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1、2Book 2 Unit 3 On the move主题语境:人与社会一体育运动和健康的生活方式第一课时L Starting out &Using language P25-P28 自主学习L词汇回顾与含义自测体育运动运动项目surfing场地、器械 和人员goal, equipment, soldier,比赛defend, twist, conflict, death, rule, pass, score,其他represent, basis, content, factor, assure词缀前缀后缀-ic plastic-er soldier-ment equipment-ity pop

2、ularity-al professional(2)a matter of(4)enjoy popularity (6)whafs more(8)break out(10)be shaped like2.写出下列词块的含义: (l)to ones hearts content (3)go back(5)a piece of equipment(7)be equipped with (9)take.fbr example(ll)put down3 .翻译下列句子并分析句子结构。(1) Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to t

3、he Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world!(2) It was then known as cuju (kick ball), a game using a ball of animal skins with hair inside.(3) That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity.(4) All over the world you can se

4、e kids playing to their hearts content with a ball made of plastic bags.(5) It breaks down walls and bring people together on and off the field.答案:(1)想想当年尼尔-阿姆斯特朗曾想把足球带上月球,我们甚至可以 说它也是地球之外最受欢迎的运动!(2)当时这种运动成为蹴鞠(“以脚踢球”),使用的球是由动物皮革 填充毛发制成的。(3)足球是非常简便的一项运动,这或许是它受欢迎的最根本的原因。(4)在世界各地你都可以看到孩子们心满意足地踢着用塑料袋团成的

5、球。(5)足球打破隔阂,将赛场内外的人们凝聚在一起。4 .主题延伸一足球小知识Facts about footballBackground informationNeil Armstrong was born in the US in 1930. HE was he commander of the Apollo 11 manned lunar landing mission, and was the first man to step on the lunar surface. Armstrong passed away in 2012 at the age of 82.IL Startin

6、g out &Using language 学案Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3Conclusioi?1 .阅读教材P2627,回答以下问题。Footballenjoyspopularityin theworld答案: Reason 1: It is a simple and cheap game to play.Reason 2: It is a game with creativity and excitement.Reason 3: It breaks down walls and brings people together. Conclusion: Football

7、is much more than just a sport.2 .翻译并分析句子结构。(1) (That football is such a simple game to play ) is perhaps the.主语主句谓语在一个复合句中,由一个句子作主语时,这个句子叫主语从句。主语从句和主句是通过连词连接而成的,本句连词是that引导的, 此句也可改为由it作形式主语的句子。eg. That he will come is certain.=It is certain that he will come.(2) Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to

8、take a football to the Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world!that引导条件状语从句,意为“如果,假定.;考虑到”eg. Given that theyre inexperienced, they have done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们已经做得很好了。(3) It was then known as cuju (kick ball), a game using a ball主语 同位语名词+同位语同位语用以对句子中某一成

9、分进一步解释说明,置于被说明的词之后,与该词为同等语法地位。同位语常由名词、代词、数词、从句 等充当。We students should put our heart into study.毓同位语(4) AH over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts content with a ball made of plastic bags.感官动词(watch、notice see、observefeel 等)+宾语+doing/done 现在分词作宾补表主动、进行、过去分词作宾补表被动、完成J如: I saw kids play

10、ing with a ball.I heard the song sung in the room.(5) t breaks dawn walls and brinu people together on and off the field. 一此句有三个短语,break down本意为“(机器、车辆等)出故障”, 在此句可理解为“打侄h砸破二bring sb together意为“使团结起来J3.重点难点词及短语解析(1) popular adj popularity n be popular with/among 之间That nurse is very popular with litt

11、le children.这位护士在小孩子们中非常受欢迎。Her popularity with teenagers is just surprising.她在青少年中受欢迎这件事真令人惊讶。(2) represent v 代表、表示A dove represents peace.鸽子象征和平。Mr. Smith was chosen to represent the company at the conference.史密斯先生在会议中被选为代表公司的人选。(3) equipment U 装备,设备 equip vbe equipped with 用装备a piece of equipment

12、 一件设备The factory is equipped with all the modern machinery.这个工厂备有全部最新的机器。(4) content n/adj 满意,满足;to one9s heart5s content尽情地,心满意足地be content with 满意。Are you content with your work?你对你的工作满意吗?(5) assureassure sb that向某人保证assure sb of sth向某人保证某事。The doctor has assured iis that shell be fine.医生向我们保证她会没有

13、事的。The art dealer had assured me of the paintings quality. 艺术品商人向我保证过画的质量。Ill本课小结与自测1 .语篇类型为论说文,课文分析了足球在全世界流行的原因。本课介 绍了足球相关术语,学生通过分析作者的写作意图,理解细节信息等 形式,探究主题意义。3.词块短语反向自测(1)尽情地,心满意足地一件设备以为例关乎.的事情爆发;发生2 .主题语境 人与社会一体育运动和健康的生活方式体育运动运动项 目surfing场地、器 械 和人员goal, equipment, soldier,比赛defend, twist, conflict,

14、 death, rule, pass, score,其他represent, basis, content, factor, assure词 缀前缀后缀-ic plastic-er soldier-ment equipment-ity popularity-al professional(2)追溯到=date back(4)用装备(6)放下;写下(8)受欢迎(10)被塑造成4 .重难点汇总(1)感官动词+宾语+doing/done结构(2)初步了解主语从句、given that引导条件状语从句、同位语等语法 概念。(3)popular, represent, equipment, content, assure 等词的讲解及使用。5 .翻译句子(1)医生向我们保证她会没有事的。(assure)(2)艺术品商人向我保证过画的质量。(assure)(3)你对你的工作满意吗? (content)(4)这个工厂备有全部最新的机器。(equip)(5)史密斯先生在会议中被选为代表公司M人选。(represent)(6)这位护士在小孩子们中非常受欢迎。(popular)


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