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1、Unit Unit 4 4 DontDont eat in class eat in class Part Part 6 6 Self CheckSelf Check 自我检测,综合提升 一、读音标,写单词。 1 /rul/ /lsn/ /mp(r)tnt/ rule listen important 2 /hl/ /kwat/ /rmemb(r)/ hall quiet remember 3 /fat/ /prkts/ /terbl/ fight practice terrible 4 /atsad/ /rav/ /junf(r)m/ outside arrive uniform 5 /fl

2、/ /sri/ /hlwe/ follow sorry hallway 二、单元语法过关。 ( B )1Would you mind speaking more slowly? I can hardly _ you. Of course not. A read B follow C miss Dmatch ( D )2Eagle Father was so _ with his son that he kept the four-year-old son running in the snow without clothes. Apleased Bsorry Ccareful Dstrict

3、( A )3 Did you sleep well last night? Oh, no. _ noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad. AToo much BMuch too CToo many DSo many ( A )4Hurry up, or you _ catch the train. Acant Bneednt Cmustnt Dshouldnt ( C )5Its getting dark. I _ go home now. A can B would C have to Dcant ( B )6_ fact, I cant sp

4、eak Japanese, _ . AOn; either BIn; either CAt; too DIn; too ( A )7Who do you _ was the best actor? A think B think of C think about Dthink over 1 ( B )8_ I take the newspaper away, please ? No, you mustnt. You _ only read it here. AMust; can BMay; can CNeed; must DMust; must ( A )9I will take an imp

5、ortant test tomorrow. Oh, really? _! AGood luck BHave a good time CWell done DGood idea ( C )10The boys are going to help the girls _ football Apractice play Bpracticing playing Cpractice playing Dto practice to play 三、配对阅读专练。 左栏是对 5 个人的情况介绍,右栏是 7 个留言,请根据情况配对,并将答案的字母编号填 写在相应的位置。 ( C )1Lucy, thank yo

6、u for asking me to go shopping A ATed is going to America by plane and he with you. But I am afraid I cant. I have is coming back on October 25th. a lot of work to do from Monday to Friday. I wonder whether it is OK on Saturday or B BLisa is traveling abroad. She will call you back after she comes b

7、ack in a Sunday. week. ( E )2John, I am very sorry I cant play basketball with you on Saturday afternoon C CMary is busy on weekdays. She wants to because I hurt my left leg last week. I have know if it is fine for you this to rest for a few days. I hope to join you weekend. next week. ( F )3Lily, y

8、ou are so kind to invite me to your D DTara has something else to do with after work, so she will come to the birthday party. Id love to, but I have party at about ten to seven. to stay with my mother in hospital. I hope you have a happy birthday party. E EThere is something wrong with Sams ( A )4Ba

9、rry, thank you for inviting me to dinner leg, so he cant take part in the on Friday 18th. But I have to fly to America basketball game. He will get back to on business. I am really sorry. I hope to the team next week. see you after I get back in a week. F FToby cant come to the party, because ( D )5

10、Jim, thank you for your invitation. Id love to go to your party at 6:30, but well his mother is ill. have a meeting after work, so I may be 20 G GJake is ill in hospital, so he cant minutes late. I hope you can understand. come to the party. 四、短文填空。 Tom is unhappy. He thinks he has too 1 rules. He 2

11、 to get up at 6:00 2 every morning. He must make his bed 3 getting up. Then, he has to cook the breakfast by himself, after that, he has to do the 4 . He has to go to school on 5 . There are more 6 at school. He cant eat in class. He cant run 7 the hallways. He must 8 his school uniforms every day,

12、and he has to be 9 in the school library. Whats more? He cant listen to music on school days and he cant watch TV on school nights, 10 . He must be back home before 12:00 in the morning and 9:20 in the evening. What a sad boy! 1 many 2 has 3 after 4 dishes 5 time 6 rules 7 in 8 wear 9 quiet 10 eithe

13、r 五、读写综合。 A A信息归纳。 Do you feel you have too much homework? If you answer “yes”, you are in the same boat as most US kids. However, school life for them is about to get even harder. A group of 13 states have decided to make their schools work much heavier, especially in math and English. Most student

14、s in US high schools work very hard. But it is not like in China, where almost all students have to work from early morning till late in the evening. US students have a lot of freedom to decide how hard they should work. “Most students put in a lot ofeffort, they work really hard, but some do almost

15、 nothing,” said Lillian Gordon, a teacher from California. “I think stricter rules will help those students who arent so focused(集中精神的).” Information CardInformation Card The school life for US kids is about to get 1Even harder. The decision that a group of 13 states have decided 2To make their scho

16、ols work much heavier. The subjects that the 13 states decided to make much heavier 3Math and English. The time almost all students in China have to work 4From early morning till late in the evening. The thing Lillian thinks will help students who arent so focused 5Stricter rules. B B书面表达。 假如你叫 Mary

17、, 最近你和你父母就 “”周末学生该不该与同学外出活动 进行了讨论。 现在请你以 Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends? 为题, 参照表内所提 供的信息, 写一篇英语短文。内容包括你所填的所有信息。(不少于 60 词) Your parents ideas Your ideas 1go over lessons 1 2have a good sleep 2 3 3help parents do housework 3 写作方法指导与操练 一、写什么细审题,列要点 1提出论题:周末学生该不该与同学外出活动。 2父母的观点和自

18、己的观点。 3欢迎大家提出自己的看法。 二、怎么写遣词句,重结构 Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends? 第一点:提出论题 上周,我和父母做了一个关于“”青少年是否应该在周末时与朋友外出? 的讨论。Last week I had a discussion with my parents about_. 第二点:父母的观点(动词使用一般时) 父 母 认 为 青 少 年 不 应 该 在 周 末 时 与 朋 友 外 出 。 My parents dont think _. 原 因 一 , 青 少 年 应 留 在 家 里 复 习

19、功 课 。 First, they think _. 原 因 二 , 在 外 面 是 有 危 险 的 。 Second, teenagers should_. 原因三,青少年应该帮助父母做家务。Third, _. 第三点:自己的观点(表达想法时,可以用 sb. think/In ones opinion,等方式表达;注意使用 表达顺序的词如 first,second,third) I dont agree with my parents. First, 我认为青少年可以跟朋友外出游玩可以让大家放松些。 _ _. Second, 我们可以与朋友彼此间分享看法。We can_ Third, 我们可

20、以一起锻炼保持身体健康.We can also _ . 结尾:欢迎大家提出自己的看法。 你们的看法如何?What do you think of _? Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends? 我的完整作品书写美观,可适当发挥】 Last week I had a discussion with my parents about if teenagers should go out with their friends _ on weekends. My parents think that teenagers should

21、 stay at home to go over their lessons. And its _ dangerous to stay outside. Alos, they should help their parents do some housework. _ _ _ _ _ _I_n_ _m_y_ _o_p_i_n_i_o n , we teenagers can go out with our friends for fun so that we can relax more. And _w_e_ _c_a_n_ _a_l_s_o_ _s_h_a_r_e_ _i_d_e_a_s_ _w_i_t_h_ _e_a_c_h_ _o_t_h_e_r_._ _W_h_a_t_s_ _m_o_r_e_,_ _W_e_ _c_a_n_ _a_l_s_o_ _t_a_k_e_ _s_o_m_e_ _e_x_e_r_c i s e together to _ keep fit. _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5


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