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1、Unit Unit 1 1 Can you play the guitarCan you play the guitar Part Part 5 5 Section BSection B(课后) 理解运用,提升思维 一、善用语境,学会猜词。根据语境选择画线单词的意思,并圈出能帮助你选择的关键词。 ( B )1Tom is very good at drawing pictures, he has the abilityability to draw beautiful pictures in a short time. A愿望 B能力 C魔法 D知 识 ( A )2Li Na is a tal

2、entedtalented tennis player, she could play tennis when she was 6 years old. A聪明的 B可爱的 C有天赋的 D有 价值的 ( C )3Mary is very outgoingoutgoing, she makes a lot of new friends in the new school. A聪明的 B漂亮的 C开朗的 D安 静的 ( B )4I live in the downtowndowntown, there are many shops and buildings in it. A农村 B市区 C郊区

3、D山 区 ( A )5Mo Yan is a great writer, his new book will appearappear next month. A出版 B出现 C开花 D消 失 二、Section Section B2bB2b 课文重点句型过关。 1爱丽丝会弹钢琴吗? Can Alice play the piano? 2你想加入什么俱乐部? What club do you want to join? 3Jerry 想加入体育俱乐部。 Jerry wants to join sports club. 4Peter 擅长交朋友。 Peter is good at making

4、friends. 5Alan 和新同学相处得好。 Alan is good with new classmates. 三、Section Section B B 语法过关。 ( C )1 Can you come to my birthday party? 1 _ , but I have to meet my friends on that day. ANo, I cant BYes, I can CId like to come DOf course not ( A )2Can Mary play _? We need some students for music festival. A

5、 the guitar B piano C basketball Dfootball ( D )3We have to prepare for the school concert, can you come and _ us? Asing Bdance Cplay Dhelp ( A )4If you want to know more information about the join, please _ at 256-772 Acall Btell Cmake Dplay ( B )5Sally is good at _ stories. Atell Btelling Cspeak D

6、speaking ( A )6Can you help me _ my English ? Awith Bof Cfor Dabout ( C )7Lily is a good girl. She likes to _ old people in her town. Alisten to Blisten Chelp Dhelp with ( C )8Mike doesnt like playing basketball _ watching TV. Aand Band Cor Dso ( A )9Can you _ it in English ? Asay Btalk Cspeak Dtell

7、 ( B )10We want two students _ our school show. Please call me _ 22867138 Afor; for Bfor; at Cwith; at Dat; for 四、文本再构SectionSection B B 课文填空。 We need 1 at the old peoples home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? They can tell you 2 , and you can make friends with them. Its interest

8、ing and 3 ! Please call us at 689-7729 today! Can you 4 the piano or the violin ? Do you have 5 on the weekend ? The school needs teachers to teach music. Its not difficult ! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721 Are you 6 after school? No ? Can you 7 English ? Yes ? Then we need you to help with spor

9、ts 8 English-speaking students. Its relaxing 9 easy ! Please come to the 2 students Sports Center. 10 Mr. Brown at 293-7742 1 help 2 stories 3 fun 4 play 5 time 6 free 7 speak 8 from 9 relaxing 10 Call 五、Section Section B B 相关阅读。 Do you know Tsinglan School ? It is a new school in SSL, Dongguan. The

10、 school is big and beautiful. There are 80 teachers and 150 students in the school. Students in this school have a lot of activities. They can join many kinds of clubs in the school. Some of the clubs are really special. For girls , they can join the bakery club. The headmaster invite some great bak

11、ers from a famous hotel. Students can make delicious cakes and bread with the help of the bakers. If you are interested in beautiful clothes, you can join the fashion designer club. The teachers in the club can teach you how to draw beautiful pictures, how to choose the right cloth to make a nice dr

12、ess. For boys, they have the carpentercarpenter club. Boys can make the desk or chair,even the bed by themselves. What a great school it is ! ( C )1How many clubs are mentioned(提到)in the passage ? AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour. ( B )2Where is Tsinglan School ? AIn Shenzhen. BIn Dongguan. CIn Beijing. DI

13、n Hongkong. ( A )3What can the girls make in the baker club ? ACake and bread. BJuice and milk shake. CDesk and chair. DChair and bed. ( C )4Whats the meaning of the underlined word “carpentercarpenter”? ? A医生. B教师. C木工. D律 师. ( B )5From the passage, we can know that _ ATsinglan School is an old school. BTsinglan School is a big and beautiful school. CTsinglan School is an international school. DTsinglan School is in Shenzhen. 3


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