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1、2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit4Wheresmyschoolbag(第3课时)SectionA(GrammarFocus3a-3c)教案新人教版Teaching and learning goals:1、The knowledge goals1). Students can use the prepositions on, in, under to describe where things are. 2). Can talk about things around the house by using the Where questions:Where is? Its in/on

2、/under Where are? Theyre in/on/under3). Students can use the Yes and No questions to talk about where the thing is:Is it? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Are they? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.2、The ability goals Students can talk about where things are3、The emotional goals To culture the studentshabit

3、of putting their things in the right position.Teaching and learning steps:Step1. Revision. Translate the sentences into English.1. Let students translate the sentences by thenselves. 2. Talk about in groups. One e to the blackboard and write the answer on the blackboard. 3. Then check the answer.1).

4、我的书包在哪里?_? 2).它在桌子下面。_. 3).我的书们在哪里?_? 4).它们在沙发上。_.5).钥匙在沙发上吗?_? 6).不,它们不在。_.7).它在你的书桌上吗?_? 8).是的,它在。_.(设计意图:复习环节通过翻译句子对所学内容检测,了解学生对所学内容的掌握情况。小组合作环节给学生参与、实践和交流的机会,体现了以学生为中心的思想,以学定教。)Step 2. Warming up and lead-in1. Listen to a song Where is my white sock.2. Let students look at the picture and then h

5、ave a memory challenge.T: Hello, boys and girls! Lets have a petition. Challenge your memory. T: Where is Sally? S: She is in the box. T: No. Where is Sally? S: She is on the box. T: Yes. You are right.(设计意图:先听歌曲,然后通过小游戏的方式复习上节课所学的方位介词和句型,在具体的语境中感知语法,一方面可以通过具体的语境中感知所学的内容,同时能够调动学生的积极性,并检测学生对句型的掌握情况,有

6、利于学生更好的理解接下来的语法知识。)Step 3. Look and find the rules (观察与发现)Task 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.观察: Where_ the baseball? Where_ the pencils? Where_ the schoolbag?It is _ the table. They are _ the schoolbag. It is _ the table. Where_ the books? Where_ the keys? Where_ the pencil box?The

7、y are _ the chair. They are _ the table. It is _ the sofa.发现:Where is/are 这一句型表示“_”,其后是“定冠词the +名词”的结构。当其后加可数名词单数或不可数名词时,用_,回答时为了避免重复,用_来作为答句的主语;当其后是可数名词复数时,用_,回答时用_作主语。答语的句型结构为“主语 + be动词 + _ + the + 表示地方的名词.”,常见的方位介词有:在上面 _ 在里面 _ 在下面 _。练习:1. 钥匙们在书桌上。_ 2. 铅笔盒在书桌里。_ 3. 直尺在沙发下面。_4. 词典在哪里?_ 它在书架上。_ 5.

8、钥匙在哪里?_ 它们在书包里。_Task 2. Read the sentences of Grammar Focus and sum-up.观察:T: Please read the sentences of Grammar Focus. Pay attention to the red words. Where is the map?Its in your grandparents room.Where are my books?Theyre on the sofa.Where is his pencil box?Its in his schoolbag.Where is your rul

9、er?Its under the chair.Where are their keys?Theyre on the table.发现:Where is/are 这一句型表示“_”,其后是“定冠词the+名词”的结构,同时也可以是“_+名词”。练习:1. 我的词典在哪里?_ 它在书桌上。_ 2. 他的钥匙在哪里?_ 它们在椅子下面。_Task 3. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.观察: _ the dog under the table? _ the dog on the chair?No, _ _. Yes, _ _. _ the bo

10、oks on the desk? _ the books in the bookcase?No, _ _. Yes, _ _.发现:这是询问“某物是否在某地”的一般疑问句。在单数句型中,be动词用_,肯定回答用_,否定回答用_;在复数句型中,be动词用_,肯定回答用_,否定回答用_。练习:1.直尺在椅子下面吗?_ 是的,它在。_ 2.你的电脑游戏在书桌上吗?_ 不,它们不在。_(设计意图:语法部分的学习,首先让学生自己补全例句,然后通过观察例句,自己感知发现,尝试归纳语言的规律,总结本单元的重点语法知识。自己解决不了的问题,可以小组之间讨论,必要时老师可以给予适当的点拨。)Step 4. Lo

11、ok at the pictures and plete the conversations. (3a) 1. A: Where _ the keys? 2. A: Wheres the _? 3. A: Where _the pencils? B: Theyre _ the _. _ it on your desk? B: I dont know. They _ B: No, its _ the chair. in the _? A: Yes, they are.(设计意图:实战演练,通过补全对话的方式,让学生填写关键单词,降低难度,同时对刚学过的内容加以消化吸收,并检测学生对所学语法知识的

12、掌握情况。)Step 5. pare and find out the differences. 火眼金睛 (3c)T: Please look at the two pictures. Can you find some differences between them? 1. T: Student A look at the first picture. Student B look at the second picture. Ask and answer questions to find the differences. Now, work in pairs to practice.

13、 You may use:A: Wheres the schoolbag? Is it on the table?B: No, it isnt. Its under the table.A: 2. T: Now, please fill in the blanks first. Then give a report.ThingsPicture 1Picture 2schoolbagon the table under the deskPencilsbookskeysdogAsk some students to report their answer like this: In Picture

14、 1, the pencil box is In Picture 2, the pencil box is; In Picture 1, the books are In Picture 2, the books are (设计意图:开放性练习部分,首先通过观察图片中的不同之处,学生做对话,既练习了口语,同时也巩固了本课所学内容,此处教师应给学生作出示范,且练习环节应为两两练习。之后第二步,让学生看图片写出不同处,完成表格,然后根据表格进行report,可使学生的练习更具体。)Step 6. The teachers wordsT: Boys and girls, do you think t

15、he rooms tidy? Ss: No.T: You should try to make your room tidy. Dont put things everywhere. Now look at Mr. Wangs room. And fill in the blanks.(设计意图:通过观察图片,引导学生不要乱放物品乱扔垃圾,养成干净整洁的好习惯, 从而自然渗透到本节课的情感教育目标。)Step 7. The end-of- class test一:翻译下面的短语。1.在桌子上_ 2.在床底下_3.在铅笔盒里_ 4.在书橱里面_5.在沙发上_ 6.在椅子下面_二用所给单词适当形式

16、填空。1.Where are the books? _(it) are in the schoolbag.2.Who is that girl? _(her) is my sister.3. These are your _(key).4. _(be) your pencil on the desk?5. Where _(be) the schoolbag.三对划线部分提问。1. My English books are in the schoolbag. _?2. Her ruler is under the desk. _?3. Franks tape is in the tape pla

17、yer. _?四、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Where is the bag? _(它在桌子上) .2. Is my T-shirt _(在床上)? Yes, it is .3. _(那些书在哪)? They are _(在书架上) .4. Is the ruler_(在椅子下)?Yes, it is .5. Is your ID card on the table? No, _(它不在) .(设计意图:当堂检测题是针对本节课所学内容进行的形成性评价,题型多样化,从多个角度进行了练习,这样既能使学生巩固本节课所学知识,又能让老师了解到学生本堂课真实的学习情况,并对错误较多的知识点进行巩固强化。

18、)Step8. Homework必做题:Finish the exercises on the workbook. (Page 47)选做题:Write a passage about your room.(设计意图:设置必做题与选做题,可以更好的进行分层教学,让一些有余力的同学能够拔高一些。)本课亮点:本堂课围绕教学目标展开,上课之初设计的歌曲及猜词等环节,意在调动学生的积极性,之后的各个环节设计多样化的学习活动,让全部学生积极参与其中,充分练习。观察与发现部分,充分发挥学生学习的主动性,让学生根据上节课所学的内容,通过观察例句,尝试归纳语言的规律,总结本单元的重点语法知识。“火眼金睛”部分

19、,通过学生间的竞赛,找出两幅图画的不同之处,极大地调动了学生的学习热情,符合七年级学生的年龄特点,能很好调动学生的积极性与参与度。不足之处:复习部分设计的过于简单话,并且在时间安排上有所欠缺,前松后紧,以后一定努力改正。重点语法部分,突破的不算完美。小组合作,部分环节操作的有些死板。以后还应探索如何科学高效的使用小组合作。使用建议:重点句型最好板书在黑板上,并且重点单词用红色粉笔标出。当堂检测中的练习题,让学生在练习本上写出答案,一定要留给学生独立思考的时间。参考答案:Step1. Revision1.Wheres my schoolbag? 2. Its under the table.3.

20、 Where are my books? 4. Theyre on the sofa.5. Are the keys on the sofa? 6. No, they arent.7. Is it on your desk? 8. Yes, it is.Step 3. Look and find the rules (观察与发现)Task 1. 某物或某人在哪里,wheres, it, where are, they, 方位介词; on, in, under 1. The keys are on the desk. 2. My pencil box is in the desk.3. The

21、ruler is under the sofa.4. Wheres the dictionary? Its on the bookcase.5. Where are the keys? Theyre in the schoolbag.Task 2. 1.Wheres my dictionary? Its on the bookcase.2.Where are his keys? Theyre in the schoolbag.Task 3. Is, it isnt; Is, it is; Are, they arent; Are, they areIs, Yes, it is. No, it

22、isnt. Are, Yes, they are. No, they arent.1. Is the ruler under the chair? Yes, it is.2. Are your puter games on the desk? No, they arent.Step 7. The end-of- class test一、1. on the table 2.under the bed 3. in the pencil box4. in the bookcase 5. on the sofa 6. under the chair二、1. They 2. She 3. keys4.

23、Is 5. is三、1. Where are your English books?2. Where is her ruler?3. Where is Franks tape?四、1. It is on the desk.2. on the bed3. Where are the books? on the shelf4. under the chair5. it isnt2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit9MyfavoritesubjectisscienceSectionA第2课时教案新版人教新目标版Section A Grammar Focus-3c 一.【教材分析】教学目标知识目

24、标1. 能听、说、读、写Unit 9 Section A的词汇和短语。2. 学会用favorite表达自己的喜好。3. 学会使用why和because询问和回答。能力目标熟练地表达自己最喜欢的学科和喜欢它的原因。情感目标每人都有喜欢的学科和不喜欢的学科,但是,我们要认真学好每一科,不要偏科。教学重点1. 会表达自己最喜欢的学科。2. 会用why和because询问和回答。教学难点1. 形容词性物主代词有所遗忘。2. why和because用得不太熟练。教学方法情境教学法;任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I.复习热身Warming up.A: Whats your/his/he

25、r favorite subject?B: My/His/Her favorite subject is .P.E.artsciencemusicmathChinesegeographyhistory .感知体验1. Grammar Focus. Questions Answers Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science.Whats his favorite subject?His favorite subject is Chinese.Whats her favorite subject?Her favorite

26、subject is art.Why does Bob like history?Because its interesting.Why do Frank and Bob like P.E.?Because its fun.Whos your music teacher?My music teacher is Ms. Xie.When is your geography class?Its on Monday and Friday. Ask the students to read the sentences together. Discuss in groups.Ask if the stu

27、dents have any problems. If they do, explain them to the students.2. Do 3a. Fill in the blanks with what, who or why.1. A: _ do you like history? B: Because its interesting.2. A: _ likes math? B: Eric does.3. A: _ is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E.4. A: _ is your science teache

28、r? B: My science teacher is Mr. Chen.5. A: _ do you like art? B: Because its fun.3. Do 3b. Write questions for the answers. Questions Answers1. _?2. _?3. _?4. _?5. _?Because history is interesting.Science and math.His Chinese class is on Monday.Marys favorite subject is art.My geography teacher is M

29、rs. Qin. Ask the students to check the answers. 4. Do 3c. Interview three classmates and plete the chart. NameFavorite subject(What)Reason(Why)Teacher(Who)Li JingjingmusicIts funMs. Xie A: Whats your favorite subject, Jingjing? B: Music.A: Why do you like music?B: Because its fun.A: Whos your music

30、teacher?B: Ms. Xie.5. Language points.1) Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的科目是什么? (1) favorite做形容词时, 意为“最喜爱的”。 如: Whats your favorite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?(2) favorite也可以做名词, 意为“最喜爱的人/物”。 如: Ice cream is my favorite. 【相关链接】 favorite可与“like . best”结构互换使用。 如: My favorite subject is English. = I like Engl

31、ish best. (我最喜欢英语。) 2) 如何询问 “爱好和原因”?Whats +主语 (his/her/your)+favorite ?Why + do (does) +主语 + 动词原形+宾语? -Whats your favorite city/color/sport? -His/her/my favorite is. -Why do/does you/he/she like ? -Because. why引导的疑问句回答中应注意的问题:注: why引导的疑问句是对原因的提问,是“为什么”的意思,通常用because引导的句子回答。它和so引导的表 结果的句子在汉语中是一对关联词,但

32、在英语中不能同时使用,只能选择其一。-Why do you like P.E.?-Because its fun.Because we are good friends, we help each other.= We are good friends, so we help each other.强化巩固Exercises. I单项选择。 1. _ is your favorite subject? A. How B. What C. How much D. Where 2. Her favorite _ is green. A. subject B. friends C. color D.

33、 book 3. The boy doesnt 1ike math, _ its boring. A. why B. because C. and D. or 4. Ken and Lindas favorite subject _ P. E. A. are B. is C. am 5. What _ you do after supper? A. does B. do C. is 6. I dont like documentaries because its _. A. funny B. relaxing C. boring 7. Whats your favorite subject?

34、_ A. Yes. B. Science. C. Football. 8. Why dont you like math? Because its _ A. interesting B. fun C. difficult 9. I like music _ its relaxing A. because B. but C. why D. or 10. Why _ your mother like red sweaters? A. do B. is C. are D. does II. 句型转换。 1. My favorite subject is English. (对划线部分提问) _? 2

35、. Her mothers favorite color is blue. (对划线部分提问) _? 3. Science is very difficult. (改为否定句) _. 4. Mike has P.E. on Thursday. (对划线部分提问) _? 5. Bob likes art because its fun.(对划线部分提问) _?6. He likes Chinese. (改为一般疑问句) _?IV.总结反馈 结合板书和课件,让学生盘点本节课的重点语法点。1. why和because的用法。2. favorite的用法。V.作业布置Do you know your family members favorite things? Ask them and talk about your family members with your classmates.三、【板书设计】Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.Section A Grammar Focus-3c A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is math. A: Why do you like it? B: Because its interesting. 四、【教后反思】


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