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1、新目标七年级英语(上)要点回忆Starter Units 1-3 命题人:贾从敏测试时间:50分钟 总分值:100分I. (A)按字母表顺序写出26个字母的大小写形式。(13分)(B)按字母表顺序写出 5个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分)()1. A. EeB .DdC. BbD .Yy(B .XxC. MmD. Ww(B. VsC. HhD. Kk(B. VvC. JjD. Dd(B. UuC .WwD .OoIII.单项选择(22分)()1.以下小写字母占格相同的是A. omnB. hoaC. flkD. ik n()2 .以下单词中哪个不含有字母li的发音?A. whiteB. hiC.

2、thisD.II.找出每组字母中发音不同的选项(共5分)O(I)3.下面单词中字母 e不发音的选项是A jacket)4.在26个字母中B orange和_C . A ; IA .R; EB. O; U)5.小号的衣服标识为A .S B .M C 丄 D.X )6.“ I 和“ C 是 .A.兀音 iB.辅音C.)7.英语句子开头第一个字母必须_C pen D.spell 可以单独成词。D. O;IA.小写,两个字母 B.大写,一个小字母 )8.以下图片中表示“停车场元音字母D.辅音字母_词与词之间必须有 C.斜体,一厘米 D.重读_勺间隔。,一个单词的是)9.以下单词画线局部读音与A. Ma

3、ry B. Frank)10. What is it ?Grace画线局部读音相同的是C. Dale D. Alice black and yellow.A. color; They are B. colors; It C. color; It s D. colors; They are( )11. Whatsthat? a key.A. It B. I C.It s D. it s( )12. This is an .A. bag B. map C. orange D. pen()13. Spell it, please. A. bike B. b-i-k-e C. B-I-K-E D. B

4、IKE( )14. It _s black It _s black ruler A. /; /B a;C; aD a;a()15.There is “ h in the单词rd( “ hello Yes. You are right (正确的) .AtheBanC aD() 16. There a bsook on the desk. book is blue.A. The B. /C. A D. OneA. CDB. orangeC. appleD. egg( )18. The _ of my cup is green.A. nameB. keyC. orangeD. color( )19.

5、 I can _ it in English.Its a map.A. seeB. spellC. sayD. thank()17. - What this in En glish?-It as()20. are you, Helen?A. How B. how Im OK, thanks.C. What D. what( ) 21. - How do you spellA. Yes, M-A-Pmap ? - .B .M-A- P C .Yes , it -As-PM D. m a p() 22. -Good evening , Lily , Lucy !A Good morningB. G

6、ood afternoonC. Good evening D.GoodnightIV、完形填空10分阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出一个最正确选项。Good morning! I 1 a boy. Im Frank. Look!This is a 2. Its a nice quilt.3is it? 4yellow and white. And whats this 5English? Its a(n) 6. Its 7 orange jacket. Thats 8 ruler. The ruler is 9. Blue is my favorite( 最喜爱的

7、 )color. I can 10 “ ruler , R-U-L-E-R.()1.A. beB. amC. isD. are()2.A. mapB. rulerC. quiltD. key()3.A. What colorB. WhatC. HowD. How color()4.A. ThisB. ThatC. ItD. Its()5.A. nowB. OKC. fineD. in()6.A. orangeB. jacketC. EnglishD. pen()7.A. aB. anC. theD. /()8.A. yourB. youC. myD. I()9.A. blueB. yellow

8、C. brownD. white()10.A. sayB. seeC. thankD. spellV、补全对话5分根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项,其 中有两个为多余选项。A: Good morning. Miss Liu.B: Good morning! 1A: My name is Lin Qia ng. B: rm fine, tha nks. And you?A: Fine, too. Excuse me 打搅一下,Miss Liu. B: Its a bag.A: B: Yes, B-A-G, bag.A: Goodbye!B: Goodbye!A. Wha

9、t color is it?B. Spell it, please.C. Whats this in En glish?D. Thank you.E. Whats your n ame?F. How are you?G. Can you spell it, please?VI、阅读理解16分 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最正确选项。AWhats this? Its P. What color is it? Its green. Whats this and what color is it? Its E and its yellow. Whats this? It

10、s a red cup. Look! This is my blue pen. This is my ruler. Its yellow. My jacket is black. And my quilt is purple. Its nice.1. Myis blue.A. cupB. penC. rulerD. quilt2. Myandare yellow.A. cup; penB. jacket; quiltC.ruler; ED. pen; jacket3. The writer has作者有aA. gree n quiltB. white rulerC. black jacketD

11、. purple cup4. Theis nice.A. penB. rulerBC. jacketD. quiltr 1s *iHi, Im Grace. This is my ruler. Its red. I like喜爱red.Hello! Im Hele n. This is my pen .Its white. Its in my gree n pencil box铅笔盒.rm Frank. This is a yellowcup. Its from 来自Linda. I likeit. You can see her photo照片on it. She is a nice gir

12、l.rIm Bob. My jacket is red. I like the color. Its a good jacket. 5. Helens pen is .A. on her ruler B. in her jacketC. in her cup D. in her pencil box 6. What is yellow?A. The pen. B. The cup.C. The jacket. D. The pencil box. 7. Linda gave 送给 the cup to .A. Grace B. Helen C. Frank D. Bob 8. 下面哪项陈述是正

13、确的?A. We 我们 can see a boy on the cup.B. Franks pencil box is blue.C. Helens jacket is black.D. Grace and Bob like red.VI.单词拼写14分A根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Tom s 夹克衫 is old .2. Good 早上 !3. What s this in 英语?4. There s a被0子the bed .5.Please _拼 写 “ please 6. The cup is _(棕色的)7.What _颜色 is the pen ?8.You can _说 it in English .9.It s 我ruler .10.His ( 钥匙 ) are yellow(B)根据括号内所给词适当形式填空。11.I m fine , (thank)12. How are (you) ?13. He is (I) English teacher .14. My name (be) Sam .VII.书面表达(15分)根据下面的情景,编写一组对话至少四个回合。下午李明遇见吉姆(Jim) ,互相问好,李明指着一支黑色的钢笔问吉姆:钢笔用英语怎么说,如何拼写,钢笔是什么颜色的。感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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