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1、2017-2018学年度第二学期期中考试高二年级英语学科试题满分:120分 考试时间:100 分钟 第I卷 第一部分: 听力(略)第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节;满分40分)第一节 (共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWant a journey that is really more interesting than the destination? Then you might want to fly to one of these airports.The runway where planes

2、 have been known to drop off a cliffTaking off at the Matekane airstrip (飞机跑道) in Lesotho, South Africa, is a frightening experience, as the plane soars over an about 600-metre cliff face after taking off.Matekanes runway sits 2,286 metres up on a mountain gully (沟渠), so it takes nerves of steel to

3、both land and take off. If a plane doesnt manage to pick up enough speed on the 400 metre-long airstrip, it falls off the cliff before it takes flight.The ice runwayMany travellers find plane landings a terrifying enough prospect ordinarily, but imagine if the runway were made of ice!Thats a reality

4、 for anyone flying into Doris Lake Aerodrome - a privately owned ice runway located on Doris Lake in Nunavut, Canada. The small airport is open from January to April and it mainly operates for gold mining.The failed runwayThe French tried to build a concrete airstrip at their Dumont D Urville resear

5、ch station in the Antarctic more than two decades ago.But they failed when the area was badly damaged by a storm, just months before its completion.Work was stopped because attempts to rebuild the airstrip would have negatively affected local wildlife, but small aircraft still use the long, snow-fre

6、e area to land.The inner-city water airstripVancouvers seaplane terminal in Canada is home to the worlds largest all-seaplane airline.Flying down at high speed and then landing on water is exciting enough for most passengers, but what really makes this particular port so special is its location. Its

7、 located in the middle of downtown Vancouver, among the citys tallest skyscrapers.21. What is special about the Matekane airstrip?A. It is constructed on ice. B. It is open for one month every April.C. It was built for scientific research. D. It is on the edge of a cliff.22. Where is the inner-city

8、water airstrip located? A. In Canada B. In France C. In South Africa D. In the Antarctic23. Due to the environmental protection factor, _ was never completed. A. the runway on Doris Lake B. the runway at the Dumont D Urville research station C. the airstrip in the middle of downtown Vancouver D. the

9、 Matekane airstrip in Lesco BWhen I flew into this country, the sides of the runway were littered with destroyed aircraft, large and small. On the seven-hour drive to our hospital, we passed old stone houses built into the sides of mountains with seemingly normal country life going on in the small v

10、illages, and I wished I were visiting this place as a tourist. But the conflict, which has been ongoing for almost two years, is impossible to ignore: we saw broken-down bridge, destroyed overpasses (天桥) and pieces of shrapnel (弹片) everywhere.You can hear shooting and air attacks throughout the day

11、and night in the hospital. You very quickly get to know the direction of the shooting. I couldnt help but think about the people living in this situation for much longer than I have, trying to get on with their normal lives surrounded by conflict and fear. The markets are running, and there are peop

12、le in the streets, but you never know when and where theres going to be an air attack. Its very sad to think about the fear that they are forced to live with.Our hospital is in a building originally intended as a hotel. Our focus is on children and reproductive health services.Ill never forget the f

13、irst twins delivered at the hospital. They were born at just seven months to a young first-time mother, and were small enough to hold in the palm of my hand. Because they were so premature, the chance of their survival was low, but the staff finally saved their lives. And seven weeks later we discha

14、rged two very healthy twins, Ola and Osman. Their parents were so appreciative - it was a joy to see the satisfaction on their mothers and fathers faces as they left the hospital.Its amazing to see the direction of the local health staff. The war is affecting them and their families, yet they still

15、show up for work, sometimes crossing frontlines to get there.24. What does the author want to tell us in the first paragraph? A. The country is heavily affected by war. B. The country isnt worth visiting for tourists. C. The villages are full of destroyed building. D. It took the author a long time

16、to get to the country by air.25. The hospital is _. A. quite far away from the frontline B. built for child delivery and mother care C. built in a hotel to protect it from air attacks D. a place for the homeless to live temporarily26. What happened to the twins? A. They were born early. B. Their mot

17、her died after their birth. C. They were abandoned during the war. D. They grew up in the hospital.27. What is the authors attitude towards the local doctors and nurses? A. Ashamed B. Disappointed C. Admiring D. EnviousCHumanoid robots were out of fashion at this years BoboBusiness, the annual exhib

18、ition in San Jose, California, which claims to be the most important robotics event in the world. However, the iPal, a child-size robot designed to take over adult responsibilities, was an exception.The three-foot tall iPal has wide eyes, working fingers, and a touchscreen tablet on its chest. It ca

19、n talk with children, answer questions like why is the sun hot?, and provide video chat for absent parents. Its a robot for children, said Avatar Mind founder, Jiping Wang. It s mainly for companionship. The iPal, he said, could keep children aged three to eight occupied for a couple of hours withou

20、t adult supervision.The iPal takes the debate over the automation of human jobs to the next level. The ethics of how robots should interact with children is necessarily more fraught than the ethics of robots in the workforce. Childcare has rarely, if ever, been a respected job, but it is essential.N

21、oel Sharkey, an emeritus (名誉) professor of robotics and artificial intelligence at the University of Sheffield, has been raising concerns about robotic nannies (保姆) since2008.Robot are a great educational tool for children. It inspires them to learn about science and engineering, Sharkey told the Gu

22、ardian in March. But they do not have the sensitivity or understanding needed for childcare.The iPal will be available to Chinese consumers by the end of the year, Wang said. He hopes to start selling it in the United States next year. The robot has been tested in China. Wang said , 80% love it, 15%

23、 have no reaction, and 5% are scared. Of course, not all of the innovations (创新) on display at RobotBusiness are so alarming.The Obi, for example, combines a special plate with a motorized arm to help people with disabilities feed themselves. The Obi does not replace a caretaker -someone still needs

24、 to cook the meal and serve it-but it does allow its user more independence.28. What do we know about the iPal from the passage? A. It was designed to take care of the disabled or old. B. It is not very popular with Chinese children. C. It is to be sold in American stores by the end of this year. D.

25、 It can help parents babysit their children when theyre away.29. The underlined word in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by _. A. attractive B. cheerful C. worrying D. popular30. What does Professor Sharkey think of robotic nannies? A. They cannot replace real nannies. B. They are intelligent an

26、d have feeling. C. They are good for the moral development of children. D. They can teach children about science and engineering.31. What might be the best title for the passage? A. Ready for the Robot Revolution? B. Robots Will Soon Be Raising Children in America C. A Robot Babysitter Is Launched a

27、t BoboBusiness D. What will Happen When Robots Can Do All the Human Jobs?DReintroducing beaver(海狸) to Britain could help clean up rivers, prevent flooding and minimise soil loss, an expert has claimed.Professors Richard Brazier, a researcher at the University of Exeter, said unpublished results from

28、 a trial area in Devon showed muddy water entering an area where beavers were living was three times cleaner when it left. Our trial has shown that the beavers are able to dam(筑坝) our streams in a way that keeps soil in the headwaters of our catchment(流域) so it doesnt block up rivers downstream and

29、pollute our drinking and bathing waters. If we bring beavers back its just one tool we need to solve Britains crisis of soil loss and agriculture pollution of waterways, but its a useful tool, he said.Prof Braziers claims were disputed by the National Farmers Union (NFU), which warned that the reint

30、roduction of beavers to Scotland had led to fields and forests becoming damaged. Spokesman Mark Pope said:The knowledge of the impacts beavers have had on farmland, riverbanks and flood defenses in Scotland is concerning. We await the results of the Devon trial and will analyze the outcomes then.Pro

31、f Brazier, an expert in Earth Surface Processes, insisted the animals could even play a useful role in preventing flooding. He told BBC News: The public is currently paying people to build leaky dams to keep storm waters in the uplands. The beavers can do it free of charge and even build their own h

32、omes.However, Professor Jane Rickson, a soil specialist from Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, joined the NFU in sounding a note of caution. She agreed that in some places in the UK there was evidence of worrying soil loss, and said new policies were urgently needed. Beavers may in fact reduce the

33、 river channel and remove vegetation, exposing banks to greater erosion(侵蚀) and increasing, rather than decreasing, the risk of flooding, she warned. And she said beaver dams should be leaky to avoid build-ups of large volumes of waters.32. How do beavers help clean up rivers, prevent flooding and m

34、inimise soil loss?A. By damaging their dams to avoid build-ups of large volumes of water.B. By protecting the forests or fields.C. By building their own homes in the riverbank.D. By building dams in their own way. 33. What can we learn from the passage?A. Beavers cant clean up rivers.B. Mark Pope su

35、pports Professor Richard Brazier.C. The scientists havent decided to introduce beavers.D. Beavers have positive effects on agriculture.34. Professor Jane Rickson didnt agree with Professor Richard Brazier because she thought that _.A. beaver dams are not leakyB. beavers couldnt decrease the risk of

36、flooding C. it would take a lot of time to introduce beaversD. the environment problems were extremely serious35. In which section of a website can you most probably find this passage?A. Technology B. Environment C. Education D. Culture 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项

37、。将答案写在答题纸上。 Today we explore expressions using the word “wheel.” The first wheels, it is believed, were not used for transportation. They were created to serve as potters wheel around 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia. 36 We can be proud of our ancient human ancestors. So, after going through all that troubl

38、e to invent something like the wheel, it would be foolish to reinvent it. This gives us our first expression: to reinvent the wheel. 37 For example, in the United States there are many schools that have Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs). 38 So, if you are a parent who wants to start a PTA at your c

39、hilds school, you dont need to reinvent the wheel. You can simply copy the structure already created by many thousands of parents many times over.Just as the wheel is an important invention, a big wheel is an important person. Like gears in a large machine, the big wheel makes the other smaller whee

40、ls turn. 39 A big wheel is powerful and can affect other people.If we talk about important people, like a big wheel, we should also talk about unimportant people. They can be called a fifth wheel. A car only needs four wheels to operate. 40 A fifth wheel is someone who is not needed or who is being

41、ignored in a situation.A. These groups allow parents to help teachers in many different ways.B. The invention of the wheel was a big deal for human being.C. So a fifth wheel would be unnecessary.D. It means to waste a lot of time or effort to create something that already exists.E. It means you are

42、being careless and you dont notice what is going on around you.F. The same can be said for a person.G. This idiom means that the problem complained about most loudly usually gets fixed first.第三部分: 英语知识运用(共两节;满分45分)第一节 完型填空 (共20 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

43、Last night , I bought a sunflower to put on the windshield(挡风玻璃) of someone Im attracted to. After some 41 I decided not to, since we had only been on one date, the previous night. Dont want to come off too strong, right? 42 , I grabbed the flower on my way out this morning with the intention to giv

44、e it to someone so that it wouldnt 43 alone. What happened next has 44 me changed in ways I dont even have words for yet.While I was sitting and drinking a coffee at the coffee shop which I 45 go to, I saw a woman reading something quietly with 46 in her eyes. It was like there was a magnet(磁铁) in t

45、he sunflower that was being 47 to her, because I knew at that moment she was the one who I was going to 48 the sunflower to.When I got to her table I said, “hey, 49 me. I have this sunflower that I was 50 to give to someone special and that someone I had in mind didnt work out, but I can feel that y

46、oure 51 too, so I want you to have it.Before I could even hand her the sunflower, this complete 52 flew into my arms with tears flowing down her face, as if I were someone she once 53 and lost. Next, she said she was crying because her fiance had died the week before, just months before they were go

47、ing to get married. On her first 54 he had brought her sunflower, 55 she was the light of his life. Im shaken awake and feeling raw. You never know how much a simple 56 of giving someone a US $5 flower will 57 their life, as well as yours. Life is about giving and being of service to 58 . I challenge you all to find a way to make someone elses life just a little bit 59 today and be of service. You 60 know the impact you could have.41. A. inspiration B. consideration C. intention D. explanation42. A. Although B. Anyway C. However D. Otherwise43. A. break B. shrink C. hurt D


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