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1、Unit 10 Unit 10 IdId like some noodles like some noodles Part Part 4 4 Section BSection B(课前) 目标预习,自主学习 一、单词和短语预习。 1different adj. 不同的;相异的 词组:be different from 与不同 ( C )(1)The weather in Beijing is different _ that in Guangdong. Ato Bwith Cfrom Dat (2)我们的想法跟你们的不同。 Our ideas are different from yours

2、. 2number n. 数;数目 词组:a number of许多; the number of 的总数目 ( A )(1)There are _ books in our school library. And _ the books is 20,000 Aa number of; the number of Ba number of; a number of Cthe number of; a number of Dthe number of; the number of (2)农场有许多动物。 There are a number of animals on the farm. 3wi

3、sh n. 愿望 v. 祝愿,希望 词组:make a wish 许愿,best wishes 祝福 ( C )(1)Please give my best _ to your parents. Awish Ba wish Cwishes Dwishing (2)生日那天人们经常会许愿。 People often make a wish on their birthday . 4blow v. 吹 词组:blow out 吹灭; 吹熄 ( C )(1)The wind _ strongly outside now. Ablow Bblows Cis blowing Dare blowing (

4、2)我们必须要一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛。 We must blow out all the candles in one go . 5true adj. 真正的; 真实的; 忠实的 词组:come true 实现; 成真 ( D )(1)With his mothers help, he made his dream _. Acome in Bcome out 1 Ccome across Dcome true (2)他的梦想最终会实现的。 His dream will come true at last. 6popular adj. 受欢迎的; 流行的 词组: get/be/become pop

5、ular 流行; 受欢迎 ( A )(1)The little boy is _ at school, so we all know him and like him. Apopular Bbad Cnaughty Drude (2)我们的新英语老师在我们班非常受欢迎。 Our new English teacher is ( becoming/getting ) very popular in our class. 7cut v. 切;割 词组:cut up 切碎 ( B )(1)We cant _ long noodles for the birthday person, because

6、long noodles mean long life. Acut down Bcut up Ccut in Dcut off (2)请把那个大苹果切开。 Please cut up the big apple . 8bring v. 带来;引来 词组:bring good luck to sb. 给某人带来好运气 bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 给某人带来某物 ( A )(1)Can you _ your new watch here tomorrow? I want to have a look. Abring Btake Ccarry Dget (2

7、)努力会给我们带来好运气。 Hard work will bring us good luck . 二、Section BSection B(1a1d1a1d)句型学习。 1我想订餐。 I want to order some food, please. 2你想要什么样的汤? What kind of soup would you like? 3我们想要一些牛肉胡萝卜饺子。 We would like some beef and carrot dumplings. 4您的地址是什么? Whats your address, please? 2 5您的电话号码是什么? Whats your te

8、lephone number, please? 三、Section Section B2bB2b 篇章理解预习。 (一)预习课文内容,完成下列各句。 1The number of candles is the persons age . 2In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with it is lucky. 3In China, people often have cakes , long noodles and eggs on their birthday. 4Long noodles

9、are a symbol of long life . 5All birthday foods bring the birthday person good luck . (二)预习课文并选择正确的答案。 ( A )1If the person has the candy in the birthday cake, he or she will _. A be lucky B be unlucky C make a wish Deat the cake ( B )2In China, what is NOTNOT the popular food for our birthday? A A b

10、irthday cake. B A candy. C Eggs. DNoodles. ( C )3Why do people never cut up the noodles when they have them for their birthday? ABecause they think long noodles are delicious. BBecause they like long noodles. CBecause they think long noodles mean long life. DBecause the noodles are not long enough.

11、( C )4Whats the meaning of “blowblow outout thethe candlescandles inin oneone gogo” in the passage? A一起吹灭蜡烛. B吹灭蜡烛后走开. C一口气吹灭蜡烛. D吹灭靠在一起的蜡烛. ( D )5Different birthday food around the world has the same idea _ for the birthday person. Abring a cake Bbring some candles Cbring some candies Dbring good l

12、uck 四、Section Section B2bB2b 篇章短语归纳。 1想做某事 want to do sth. 6.(梦想;愿望)实现 come true 2的总数目 the number of 7流行;受欢迎 get/be/become popular 3在某人生日那天 on ones birthday 8 切 碎 cut up 3 4许愿make a wish 9长寿的象征 a symbol of long life 5吹 灭; 吹 熄 blow out 10给某人带来好运 bring good luck to sb. 五、完形填空。 There are many different

13、 kinds of food in my hometown. I like eating them. But my favorite 1 is dumplings. Every Sunday, my mother 2 many dumplings for me. If she has 3 time, Ill go to the supermarket to 4 some to eat. Dumplings look 5 white boats. They are very delicious. 6 my birthday every year, I usually help my mother

14、 make a lot of dumplings. Do you know 7 I make so many dumplings? Because I often ask some 8 to eat them with me. There are different kinds of 9 and meat in the dumplings, such as beef and carrots, or pork and cabbages. My friends 10 like to eat them very much. In China, we also often eat dumplings

15、with our family during the Spring Festival, because they bring us good luck. ( A )1Afood Bdessert Cfruit Dwater ( C )2Ado Bdoes Cmakes Dtakes ( B )3Asome Bno Cany Dmany ( C )4Awant Border Cbuy Deat ( C )5Afor Bat Clike Dfor ( B )6AIn BOn CAbout DAt ( C )7Akind Bsize Creason Dnumber ( C ) 8 A teachers B cousins C friends Dclassmates ( C )9Anoodles Bdumplings Cvegetables Dfood ( A )10Aall Bevery Cboth Dnone 4


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