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1、Night after night, as was often the case 阅读理解答案Night after night, as was often the case, she d lean down and push my long hair out of the 36 ,then kiss my forehead.I don t remember when it first started 37 me . But it did.Finally one night, I shouted out as her, t do that anDonore 一your hands are to

2、o 38 ! ” She didh t say anything in reply. But never again did my mother 39 my day with that familiar 40 of her love.With the years passing, my thoughts 41 to that night, whenI missed my mother s hands, missed her goodnight 42 on my forehead. Sometimes the incident seemed very 43 , while sometimes f

3、ar away. But always it was hidden in the back of my 44 . Now Mom is in her seventies, and those hands that I 45 thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my 46 . And now my own children are grown and gone. One Thanksgiving Eve, 47 I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a 48 hand hesitant

4、ly run across my face to 49 the hair from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so 50 , touched my brow.In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the nightand my young voice 51 . fdOcthat any more - your handsare too rough! ” 52 , I caught Moriiand in hand, saying how 53 I was for that night. I tho

5、ught she d remember, as I did. But Mom didn t know 54 I was talking about. She had forgotten, and forgiven long ago.That night, I fell asleep with a new 55 for my gentle mother and her caring hands. And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.1. B . way C . or

6、der D .shape2. A.pleasing B . frightening C .satisfyingD.annoying3. A.sweet B. tough C. ugly D. rough4. A.take up B . give up C . endup D . breakup5. A.expressionB. symbol C . promise D .experience6. A.remainedB . returned C. occurred D .missed7. A.story B .greeting C . kiss D . song8. A.close B.ser

7、ious C. different D . unusual9. A.brain B .mind C . spirit D . heart10. A . once B. even C. still D . always11. A. husband B. children C . family D . father12. A . as B. before C. although D . since13. A . rough B . reliable C . thin D . fa miliar14. A . tidy B . touch C . brush D. wiped15. A . gent

8、ly B . friendly C . closely D . weakly16. A . wept B . whispered C . complained D . struggled17. A. On time B . All at once C . Once again D. As usual18. A . grateful B . anxious C. sorry D . excited19. A . where B . why C . what D . whom20. A . memory B . sense C. pleasure D. appreciation1. B2. D3.

9、 D4. C5. A6. B7. C8. A9. B10. A11. C12. A13. D14. C15. A16. C17. B18. C19. C20. D【解析】1. . B主要测试名词。根据语境可知句子译文: 她弯下腰, 拨开(out of the way)我的头发,然后亲吻我的前额。2. D主要测试形容词。四个选项的意思分别如下:高 兴;害怕;满意;讨厌、厌倦。再结合下文内容可知句子译 文:我不记得这种动作什么时候开始让我讨厌( annoying)。 但是他确实令我讨厌。3. D主要测试形容词。结合下文的句子:“Dont do that any more - your hands

10、are too rough!, 再结合所给选项可以选 由最佳答案为:rough o句子译文如下:最后一天晚上,我对 母亲大嚷,不要再那样做了 一你的手太粗糙了! ”4. C主要测试短语动词。 所给选项的意思分别如下:开始从事(奥职业)、占有;放弃;结束、死亡;崩溃、分离、 解散。由具体语境可知句子译文如下:母亲再也没有用那种 熟悉的表达方式(expression)表达她的爱,使我结束(end up) 自 己的一天。故此选择:end up最佳。5. A主要测试名词。四个选项意思分别如下:表达; 象征、标志、符号;诺言;经历、经验。再结合上面第 39题的解释可以选由最佳答案为:6. B主要测试动词

11、。句子译文如下:随着岁月的推移, 我的思绪又回到(returned)那天晚上,我想念目前的手,想 念母亲在我前额晚安的吻(kiss)。7. C主要测试名词。结合文章第一段中:shed lean down and push my long hair out of the 36 , then kiss my forehead. 可 以选由自己答案为:kiss。8. A主要测试形容词。根据文章中:Sometimes theincident seemed very 43 , while sometimes far away. 可以看由 关键词:while然而,进而可知此处需要选择和句子中关键 词:fa

12、r away相反的词来表达,故此选择:close。9. B主要测试名词。根据文章可知句子译文:但是它总是隐藏在我的脑海(mind)后。此处:mind泛指的思想。10. A主要测试副词。根据语境可知句子译文如下:现 在目前七十多岁了,那双手,我曾经(once)认为如此粗糙的手任然为我和我的家人(family)做着什么。并且我自己 的孩子长大了,离家啦。11. C主要测试名词。参考上面第45题的解释可以选由 最佳答案:family。12. A主要测试连词。由所给的选项可知意思分别如下: 当什么时候;在、之前;虽然;既然。再结合语境可知句 子译文如下:感恩节前夕,当(as)我睡在年轻时候的卧室,一个

13、熟悉的(familiar)手犹豫地掠过我的脸,拨开(brush) 我前额的头发。然后,一个吻,如此轻柔地( gently)印在 我的额头。13. D主要测试形容词。结合所给选项的意思: 粗糙的; 可靠的;瘦弱的;熟悉的,及上面第 47题的解释,可以选 由最佳答案: familiar。14. C主要测试动词。结合所给选项的意思及上面第47题的解释,可以选由最佳答案:brusho同时表示作者对儿时母亲哪种做法的美好记忆。15. A主要测试副词。结合所给选项的意思:温柔的、 轻柔的;友好的;亲近的、近的;虚弱的,及上面第47题的解释可以选由最佳答案:gently,主要是形容母亲的动作温柔。16. C

14、主要测试动词。此题可以参照上文第二段中:Finall y one night, I shouted out at her, t do thaDony more -your hands are too 38 ! ”尤其是此处的:shout out at her, 说明小时候对母亲的这种行为感觉不满意,抱怨(complain )。根据语境可知句子译文如下:记忆中,无数次,我想起那个 晚上,并且我小时候抱怨道:不要在那样做了!-你的手太粗糙了! ”17. B主要测试副词短语。 根据所给选项的意思:准时、按时;突然、一下子;再次;像通常一样。再结合语境可知: 作者应该是突然(all at once)抓

15、住母亲的手,说我为那晚感 到多么残酷(sorry)。止匕处:all at once相当于:suddenly。18. C主要测试形容词。参考上面第52题的解释可以选 由最佳答案:sorry o19. C主要测试连词。根据语境可知句子译文如下:我 本来以为母亲记得那件事。但是母亲不知道我在谈论什么 (what)。他已经忘记了,并且很早就原谅我了。分析句子: Mom didn t know 54 I was talking about 的结构可知,止匕处需 要选择引导句子:I was talking about同时还要能够充当介词:about的宾语的引导词,只能选择:what。20. D主要测试名词。根据语境可知句子译文如下:那 晚,带着对温柔的母亲和她关爱的手的新的赏析 (appreciation)我睡着了。而多年来萦绕我心头的负罪感再 也无处可寻了。


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