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1、Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Section B (3a-4) 教学设计 金陵中学 李列娥一 教材依据Go for it 人教版 八年级上册 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Section B (3a-4)二 设计思路Unit 3. Section B是围绕Vacation Plans.这一话题所进行的听说读写的综合训练;首先提问学生的周末计划,导入新课学习一篇度假计划,然后联系实际运用be doing 来描述自己的度假计划。给学生提供贴近生活实际,内容健康的资源,培养他们的积极性,使他们敢于开口

2、,大胆说英语,大胆用英语交流,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。通过写度假计划激起学生热爱自己的亲人,热爱祖国的大好河山,培养学生美好的生活情感。本单元的教学宗旨是通过本单元的学习让学生运用所学目标语言,积极投身到生活实践中去,实现自己的价值。能在描述自己的计划和打算时,激起学生热爱自己的亲人,热爱祖国的大好河山,培养学生美好的生活情感。本节课是本单元的第一课时,是一节听说课,通过本节课学习,让学生学会用现在进行时态表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。首先通过提问的方式导入新课,并呈现一些图片,让学生学习新短语,接下来通过图片,练习短语,让学生更加熟悉新短语,再通过Groupwork 环节让学生对

3、短语加以巩固,从而活学活用。在学生完成前面的教学环节后,要练习的就是听力,它不仅是对学生听力能力的训练,也是对本节课语言知识的一个巩固。听力训练结束后让学生做好课前精心设计的练习,以检测当堂的教学效果。三 教学目标1、 语言知识目(1)掌握动词短语,核心词汇。take a vacation.think about.decide on.spend.nature.finish(2) be doing所表达一般将来时. 2、 语言技能目标 (1)能围绕vacation plan这一话题作较具体的描述。 (2)学会书写假期安排或计划,并合理安排自己的假期活动.3、 学习策略目标:学生能在老师的引导下,

4、形成自主学习、合作学习、用英语思维,动手写作能力。联系实际练习英语,提高学生听说读写的能力。 4、 情感态度目标:激起学生向往大自然,热爱大自然,热爱祖国的美好情感。 四 教学重点1阅读并理解文章内容,学会正确运用短文中词汇和短语。2 学会运用正确的阅读方法,提高阅读能力。3 学会写度假计划 五 教学难点1、掌握be doing句型的意义、功能和用法。 2 运用Be doing和文章的单词短语练习写作。六 教学准备1录音机和磁带2度假的一些图片。3做好的教学课件。七 教学过程Step 1 Lead-inAsk questions: what are going to do this weeke

5、nd?Ask a student do a survey and do a report.Ask studens:Do you have a vacation plan?Report:A is going hiking. B is taking walks C is renting videos. D is going bike riding.Step 2 Reading_3a1.Groupwork:ask a student to read new words,others listen.find the words that they cant read.Then change other

6、 students in a group2 Fast reading.Ask studens read the passage quickly and write the number of the pictures in the passage.Check the answers3 Careful reading.Listen to the tape and read the passage again.Discuss in groups and the truth or the false.1) Ben Lambert is taking a vacation in Greece.F 2)

7、 He plans to have a relaxing vacation. T3) Ben Lambert is taking a vacation this winter.F4) He is visiting some friends.F5) He is sleeping a lot.T6) He is spending time in the city.F7) He is staying there for two weeks.F8) He loves nature.T4 According to passage,fill in the chart. thought about _ de

8、cided on_ take vacations_ want to do _ heard_ know_ where _when _How long _what _how _let stedents work in groups.check their answers5 PracticeRole play Ask the students to act out the dialogue according to the chart above. One is a TV reporter, the other is Ben Lambert. A: Excuse me. May I ask you

9、some questions?B:A: What are you doing for vacation? B:A: When are you leaving?B;A: How long are you staying?B; A: What are you doing there?B:6 Explain:be famous for sth/doing sththink about sth/doing sthplan_planning_plannedplan to do sthThen ask students to make some sentencesStep 3 Practice 3b1.

10、Read and complete the article about Julias vacation plans. Students can have different answers2. Answer the questions. 1). What does Julia Morgan do? 2).What are her vacation plans? Step 4 Writing3C My vacation plans or My best friends vacation plans you should tell :where .when .How long and what,

11、about vacation plans.Ask some students to read their plans,compare which one is the best.Step 5 Summary Learn about Ben Lamberts vacation plans and write vacation plans about you and your friends Step 6 Homework1 Fill in the blanks. Ben Lambert is a _ French singer. He is _ this summer. He _Canada.

12、He is _ the first week in June and _ until September. He plans to have a _ vacation. He is _, _, go fishing, _ video and sleeping a lot. He is planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside and he hope to _ all his problems. He thinks its a great vacation2 Writing My mothers vacation plans八 教学反

13、思本节课从教学设计,组织教学到导入新课,创设情景,整体课堂教学效果很好。教学层次分明,由浅入深,分层教学体现较好。教学课件运用恰当,既起到了直观生动的作用,又扩大了课堂容量。教师创设情景,提供给学生的各种活动,贴近学生生活,激发他们学习的兴趣,学生参与活动的力度大,使得整个课堂活了起来,成为动态的课堂,为学生学习英语创设了良好的环境。当然本节课也有不足之处:1. 课堂时间安排还不够科学合理,课文时间安排过多,书面练习时间相对较少。在以后的面的教学中,应充分合理安排教学时间。 2. 本节课的归纳总结,让学生先做,教师应及时的指导。在今后的教学活动中不断更新教学理念,充分调动学生的学习积极性,创设生动、活泼的教学情境,引导学生自主学习,创建高效课堂。 3 经过本节课的学习,我对学生有了更多的了解.中等英语水平的同学居多,而且,大多数同学对于听力和口头表达来说,还能跟上。但是动手能力太差,尤其是表现在写作上,文章中错句子和错单词较多.因此,在以后的教学中,我要加强训练学生的英语写作能力,加强书面表达能力的训练。 这节课的英语教学给了我很多启示.这对于我来说,可谓是一笔巨大的财富.“教无定法,如何提高课堂效率,使用45分钟能够使学生得到最大收益,我还得多研究和学习!学无止境,然任重而道远!


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