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1、译林版U nit6单元测试 一、英汉互译。(io,) i 黑烟3 步行上学 5 放学后7 又干净又漂亮 9 保持城市干净2.pJantm ore trees4.take the m etro hom e_6.keep the air clean8.go to hospital10m ake the streetdirty二、按要求改写下列单词。(6l.m ess形容词)31his復数)5.city (复数)三、单项选择。(10,)()1 Therea btofrubbishA.isB are()2.,Lib Thank you.A.W elldohgEW elldone()3.1 like i

2、n the big houseA. livingBliveC to living()4.The book is on the ground P lea A .pick them up B .pick up it()5.m akes the air dirty.A.Sm okeB.W ater()6W e can plant tree A keepingB keep()7.You can m ove fectories2.clean (反义词).4.曲ctory復数)6.good (副词)in the riverC .w asC G ood doneC pick itupC R ubbish t

3、he airclean.C .to keep the dirty.C .to fiomA .aw ay ofB .aw ay fiom0 8.Lef s schoolnow OKA .w alk atB .w alk to()9.Don tthrow rubbishthe groundA .atE.inC .on()10. can, tfhd m y ciayons C an you he旳 m e bokfor?A.itC w alk fcrB themC they四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10)1. you(throw ) rubbish on fie floor?Yes, Ido.2

4、. W hatcan w e do eep) e) city clean?3. W hat血 ake) the city dirty?4. There(be) a bto (fectoiy) in the city.5. Le s plant(jn any) trees this year6. hanks fcr(he”)m e?7. The girlcan danceeautifii)五、按要求改写句子。(10,)l.Iputm y rubbish in the bin.(改为一般疑问句) put rubbish h the bin?2. C an you keep the schoolcl

5、ean?(作肯定回答)9 3.Sm oke m akes the air dirty.对伐 lj线部分提问) m akes the air dirty?4.W e can walk Id schooltp keep the city clean.对伐线部分提问) can w e keep the city cSn?行.W e the sw eep can fborkeep to our clean school ()连侗成句)六、根据中文提示将句子或对话补充完整。(4分)1. 我们能做什么来保持我们的学校干净?我们能扫地。can w e do ourschoo 1?W e can the .2

6、. 什么使河流变得很脏?垃圾。 tie river?The.3. 我们应当把工厂从城市搬走。W e should the the4 我们可以坐公共汽车和地铁上学。W e can the bus and theto school七、阅读短文,判断下面句子的正(T)误(F) (10分)。Jack is ten years old. H e studies atN o.l P rin ary school H e is a good slide ntat schoolH e listens to the teachers careftil in class He does hishom ew oik

7、 quickty Buthe,s nota goodboy athom e. He gets up very late atthe w eekends H edoesn tlike to he旳 his parents do housew oikH e likes w atehhg TV very m uch H e often reads books h bed H is bedroom is very dirty because he often m akes a m ess S o his m om writes som e hom e rules (家规) forhin N ow Ja

8、ck begins to (开女台) chan his room and goes to bed eariy()1.Jackis a m ildle schoolstudent()2.Jacklistens to the teacher carefti 11/in chss()3.Jackgets up very earfy in 1he m oming()4.Jackreads books h the study()5.N owJack begins to do housew oik.参考答案2种更多的树4乘地铁回家6保持空气干净8去医院10使街道肮脏1.black sm oke3w a I

9、k to school5afterschool7clean and beautifiil9keep the city clean lm essy 2 dirty 3these 4fectories 5cities 6w ellABACC CBBCB四ID o , throw 2to keep, our 3m akes 4are, fectories5m ore6hei)ing7 beautiftiM五ID o you your2Y es, w e can3W hat4H ow do to5W e can sw eep 1he floor to keep our schoolcfean.八lwhat, to keep, clean , sw eep , floor2whatm akes, dirty , rubbish3m ove, fectorfes away fiom , city4take , m eto七FTFFT


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