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1、Unit Unit 8 8 Is there Is there a a post office near herepost office near here Part Part 4 4 Section BSection B(课前) 目标预习,自主学习 一、单词和短语预习。 1enjoy v. 享受 词组:enjoy doing sth.享受做某事 ( C )(1)She enjoys _ movies on weekends. Awatch Bwatches Cwatching Dto watch (2)我享受晚饭后阅读。I enjoy reading after supper. 2left

2、n. 左边 v. leaveleft(过去式)离开 词组:turn left 向左转 on the left 在左边 leave China 离开中国 ( D )(1)She _ Beijing yesterday afternoon. A leave B leaves C leaving Dleft (2)当你看到图书馆时向左转。 Turn left when you see the library. 3go along/walk along/go down 沿着走 词组:go along/walk along/go down the street 沿着这条街走 take a walk 散步

3、 ( B )(1)Walk_ the Center Street, and you can see the store on your left. Athrough Balong Cbetween Dbehind (2)沿着第六大街一直走。 Go along the Sixth Street. 4spend v. 度过/花费 词组:spendon, spendindoing. 花费时间或金钱做某事 take v. 花费 词组:It takes sb. time to do sth. 花费某人多少时间去做某事 It takes me two hours to do my homework.做作业

4、花费我两个小时。 ( A )(1)They _ the whole night drawing that picture last month . Aspent Bspend Ctake Dtook (2)我花两个小时做作业。 I spend 2 hours(in)doing my homework. 5front prep. 前面 词 组:in front of 在前面(事物外部前面)in the front of 在前面(事物内部前 面) ( B )(1)The teacher is talking _ the classroom. Ain front of Bin the front o

5、f Cnext 1 Dfar (2)我坐在 Lily前面。 I sit in front of Lily . 二、Section BSection B(1a1d1a1d)句型学习。 1沿着桥大街直走然后向左转。 Go along the Bridge Street and turn left. 2在第一个十字路口向右转。 Turn right at the first crossing. 3这家超市就在你的左边。 The supermarket is on your left. 4在这家酒店附近有餐馆吗? Is there a restaurant near the hotel? 5这家酒店在

6、警局的后面。 The hotel is behind the post office. 三、Section Section BB 2b2b篇章理解预习。 (一)预习课文内容,完成下列各句。 1Anna likes to watch the monkeys in a zoo. 2The zoo is on Bridge Road. 3John lives near a supermarket . 4John often exercises at the park because he loves the clean air and sunshine . 5There is a post offi

7、ce between Lisas house and a clothes store. (二)预习课文并选择正确的答案。 ( C )1Which place is across from the supermarket near Johns house? AA clothes shop. BA zoo. CA big park. DA library. ( A )2How does Lisa get to the library from her home? AGo down North Road. BGo across Center Street. C Walk along Bridge R

8、oad. D Go past the supermarket. ( B )3Whats the word “neighborhoodneighborhood” mean from the passage? A邻居 B街区 C边缘 D桥梁 ( D )4Which sentence is NOTNOT true? AAnna likes watching monkeys climbing. BJohn lives near a supermarket. 2 C There is a post office near Lisas house. D John never exercises at th

9、e park. ( D )5Whats the main idea(主旨)of the passage? ABeautiful places. BThe way to get to a library. CThe girl who loves the zoo. DThe place where three students live. 四、Section Section B2bB2b 篇章短语归纳。 1在周末 on weekends 5干净的空气和阳光 clean air and sunshine 2看猴子们到处爬 watch monkeys climbing around 6穿过中心大街 g

10、o across the Center Street 3看起来像 look like 4沿着走 go along/down 7享受阅读 enjoy reading 8时间过得很快 time goes quickly 五、完形填空。 Winter comes and it is cold. Mrs. Herman wants to go 1 . She likes shopping, but she is busy from Monday to Friday. She is free on weekends. On Saturday her husband (丈夫)is 2 , too. She

11、 always asks him to go with her. Of course, he has to 3 for everything and carries her bags. They go into many shops on the street. Mrs. Herman buys many 4 . She often stops in 5 of a shop and says, “Look, dear! Isnt that beautiful?” He always answers like this, “All right, dear. How 6 is it?” After

12、 that he 7 out his money to pay for it. It is night when they come out of the last shop. Mr. Herman is very 8 . He wants to have a nice drink at home. When he is thinking about this, his wife(妻子) looks at the sky and says, “Look at that beautiful 9 , Joe! How beautiful it is!” Without 10 , Mr. Herma

13、n answers, “All right, dear. How much is it? Tell me and I will pay for it.” ( D )1Adoing Bswimming Cbuying Dshopping ( A ) 2 A free B busy C worried Dafraid ( B ) 3 A get B pay C look Dteach ( C )4Abooks Bbasketballs Cthings Dwatches ( B )5Abehind Bfront Cunder Dnear ( C )6Asoon Blong Cmuch Dmany ( A )7Atakes Bbrings Ccarries Dputs 3 ( B )8Ahappy Btired Csad Dexcited ( B )9Asun Bmoon Cflower Dtree ( D ) 10 A walking B running C working Dshopping 4


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