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1、marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmallandeval

2、uation andse lecti on, producedpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13factcont

3、i nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintainpriseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, costprofessionabi

4、lateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Prm-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,haovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolici

5、e s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of hu

6、man re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreng to a dvance furt her.nced Uniti n thebuilEstabli sh adingofehol ding system implementatinterprise cultureof reform andhew holeteam -buildiother honorary titles.Tbuil

7、ding int o aperformance revie,wprnt problems ofcorporateculture promoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfiveoje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cult ureachievement award ofexcelle nce.-starby Datang a nd theteam.T

8、heacci dent earlywarFour, insist s on six culturalninga nd preventi on systemwasratedaconstruction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjobnt, innovation manag一、编制依据2二、工程概况3三、施工进度计划安排3四、主要人员配备3五、主要机械设备配备4六、施工段划分4七、主要施工方法和过程4八、施工注意事项6九、试块的取样和留置7十、质量标准7十一、成品保护8十二、安全文明施工8ecurit y, profit,maintainsta

9、 bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment asthe mai ncontent ofthethree guara ntees theme practiceactivitiesa nd stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofwork.Staff participatingint he hone st andcl ean culture constructionseminars,staffssenseofpro

10、bityand e nhance d. Foundedby honestinspe ctors team composed of12 empl oyeesto broa dent hechannels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish fourgood leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%totheteam.-Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe openterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegation leadermeeting ofthe2

11、6 systemtodi scuss and safeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstr uctur eofthe missi on,the w ork ofstrengthening.Organize mai ntena ncel abor emulation andhealthCup com petition,enhance theskills of staff.Organizedavarietyofcultural activities, physi caland mentalhealtharthqua

12、ke,donatedallthe com pany empl oyees,t o lov” r-*e “sosupportthedi saster areas.Thi s year, thecomSecond i sto stre ngthen theinternagement a nalysis, to improvemaoncosts.Harmoniousdevelopmentofnagement qualit y,improveharmoni ousdevel opme nt-is to constructa foreignenvironmentforInnovation of scie

13、 nceand technology-scienceand technologyi nnovationidevelopment. XINGrefersto theinternalse curityfirmand inter nalmanageme ntof theisto play t herole of scie nceand technol ogy ast heprimaryprnternalma nagement measures areeffective, harmoni ous.oductiveforce,active use ofnew technologie s,ne wmate

14、rials,newpr ocesses, newequiForeigncurrencymeans Enterprisecoor dinati ngdeve lopme ntofhomeopathy,pment, i ncrea seinvestmenti一.i .n scienceawell,get alongwitvhthe neighbor s better.(B)heni ngscientific a nd te chnolnterprise s buildi ngintri nsciogicaltrai ning, speesafety powercompanygding uptran

15、sformingscientific and te chnoloalsare:unpla nned outage0 times. Classogical a一numbercedchnol ogy, e nhand equipment ace-saving -the -resource vig ccide ntsdo not occur, no fire, no envirssaving enterpri sewast一 -onme ntalmarketing S inter n- g - ”., a- - - cea -, eecrciy-pply s gua-nt- d. I ay h ca

16、l ive nty, getrewads of -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma ad biatea trade a toeecri ciy 1615 b.nkW, -eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 milin kit,111%make Sae in J-g su Pr ov- ranked fist ithe smecaacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li nkage polce s onJuy 1 and - r-e ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd

17、25 point s prof. b bc d sg mc.tly * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w okes aon , skuabg t he et I FurtI- ss ma nage met. Ful appr_al r.gU.1on* .cent-.一tC.mp.e the e e - dde cnti nues to h. he. ca- d out to laiai、编制依据序号名称编勺1混凝土结构工程施,及验收规范GB50204-20022建筑工程施_L质量验收统一GB50300-20013混凝土质量控制标

18、准GB50164-924混凝土强度检验评定标准GBJ107-875凝土泵送施工技JGJ/T10-956建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-20017施工现场临日悔电安全技术规范JGJ46-888北京市建筑安装工程施工工艺规程(第一册)9建筑安装工程资料管理规程cuuiy pri, . s y aha -them.conehr- guaate T t-e pact - acilie sand seg frex_plT -mp.n,pay ad fuute mpr ofwrk Safari*. a nd cean cutue consucton _mia ss-Is sene ad i nsppc

19、tor ecm the canes of s.e - i on.Adee toe bls fuu god e.esi, ac-ies saf sakacin ae of 9% I the t.Go.w . rk dy_c offacory fra l. iterssof d- gaio.ea der sys-tdis_ and s_g -oca. r.s “or” zmn. isok of . heig. Ogaie ma ntea nne abor .m n ad eat Cup .of sal. Or -marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , bus

20、iness a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmalland bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 bil

21、lion kWh,seekingremovalcom pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkage policie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita

22、 bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bouragreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incen

23、tive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinductiongangsystem,14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13

24、fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementati on,and pr omotingt hew holeteam -buildi ng goa ls,stre ng

25、the ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpromoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,respectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four,insist s on six cultural construction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr uct

26、i on andt he inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companiesadhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe

27、 cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assiste d, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalAdvancedUnitin thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform an

28、d ope ning up 30 and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solvingmanagementproblems ofcorporate culturepr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChinas pow ero

29、finnovation management,innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain二、工程概况本工程为一分厂二跨地面改造工程,一分厂大型设备安装后原地面质量较差、环境不能达标,对原地面破碎拆除后新做地面。拆除原硅地面2350m,拆除原方砖地面 160 m2。新建地面为200m厚C2

30、5硅地面,面层为金属骨料耐磨地面。三、施工进度计划安排1. 原地面破除清运出场5 天2. 基层表面清理冲洗2 天3. 浇筑前的准备工作2 天4. 东侧砼地面施工2 天5. 西侧砼地面施工2 天6. 砼地面养护77. 地面切缝3 天8. 竣工清理2 天合计得总工期为25 天四、主要人员配备现场设置项目经理部,配备项目经理1 人, 技术负责人1 人,质检员 1 人,施工工长1 人,测量员1人;ecurit y, profit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment as themaincontent ofthethree guarant

31、ee s themepracti ce activities andstressingpartyspirit,t oconduct, forexamplecampaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe levelofwork.Staffparticipatinginthe honesta ndcle an culture construction seminars,staffssenseofprobityand enhanced.Foundedbyhonesti nspect orsteam compose dof 12em ployeest o broa

32、den t hechannelsof supervision.Adhereto establish fourgood leadershi pactivities,staffsatisfaction rate of 98%totheteam. -Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterests ofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on lea der meeting ofthe 26 systemtodi sc

33、uss and safeg uardtheirdemocratic rights.Improvethe organi zationalstructure of themission,thework ofstrengt hening. Organize mai ntenancelaborem ulation andhealth Cupcom petition,e nhancethe skills ofstaff.Organizedavarietyofcultural a ctivities,physica l andme ntalhealt h care staff,to createa har

34、monious atmosphere.Duringthe Wenchuan e reduce coalconsumption,waterconsumption,el ectricity at thecore ,enhancethe operati onoflea n managementto reamarketing S inter n- g - ”., a- - - cea -, eecrciy-pply s gua-nt- d. I ay h cal ive nty, getrewads of -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma ad biatea t

35、rade a toeecri ciy 1615 b.nkW, -eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 milin kit,111%make Sae in J-g su Pr ov- ranked fist ithe smecaacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li nkage polce s onJuy 1 and - r-e ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b bc d sg mc.tly * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agree

36、ment cntrct w okes aon , skuabg t he et I FurtI- ss ma nage met. Ful appr_al r.gU.1on* .cent-.一tC.mp.e the e e - dde cnti nues to h. he. ca- d out to laiai另组织施工队进行施工,配备瓦工3人,混凝土工6人,抹灰工7人,壮工10人,电工1人;五、主要机械设备配备序号名称数量1破碎机1台2挖土机1台3自卸汽车4辆4振动棒5根5平板振动器2台67 m槽钢刮杠274 m铝合金刮杠4根8混凝土压光机2台9切缝机1台六、施工段划分本工程施工分两段进行,以

37、新老设备为界,先做东侧,后做西侧。七、主要施工方法和过程marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsuprovincialgover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.

38、Thr ough t hesmalland bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremovalcompensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkage policie s on July 1 a nd Augus

39、t20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bouragreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage men

40、t.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformanceappraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinductiongangsystem,14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cul

41、tivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system imp

42、lementati on,and pr omotingt hew holeteam -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpromotingthe construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,respectively,1track,4teamfourstarratedfive-starby Datang a nd theteam.Four,insist s on six cultural construction

43、of harmoniousdevel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andt he inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companiesadhere to theShe n

44、hua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assiste d, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalA

45、dvancedUniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform and ope ning up 30 and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solvingmanagementproblems ofcorporate culturepr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent

46、earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChinas pow erofinnovation management,innovation managementofelectricpowerenterprisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain1. 施工顺序:破除老地面- 运碎渣材料准备定位放线找标高做灰饼混凝土摊铺振捣粗刮细刮提浆撒布金属骨料表面磨光养护切割伸缩缝。2. 用破碎机对老地面进行破碎,及时将碎渣清运出场,将基层面清理干净;3. 本工程的定位放线和标高控制是技术重点,在厂房墙体上弹上地面标高线,并每隔3m 一道设置标高


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