Yuan.14: The mouse is小的 , but the elephant is.大的 15 : How much are the ? 梨子 eleven Yuan.16: I want five 香蕉 and three 桃子17: It ?s cold. You ?d better take your . 夹克 18 : It ?s 晴朗的 in Guangzhou. Is it 下雪的 in

20、 HongKong? 19: It ?s cool, I can 穿 my . 衬衣 20 : Good morning, here is the . 天气预报 21 :It ?s cool. 让我们 go to play . 足球 22 :My 牛仔裤 are blue.23: time is it now? It ?s 12 o ?clock. It ?s time for语文课 24 :What is the ? 连衣裙 It s . 红色的 25 : Where are my 短裤 and 袜子。 On the bed.26: I like the 黄色的 T-shirt with t

21、he 白色的 skirt.27: It 7:00. It s for school.28: LetS go to the 教室,it S time for. 英语课29 :Time for 午餐 , Let ?s go to the . 餐厅 30 : Go to the 图书馆read some books.31: We have a new 电脑室 , two 风扇 and four 灯 in our classroom.32: This 操场 is green, That 美术室 is white.33: Look, this is my 学校 。 There is a 音乐室 on t

22、hesecond floor. There is a 图画 on the . 墙壁 34: Today is warm, let ?s go to the . 农场。 My 爸爸is a 农民, my妈妈is a 医生,my姐姐is a学生 , my 哥哥 is a 教师。35 : 多少钱 is this skirt?36: I like音乐and数学。37 :Where is the 电脑 ? It ?s on the . 讲台 38 :This 尺子 is too 长的, I want a 短的on e.39: The 地板 is 绿色 .40: , , , , five, , , , t

23、en lambs. I love them.41: What ?s in your ? 书包 There are one, 铅笔盒 ten , 铅笔 three , 尺子 and many 书本 in it.42: Mike is a . 男孩 Amy is a . 女孩. They are学生 .43: Welcome to my. 家.Look, This is my 房间,there isa书桌 , a 椅子, a 床, a big 窗.44: Amy is my good 朋友,she has big 眼睛,a small鼻子 , black hair and a small .嘴巴

24、45:1? like some 鱼, 米饭, 鸡肉for my dinner,and have some 面包 and 牛奶 .知识点音标:1. 时间、节日前面要用 at ,月份前面用 in ,具体某月某日用 on 。2. should 应该, shouldn ?t 不应该,后面要接动词原形。 need to 需要, want to 想 要, to 后面用动词原形。3. How often 多久,询问时间频率, once a day 一天一次, twice a week 一周 2 次, three times a month 一个月 3 次。 How many 多少,后面要接名词复数形式, H

25、ow much 多少,接不可数名词。4.in the future 在未来 the house of the future 未来的房子5. 第三人称 he,she,it 等做主语,后面动词要变化,一般加s ,如: It oftenrains. It never snows。 sh 结尾就力口 es,女口 washes the dishes , combs her hair6. 用 will 来问,肯定答复用 will ,否认答复用 won?t 。7. 用 why 问,用 because 答复。8. 掌握下面节日单词:Easter eat chocolate eggs-April Hallowe

26、en -play trick or treatOctoberthe Dragon Boat Festivalwatch boat races Christmasget presents DecemberChinese New Yearget lucky money FebruaryChildren?s Day is in June. May Day is in May.New Year ?s Day is in January. Christmas is in December.Chinese New Year is in February. Halloween is in October.M

27、id-autumn Day is in September. Easter is in April.三 重点句子1. A: Will there be cats and dogs in the future? B: I think so.2. A: I will go shopping at four o?clock. Do you want to come? B: Yes, I do.3. A: Can we go there for our next holiday? B: Sure.6. It ?s very cold in Harbin in winter. It often snow

28、s.7. In Shanghai, it?s cool in spring.8. In Shenzhen, it never snows.?s cool and dry in winter. But sometimes it?s cold,it9. In winter, it?s cold in Changchun. It often snows.10. In autumn, it?s cool and dry in Beijing.But it?s very hot insummer.11. In summer, it often rains in Guangzhou. It?s hot.1

29、2. In Hangzhou, it?s warm and wet in spring. It often rains.13. Tom drinks a lot of Coke every day.14. Sam and David brush their teeth twice a day.15. Paul often reads books when he walks.16. Penny reads books every day.17. Candy often says ,please?and ,thank you ?.18. John doesn?t wash his hands be

30、fore meals.19. Tim likes eating meat, but he doesn ?t like vegetables.20. Pat gets up late every day.21. Sally always throws rubbish in the bin.四 文段: 重点理解?t like1Every day, Tim gets up late so he always runs to school. He doesn English, so he never reads English in the morning. He eats lunch at scho

31、ol. Before meal, he washes his hands. He likes eating meat and vegetables, but he doesn?t like sports.2My house of the future will be like this.In the living room, there will be a big TV and a long sofa. We will watchTV and play there.In the bedrooms, there will be big beds and wardrobes.In the libr

32、ary, there will be a lot of books and CDs. We will read books and listen to music there.The kitchen will be big. We will cook and eat there.There will be a big swimming pool. We will swim there.3Teacher: There are four seasons in a year. What are they?Kitty: They are spring, summer, autumn and winte

33、r.Teacher: Very good, Kitty. Alice, do you like spring?Alice: Yes, spring is nice. It?s warm. It ?s not cold.The leaves are green. The grass is green, too.We can see many beautiful flowers.Teacher: Do you like spring, Peter?Peter: No, I don?t. Ilike autumn. It?s cool and dry. The leaves are brownand

34、 yellow. We can fly kites in the park and play football on the playground.4Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. We also call it “ Spring Festival .We can have a happy holiday. In the evening before the Chinese New Year ,we have a big dinner. In some places people like to have du

35、mplings. Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food ,wear new clothes and get lucky money. This money is given to children for good luck .People visit families and friends with some presents. People like the Spring Festival, during this time they can have a good rest.5We say, Thank you. We say, Please.We listen when people talk to us.We share 分享 our toys and take our turn.Good manners aren,t too hard to learn.It,s really easy, when you find.Good manners means JUST BEING KIND!最后记得每天朗读背诵课本 73-76 页的单词


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