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1、知新补习社英语时态练习题时态综合训练1. Sales of CDshave greatly in creased since the early 1990s, whe npeople to enjoy the adva ntages of this new tech no logy.A. beg in B. bega nC. have beg un D. had beg un2. Turn on the televisi on or ope n a magaz ine and youadvertiseme nts show ing happy families.A. will ofte n s

2、ee B. ofte n seeC. are ofte n see ing D. have ofte n see n3. I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Isla nd for her holiday.Oh, how ni ce! Do you know whe n she?A. was leav ing B. had leftC. has left D. left4. What were you doing whe n Tony phoned you?I had just fini shed my work andto take a shower.A. ha

3、d started B. startedC. have started D. was starti ng5. Iyou not to move my dictionary now I can t find it.A. asked B. askC. was ask ing D. had asked6. Has Sam fini shed his homework today?I have no idea. Heit this morni ng.A. did B. has doneC. was doing D. had done7. What s that terrible noise?The n

4、 eighborsfor a party.A. have prepared B. are prepari ngC. prepare D. will prepare8. Now that she is out of a job, Lucygoing back to school,but she hasn t decid ed yet.A. had con sidered B. has bee n con sideri ngC. con sidered D. is going to con sider9. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her cl

5、ass, visitinga museum whe n the earthquake struck.A. was B. wereC. had bee n D. would be10. The discussi onalive whe n an in teresti ng topic wasbrought in.A. was coming B. had comeC. has come D. came11. Because the shop, all the T-shirts are sold at halfprice.A. has closed dow n B. closed dow nC. i

6、s clos ing dow n D. had closed dow n12. Let s keep to the point or weany decisions.A. will n ever reach B. have n ever reachedC. never reach D. never reached13. My mind wasn t on what he was saying so I m afraid Ihalf of it.A. was miss ing B. had missedC. will miss D. missed14. It is said in the boo

7、k that Thomas Ediso n (18471931)the world-lead ing inven tor for sixty years.A. would be B. has bee nC. had bee n D. was15. You were out whe n I dropped in at your house.Oh, Ifor a frie nd from En gla nd at the airport.A. was wait ing B. had waitedC. am wait ing D. has waited1. B. when引导的是一个非限制性定语从句

8、,when指20世纪90年代初,当然用一般过去时。2. A.这是“祈使句+and +陈述句”句型,祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句, and后的陈述句的谓语用一般将来时,这是一个较为固定的句型。3. D.因为Jane已经度假去了,“离开”此地就当然是在此之前的过去某 个时间了,所以用一般过去时,选 D。另外,when通常都不与完成时连用,排除 B和C, A也与语境不符。4. D.过去进行时在此表示过去准备要做的事。句意为:(Tony给我打电话时)我刚好做完工作,准备去冲凉。5. A.由now可知前句的意思是:我曾经叫你不要搬动我的词典的(你偏不 听)。“叫”是在过去发生的动作,用一般过去时。6.

9、C.根据句意“我不知道Sam现在是否已经做完了作业,(但是我知道) 他今天早上一直在做作业”,可知要用过去进行时。7. B.由What s=What is可知,现在在出声音;进而知道“邻居们正在为一个晚会作准备”,所以用现在进行时态。再说,已经准备好了或者将作准备, 我们不可能听得到声音,问句也就不成立了,排除A和Do8. B. 根据but she hasn t decided yet (尚未决定)可知,从开始失业时起一直在考虑再去上学,现在还在考虑。表示从过去某一时刻开始一直到现在, 并且现在依然在发生的动作,用现在完成进行时,现在完成进行时由“ have/has been doing ”构

10、成,所以选B。9. A.由when the earthquake struck可知,要用一般过去时,排除 C和D;又因为主语是单数the teacher,所以只有A正确。10. D.由whenwas brought in 可知,come也是过去发生的事,用一般 过去时。句意是:当引入一个有趣的话题时,那场讨论又变得活跃起来。11. C.由 all the T-shirts are sold at half price可知,这家商店还没有关闭,但准备将要关闭,所以选 C,用现在进行时表示最近的打算。12. A. “祈使句+0叶陈述句”句型中,陈述句的谓语用“ will+动词原形”, 几乎是固定的

11、。句意是:让我们扣住主题吧,否则,我们就作不了决定。13. D.因为was saying表明“他说”发生在过去,“没听到”应该是“他 说”的时候没听到,所以miss也是发生在过去,而miss作“未听见、未理解” 解时,一般没有进行时,因此,只有 D正确。句意是:我的注意力当时并没有集 中在他所说的内容上,所以恐怕有一半我都没听到。14. D.根据括号内的18471931可知,此处应填过去时态;另外,由于没有另一个过去的时间或动作与之比较,故不能用过去完成时,即只能选Do15. A.句意是:(你来我家时)我正在机场等候一位从England来的朋友。 表示在过去某一时刻或在过去某一段时间内正在发生

12、的事, 用过去进行时,所以 选Ao1. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book 50 millio n.A. have reached B. has reachedC. are reach ing D. had reached2. He kept look ing at her, won deri ng whether hehersomewhere.A. saw B. has see nC. sees D. had see n3. The crazy fans patiently for two hours

13、 and they would waittill the movie star arrived.A. were wait ing B. had bee n wait ingC. had waited D. would wait4. Sheher hairstyle in her hometow n before she came toChongqing for a better job.A. would cha nge B. has cha ngedC. cha nged D. was cha nging5. The first use of atomic weap ons was in 19

14、45, and their powerin creased eno rmously ever sin ce.A. is B. wasC. has bee n D. had bee n6. You have n t said a word about my new coat, Bren da. Do you likeit?I m sorry Iany thi ng about it soon er. I certa inly thinkit s pretty on you.A. wasn t saying B. don t sayC. won t say D. didn t say7. All

15、morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor,her n ervous ness.A. has grow n B. is grow ingC. grew D. had grow n8. Why don t you put the meat in the fridge? It willfreshfor several days.A. be stayed B. stayC. be stay ing D. have stayed9. Howcan you possibly miss the news? It on TV al

16、l day long.A. has bee n B. had bee nC. was D. will be10. Sorry to have in terrupted you. Please go on.Where was I?Youyou didn t like your father s job.A. had said B. saidC. were say ing D. had bee n say ing11. I arrived late; Ithe road to be so icy.A. would n t expectB. haven t expectedC. hadn t exp

17、ected D. wasn t expecting12. Iwhile readi ng the En glish textbook. Luckily, myroommate woke me up in time!A. had fallen asleep B. have fallen asleepC. fell asleep D. fall asleep13. Although he has lived with us for years, heus muchimpressi on.A. hadn t left B. didn t leaveC. doesn t leave D. hasn t

18、 left14. I ping- pong quite well, but I haven t had time to playsince the new year.A. will play B. have playedC. played D. play15. I wonder why Jennyus recently. Weshould have heard fromher by now.A. hasn t written B. doesn t writeC. won t write D. hadn t written1. A.因为 that is 意为“换句话说,即 (二in other

19、words, which means)”, 而前句中的谓语has set是现在完成时,后一句的谓语动词也应用现在完成时, 排除C和D;又因主语the sales是复数,选出正确答案 A。2. D.因为由语境可知,see应当发生在kept looking 之前,即过去的过 去,所以用过去完成时,只有 D正确。3. B.因为would wait是过去将来时,可见此事发生在过去,再结合for two hours可知,wait这个动作是从过去某一时刻开始一直延续到另一个过去时刻, 并且还在等,一直要等到那位影星到来,所以用过去完成进行时:had been doing, 因此选Bo4. C.由came可

20、知,她已来重庆了,而改变发型是在来重庆之前,即过去 的过去,按理要用过去完成时,但before已经表明紧接着发生的先后两个动作, 所以也可用一般过去时,所以选 C。5. C.句中的since为副词,表示“从过去某时起一直到现在”,它通常要 与现在完成时连用。6. DO由句中的sooner (意为“早点儿”)可知用一般过去时。句意为“对不起,我没有早点儿说。我确实认为你穿很好看”。7. CO her nervousness (紧张)伴随waited (等)的过程而产生,因此grow 与waited同时发生,时态一致,都用一般过去时。8. B。stay是系动词不能用被动语态,故排除 A;系动词一般

21、不用于进行时 (feel除外),故排除C; stay为非延续性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连 用,故排除D。句意为“你为什么不把肉放在冰箱里呢?那样会保质好几天”。9. A。根据句中all day long来判断,此句是强调播放新闻对现在的影响, 故用现在完成时。意为“你怎么可能没看到新闻?整天都在播放”。10. C。用过去进行时态表示过去某一特定时刻正在进行的动作。此处是指 “我”的话在被打断前正在谈论的情况。句意为“对不起打断你的话,请继续”。 “我说哪儿了? ”“你在说你不喜欢你父亲的工作”。11. C。由 I arrived late可知是过去的情况。I haddn t expected 表示过去没有料到。句意为“我迟到了。我没料到路面结冰”。12. C。while从句用过去进行时,主句用过去时,表示在某个动作的持续过程中,发生过某事。句意为“我在读英语课本时睡着了。幸亏我的室友及时叫醒了我”。13. C。句意为“尽管他和我们生活了好多年,但没给我们留下多少印象”。根据前句中的现在完成时可知,下句是强调的现在的状态,因此用一般现在时。14. D。“我的乒乓球打得好”是现在具有的技能,故用一般现在时。下句 “但自新年以来还一直没有时间去打”。与前句谓语动词的时态无关。15. A。由句中的recently 和by now两个提示可知此句用现在完成时。


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