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1、第17讲 听力人类交际中80以上是通过口头进行的,而听懂对方的话语是进行有效交际的前提和关键。因此,听力至关重要,它位于“听说读写”四种能力之首。英语听力测试一般有以下题型:1听音辨词2听录音给图或句子排序3听问句选答句4听短文或对话进行选择或判断5听录音填空第18讲 话题1、介绍My name is Tom. Im Gao Shan.This is David. The man in a white coat is my father.2、问候、告别Hello! /Hi!Good morning! / Good afternoon! /Good evening!How are you? -

2、Fine, thank you. / Not bad, thank you. / Not so good.Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you , too.How do you do?-How do you do?Goodbye! / Bye! / Bye-Bye!See you (tomorrow/later).Good night.3、谈论人或物Whats your name? / Your name, please?Who is he?Whats this in English?How old are you?Where are you from? /

3、 Are you from the USA?Whats your job?What is she?4、请求、劝告、建议、征求May I come in?Can I have a look?Yes. / Sure.Sorry, you cant.Dont forget to close the windows.We must go home now.Lets go to school.Shall we go now?Why dont you buy a new one?What about a cup of tea?Would you like a hamburger?What would yo

4、u like?Yes, please. / Yes, Id like to./ Yes, Id love to.No, thanks.5、道歉、感谢、赞扬Excuse me.Sorry. / Im sorry.-Thats OK/all right. / Its doesnt matter.Thanks. / Thank you. / Thank you very much.Not at all. / You re welcome. / Its my pleasure.Its pretty/ smart/nice.How nice!6、询问时间、星期及日期Whats the time? / w

5、hat time is it now?-Its twelve oclock. Its time to have lunch.What day is it today?-Its Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday.What date is it today? - Its the 12th of July. 7、购物Can I help you?/What can I do for you?/What would you like? -Id like a/an/someAnything else? What about the red o

6、ne? How many kilos? - Five kilos, please.How much is it/are they?-Its /Theyre twenty yuan. Heres your change.8、打电话Hello, may I speak to Nancy?- This is Nancy speaking.Is that Tom (speaking)?-Yes, this is Tom speaking.Whos that(speaking)?- Its Liu Tao here.Wait for a minutes. / Hold on , please.Sorry

7、, she isnt in.9、问路、指路Excuse me. Wheres the nearest post office?How can I get to the nearest post office?Can you show/tell me the way to the nearest post office?How far is the nearest post office from here?How many stops are there? Go along this road and then turn right/left at the third crossing.The

8、 post office is on your right/left.Its over there. Near the Bank of China.You can take bus No.8 and get off at the third stop.Sorry, I dont know. You can ask the policeman. 11、谈论兴趣爱好Do you have any hobbies?Whats your hobby?Do you like swimming?I (dont) like swimming.We have the same hobby.12、谈论天气Wha

9、ts the weather like today?How is the weather?Its sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/warm/cool/hot/cold.Which season do you like best?13、询问和表达感觉Whats the matter? / Whats wrong with you? / How do you feel now?Im tired. / I feel ill. / Ive got a bad cough.Im sorry to here that. / I hope you get better soon.Take

10、some medicine and have a lot of rest.Heres some medicine for you.I can get some fruit for you14、谈论节日Whens Christmas?-Its on the 25th of December.What do people usually do on Christmas day?Whats your favourite holiday?第19讲 构词法英语中的三种主要构词法:1、合成法:由两个或更多的词合成一个词。如:basket(篮子) + ball(球) basketball(篮球) post(邮寄) office(办公室) post office(邮局) pencil(铅笔) box(盒子) pencil-box(文具盒) 2、派生法:由词根加前缀或后缀构成一个新词。 如:un + usual(寻常) = unusual(不寻常) usual(寻常) + ly = usually(寻常地)3、转化法:由一种词性转化为另一种词性。 如:water 水(名词)water 浇水(动词) light 灯(名词)light 轻的(形容词) book 书(名词)book 预订(动词) hand 手(名词)hand 上交(动词)


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