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1、学校学科 年级2017级单元第 4 单元主备老师 审稿者课时第 2 课时副备老师时间2015年 月 日目标识记生词短语:service, pretty, menu, act, meal, creative掌握句型:Welcome to How do you like it so far? Which is the worst clothes store in town? Dream Clothes. Its worse than Blue Moon. It has the worst service. What do you think of 970FM? I think 970FM is p

2、retty bad. It has the worst music. Thanks for doing sth语法:形容词、副词的最高级的用法重难点1. 学会使用service, pretty, menu, act, meal, creative等单词;2. 准确使用形容词、副词的最高级。授课类型语法、读写课授课内容SectionA五环教 学 流 程 与 设 计我的修改自主学习(课前预习)拼读生词(从service至creative),然后跟着录音大声朗读。合作学习使用(课中释疑)1、预习检查:小组内朗读2d,模仿磁带的语音语调。2、小组内表演2d3、根据录音填空A: Hi, Im Grey.

3、 Im new in town. B: Hi, I m Hellen. _ _ the neighborhood! How do you like it _ _?A: Its fantastic, but I still dont really know my _ _.B: Well, the _ supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the _ food there.A: Oh, great. Is there a cinema _ _ ? I love _ _.B: Yes, Sun Cinema is the _ one. You ca

4、n sit _ _ _ because they have the _ _.A: Thanks _ _ me.B: _ _ 探究学习展示(课中做)形容词、副词的最高级的用法:句型:in/of Which is A, B or C?1. Whats the _(good) movie theater to go to? Town Cinema. Its _(close) to home. And you can buy tickets _(quick) there.2. Which is _(bad) clothes store in town? Dream Clothes. Its _ (ba

5、d) than Blue Moon. It has _(bad) service.3. What do you think Wanda Cinema? I think it is pretty _(good). It has _(big) screen.4. Of all the movie theaters, Jinyi Movie Theater has _(comfortable) seats.5. Who is _ (careful) child in our class? Jack is.6. Changjiang river is the third _(long) in the

6、world.自主学习(课后巩固)完成3a3c的所有任务一、翻译下列词组:镇上最差的餐馆 _最舒适的座位_最贵的电影院_ 最差的服装店_最便宜的电台_ 多远_10分钟的公共汽车_最好的服务_二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Miss Li is one of _(popular) teachers in our school.2. This watch is _(cheap) than that one.3. The coffee is good. Thats right. It will taste _(well) with some milk.4. The more you smile, th

7、e _ (happy) you will feel.5. She sang a song I believe I can fly in Yangzhou English Classic Reading Contest. I have never heard a _(good) voice than that before.6. This is _(good) article by far that I have ever read.7. Town cinema is one of _(cheap) cinemas in town.8. He is a very_ student. He does homework _ in our class.(care)9. This coat is too small. Do you have a _(big) one?10. Lily is the second _(thin) girl in our school.反思我学会了_ 我运用了_我帮助了_ 我得到了_我还需要 _


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