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1、Unit Unit 4 4 DontDont eat in class eat in class Part Part 2 2 Section ASection A(课后) 问题引导,自主探究 一、听填信息(Section Section A A 2d2d Role play Role play)。 John: Hi, my names John. Its my 1 first day at school. Alice: Hi, John. Im Alice. This is a great school, but there are a lot of 2 rules . John: Reall

2、y? What are some of the rules? Alice: Well, dont 3 be late for class. This is very important. John: OK, so we must be 4 on time . Can we bring music players to school? Alice: No, we cant. And we always 5 have to wear the school uniform. John: I see. Alice: Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the lib

3、rary. 二、Section Section A A 单词拼写与运用。 1Im not happy because there are too many rules (规则)at my home. 2Dont arrive (到达)late for school. This is very important. 3The new school rule is strict. Students have to wear school uniforms (制 服)every day. 4We have to be quiet (安静的)in the library, because everyo

4、ne is reading books there. 5Jack is friendly to everyone, and he never fights (打架)with others. 6Dont eat (eat)in the classroom. That will make the classroom dirty. 7She has to (have to)make her bed after getting up. 8Millie is busy on weekdays. She wants to relax (relax)herself on weekends. 9Please

5、remember (remember)to send the letter for me. 10I want to be an English teacher, so I must practice (practice)speaking English every day. 三、Section Section A A 重点句型过关。 1不要在教室吃东西。(Dont) Dont eat in the classroom . 2我们不得不每天清扫课室。(have to) We have to clean the classroom every day . 3我们不能在课堂上听音乐。(cant) W

6、e cant listen to music in class 1 . 4你可以举手回答问题。(raise your hand) You can raise your hand to answer the questions . 5不要在走廊上跑。(in the hallways) Dont run in the classroom . 四、Section Section A 语法过关。 ( D )1We dont want _ for the meeting. Aare late Bbe late Cin late Dto be late ( C )2My mom usually tell

7、me: “ You _ fight with your little brother. That will drive me mad.” A dont B can C cant Dhave to ( A )3I_ play the guitar , but I _ play the piano. Acan; cant Bcan; can Ccant; cant Dcan; may ( C )4Its cold outside this morning. Mr. Green wear his coats. Ahave to Bhaving to Chad to Dmust ( B )5 Do y

8、ou have to clean your classroom every day? _. Thats the school rule. AYes, we have BYes, we do CNo, we havent DNo, we dont ( D )6Sunday is the _ day of a week. A one B seven C last Dfirst ( A )7 When will they _? _ the seventh of July. Aarrive; On Barrive at; On Carrive in; In Darrive; In ( C )8Plea

9、se _ the computer to the office and _ a book to me. Abring; take Bbring; bring Ctake; bring Dtakes and brings ( A )9 _ I go home now, Mr. Wu ? No, you _ finish the work first. AMay; must BMust; may 2 CMust; may DMust; must ( C )10Do you like comics? _. I dont like a book with many pictures in it. AY

10、es, I do BYes, I am CNo, I dont DYes, I dont 五、阅读理解。 Basketball Player WantedBasketball Player Wanted Cards ClubCards Club Can you play basketball? Do you like kids? Can Do you like to play cards? Do you want to play you help them with playing basketball on weekends? cards well? Mr. Smith can teach

11、you. You can come Come and join us. Call Jack at 022-532147 for more here on Wednesday. information. Tel: 020-223980 Add: Room 302 in the Student Center LetsLets Learn Spanish Learn Spanish Helper WantedHelper Wanted Do you want to learn a foreign language? Can Boys and girls, are you good with old

12、people? you speak Spanish? Join the Spanish club now. Can you tell jokes or play the musical Time: 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.( from Tuesday to instruments? Welcome to our team. Please call Friday) Tina at 022-332652 or send an e-mail to Call Candy at 020-389289 HelperS ( D )1What can Mr. Smith teach you?

13、ATo play chess. BTo speak French. CTo dance. DTo play cards. ( B )2Nick can play basketball well and he wants to find a job. He can call _ for more information. AMr. Smith BJack CCandy DTina ( B )3Mike joins the Spanish club. When does he go to the club? AOn weekends. BFrom 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m from

14、Tuesday to Friday. CEvery Thursday afternoon. DOn Saturdays. ( D )4You like to help others, and you want to help the old people, you can call _. A022-532147 B020-223980 C020-389289 D022-332652 ( B )5Sam wants to learn a foreign language. Which club will he join? A The sports club. B The Spanish club. C The chess club. DThe music club. 3


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