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1、Unit Unit 4 4 DontDont eat in class eat in class Part Part 1 1 Section ASection A(课前) 自主预习,扫清障碍 一、Section Section A A 单词预习。 1规则 rule 5倾听 listen 9穿;戴 wear 2到达 arrive 6打架;战斗 fight 10重要的 important 3大厅;礼堂 hall 7抱歉的;难过的 sorry 11带来;取来 bring 4餐厅 dining hall 8外面的 outside 12安静的 quiet 二、Section Section A A 重点

2、短语及目标句型预习。 1 1DontDont arrive late for class. arrive late for class. 上课不要迟到。 否定祈使句表示请求、命令、建议、号召、警告等等。结构:Dont+动词原形 上课不要讲话。 Dont talk in class . 在一些公共警示语中,表示“禁止做某事”,经常使用“No+ v. -ing/”名词 相当于 Dont +动词原形(短语)+here. 禁止停车 No parking!=Dont park here. 禁止吸烟 No smoking!=Dont smoke here. 禁止拍照 No photos!=Dont tak

3、e photos here. 2 2You must eat in the dining hall.You must eat in the dining hall. 你必须在学校餐厅就餐。 must 必须,表示说话人的主观看法,语气比较强烈。 (1)不要迟到。我们必须要守时。Dont arrive late for class. We must be on time . (2)她必须先完成功课才能看电视。She must finish her homework first before she watches TV. 你发现了什么规律:must 后面只能跟动词的 原形 , 没有 (有/没有)人

4、 称和时态的变化。 3 3We We cantcant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. 我们不能在走廊上听音乐,但我们可以在外面听。 can 能够,是情态动词。情态动词不能单独使用, 需和其他动词一起构成谓语, 表示说话人的 语气和感情。 (1)我们可以穿自己的衣服。We can wear our own clothes. (2)你不能在走廊上追逐。You cant

5、 run in the hallways. 你发现了什么规律:情态动词 can 可以表示 “许可”,它的否定形式是 cant ,他们后面只能跟动词的 原形 , 没有人称和数的变化。 4 4We always have to wear the school uniform.We always have to wear the school uniform. 我们不得不穿校服。 have to 不得不,三单用 has to, 过去形式用 had to。 (1)我们不得不每天都穿校服。 We have to wear school uniforms every day. 1 (2)她不得不在每天上午

6、 7 点前赶到学校。 She has to get to school by 7: 00 every morning. (3)他昨天不得不步行回家因为他的自行车坏了。 He had to go home on foot yesterday because there was something wrong with his bike. 你发现了什么规律:have to 后面只能跟动词的 原形 , 有 (有/没有)人 称和时态的变化。 5We also have to be quiet in the library. 我们也不得不在图书馆里保持安静。 请写出下列可以表示状态的英语表达。 保持安静

7、 be quiet 保持健康 be healthy 保持开心 be happy 守时 be on time 在上班 be at work 在学校 be at school 你发现了什么规律:系动词 be 与 形容词 或 介词短语 连用,可以表示某 种状态。 例如:在公众场合时,一定要保持安静。You must be quiet in public. 三、Section Section A A 语法学习。 ( B )1 Tom, Its your first day to the new school. _ late! OK, mom. ADont BDont be CDont to be DN

8、o ( C )2You _ fight with your classmates. That makes the teachers really unhappy. A dont B can C cant Dhave to ( A )3 Can we bring music players to school? I dont think so. We cant listen to music in the classroom _ hallways. Aor Band Cbut Dto ( A )4Its raining outside. Mary _stay at home. Ahas to B

9、have to Cmustnt Dmust ( B )5 Do you have to wear your school uniforms every day? _. Thats the school rule. A Yes, we have B Yes, we do C No, we havent DNo, we dont 四、短文填空。 Jeff is studying in a new 1 now. Its a great school, but there are a lot of 2 . He doesnt 3 them at all. He 4 to get to school a

10、t 7:00 every day, because his head teacher always says “ 5 be late for school”. But today he 6 late. His bike was broken when he was on the 7 to school. When he 8 to school, it was already 8: 00His teacher was 9 . Jeff 10 very nervous (紧张的)What can he do? 2 1 school 2 rules 3 like 4 has 5 Dont 6 arr

11、ived/was 7 way 8 got 9 angry 10 felt/was 五、完形填空。 A teacher decided to let her class play a game. She told everyone to bring a bag with some 1 . Each tomato had a 2 of a classmate who the child disliked. And the number of tomatoes was the number of people they disliked. So every child brought some to

12、matoes with them. Some had two tomatoes. 3 even had five tomatoes. The teacher then told them to carry the tomatoes wherever they went. Days passed and the children started to complain(抱怨) 4 the tomatoes got rotten(腐烂的). Besides, the more tomatoes they had, the 5 bag they had to carry. After one wee

13、k, the children were very 6 because the game finally finished. The teacher asked them, “How did you feel?” The children started 7 about the heavy and smelly tomatoes. Then the teacher told them the 8 behind the game. The teacher said, “The terrible smell of hatred(憎恨)will 9 your heart, and you will

14、carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot stand the terrible smell for just 10 week, can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?”. ( A )1Atomatoes Bbooks Cpotatoes Ddishes ( B )2Anumber Bname Cbody Dage ( B )3AAny BSome CEvery DOther ( A )4Abecause Bbut Cso Dthough ( C )5Alower Blighter Cheavier Dtoo often ( D )6Anoisy Bsad Cangry Dhappy ( A )7Acomplaining Blaughing Cfeeling Dfighting ( A )8Ameaning Btime Cway Drules ( C )9Aclean Bwash Cpollute Dfollow ( A )10Aone Btwo Cthree Dfive 3


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