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1、2020-2021年成都外国语学校高二上入学试卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ALima, the capital of Peru, has countless museums that tourists cant afford to miss. Now start packing up and prepare for your perfect Peruvian histoiy exploration at these wonderfill mu

2、seums.Larco MuseumStepping inside, visitors get to leani the 5,000-year histoiy of Peru tluough an unbelievable collection of objects. The best thing about the museum is that it keeps the door to the storeroom open to visitors so that they can admire its collection closely.Gold Museum of PeruIf you

3、like sliiny objects or precious metals, then plan a trip to Gold Museum of Peru. In ancient times, the Peruvian people were celebrated for their skills in metals. And the museum is aimed at preserving this heritage.Lima Art MuseumAit experts are much pleased as the city is also home to Lima Art Muse

4、um. Its pennanent exhibit of over 1,200 pieces is merely a small part of its amazing collection more than 17,000 artifacts. Tlie higlilight of the museum is its collection of Carlos Baca-Flors masterpieces, which is considered to be the most complete set in theworld.Museum of Italian ArtTlie only mu

5、seum dedicated to European art in Peru, Museum of Italian Art is a storehouse of classical and and contemporaiy paintings and sculptures belonging to the 20th centuiy The propeity is easily accessible by a short walk from Lima Art Museum.Museum of Natural HistoiyLast but certainly not least is Museu

6、m of Natural Histoiy. Giving a glimpse into the rich biodiversity in Peru, the museum has on display the skeletons of a spenn whale and fossils of several mammals.21. In which museum can visitors enter the storeroom ?A. Larco Museum. B. Gold Museum of Peru.C. Lima Art Museum. D. Museum of Natural Hi

7、stoiy.22. What makes Gold Museum of Peru different from other museums?A. Its large collection of objects. B. Its exhibit of a diversity of animals.C Its classical paintings and sculptures. D. Its display of Pemvian skills in metals.23. Wliich museum is the closest to Lima Art Museum?A. Larco Museum.

8、 B. Gold Museum of Pem.C. Museum of Italian Ait. D. Museum of Natural HistoiyBMy name is Sara. Wlien I was little, I played the drums. I also had a guitar. In fourth grade, I started playing the tiombone(长号).I practised about four hours a week. All of this might not seem like a big deal for a lot of

9、 kids, but theres something about me that makes me a bit different from others. I was boni without hands . Since I was about one year old, Ive worn piosthetics(彳度肢).Tliis year, I got an invitation to join the high school marching band(行进管乐队) I told my mom I wanted to do it . But I had an instinctor

10、who thought I would not be able to march in the band- -not because it was a high school band and I was only in seventh grade, but probably because my body was difierent. All I wanted was to show that I could do it, so I joined the band. And it paid off!Music gives me energy. That happens sometimes.

11、One time I was so down, I didnt even want to get out of bed. Tlien I hit my MP3 player by accident. A song came on, and 1 got up and started dancing. It helped me say to myself,“OK, I can get tliiough today.”Around my musician fiiends, we all share the same problems, like working out how many beats

12、there are in a measure(、节).I have a hard time counting the beats, but so do a lot of the other kids. Its a nomial problem that we musicians share. Wlien Pm with the band. I dont feel as different as I do in other situations. It*s just another way that music makes me want to go on, and not to just si

13、t down by myself and not care about life.24. In what way is Sara different from other kids?A. She knows how to play many instmments.B. Theres something wrong with her body.C. She learned to play the diums at a very early age.D. She kept playing the trombone for the longest hours.25. When invited to

14、join the marcliing band. Sara.A. believed that she would make it B. had no idea what to doD said no at firstC. followed the instructors advice26. How does Sara probably feel when shes with the band?A. BoredB. Afraid C. Successfill D. Relaxed27. What would be the best title for the text?A. My Love fo

15、r Music B. A Young DrummerC. A High School Band D. My Magic HandscI dont post recognizable pictures of my children on social media. I dont use their names. I donrt put anything out there that will be really embaiTassiiig for them ill later life.Tlie reason for not posting pictures is that I feel a p

16、ersons pictures should be his or her own. Its not good for me to push my kids out into the wilds of the Web before theyre ready, and understand what it all means.When the time comes, theyre more than welcome to use social media. But for now, Fm happy to give them a degiee of separation until they ca

17、n make a choice for themselves.Tliis has meant extra efforts on our part when it comes to making sure that kids dont get accidentally caught up in the Internet, because the schools where they learn, like so many others up and down the countiy post their pictures to social media.However, my husband t

18、hought I was overanxious and asked me a question about its advantages. And having thought about it fbr a while, Pm not 100 percent sure if there are any.But I could list the disadvantages: the time it takes to manage an account, often by a teacher, meaning extra work; the unavoidable difficulties in

19、 safeguardingIts great to see the kids doing theii things in schools, but my wony is about the use of social media that doesnt give anything back to the kids, and in many ways, just turns them into another way to gain clicks. I want more than that for them.莉子陆28. Why is the author unwilling to post

20、her kids picture online?A. To push her kids into the wilds of the Web.B. To avoid being recognized.C. To make herself embarrassed。 D. To protect her kids* privacy.29. Whafs most schools1 attitude towards social media?A. Supportive B. Unfavorable. C. Doubtfiil. D. Womed.30. Why did the authors husban

21、d ask her a question?A. To prove the author is knowledgeable.B. To show social media has disadvantages.C. To advise the author to list what she thinks.D. To help the author solve her problem.31. What will happen if schools post kids* pictures online according to the author?A. Teachers will take on e

22、xtra work. B. Parents will have lots of tilings to do.C. Kids* safety will be protected effectively.D. Kids will become famous due to clicks.DBntish people work some of the longest hours in Europe, but are among the least producth-e. Now some companies are shortening the working week to increase eff

23、iciency, health and happiness.Rich Leigh has introduced a fbur-day week at liis PR company. In fact, his entireCompany has Friday off, because his finn has adopted a four-day week. It is one of several UK businesses that now operate like this: staff still get paid their previous five-day salaiy; but

24、 they work a day less. Tlie company found that they achieved justas much-and there were even signs of growth.The key to the schemes success/1 Leigh says,“is how happy our employees now are.1*Tlie average Bntish worker takes only a 34 minute lunch break and works 10 hours overtime each week (more oft

25、en than not this is unpaid). Yet UK productivity falls seriously beliind their European neighbors, who tend to work fewer hours.Bntish working practices have caused loss and damage to the nations health and happiness. More than half a million workers in the UK were signed off with work-related stres

26、s or anxiety last year. Moieover, the work landscape itself is changing. Automation and AI will have a significant impact on the labor market, where unsteady work becomes more common.Bntain is the only EU member that allows workers to ignore the EU working time limit and work longer hours. For campa

27、igners, now is the time for a change. OGrady, an advocate argues that where businesses have increased their profits (禾小闰) as a result of automation, success should be shared with workers in the fbmi of reduced hours, MFs time to share the benefits from new technology, not allowing those at the top t

28、o grab them for themselves.H she says.32. We can learn from the passage that.A. British people are the least producth-e in the world.B Most companies in Britain have conducted a four-day weekC. PR company has witnessed a rise in employees happinessD. Bntish people work longer and get more payment th

29、an other counties.33. Wliich is the proper description of British working practices?A.The working time of British workers is witliin the EU limit:B. In producthity, Britain is beaten by the United States.C. Profits gained from new teclmology are on the decrease.D. Automation and AI are likely to cau

30、se an unsteady work market.34. Wliich can be infeiTed from O Gradys words in the last paragiaph?A. Its time for employers to share the increased profits created by automaton.B. Workers should benefit from automation in the form of less working hours/1C. New technology should belong to both businesse

31、s and workers.D. Businesses cant make more profits without new teclmology.35. What is the author* s puipose of writing the passage?A. To introduce some British firms switch to a four-day working week.B. To explain the reasons why British workers suffer stress and anxiety.C. To appeal fbr more reason

32、able working conditions.D. To show the present producthity problem in Britain.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项Secure in your home with these expert-advised Home safety keeps that turn burglars into losers. Store valuables carefullyThieves akeady know youe storing valuab

33、les, so upgrade your secret hidingplaces to ones that are harder to detect. _36, ,Thieves often search drawers in the master bedroom but tend to leave kids? rooms untouched. Just make sure its a place your child cant easily access, like on a high closet shelf. Install your security system in the rig

34、ht spot37 .but they also make it easy for burglars to see inside your home.Install your security keypad in a spot that is not visible from the doorstep so no one can see if your alarm is set. _38_.Knowing yourhouse is completely unattended can make your vacation unnecessarily sti,essfiil.Whether you

35、re going away for two weeks or just a long weekend T ask a neighbor to check daily for flyers stuck in your front door.Foxy criminals have been known to leave pizza ads in doors to see how long it takes for residents to remove them.Stopping newspapers and mail delivery for the duration of your trip

36、is a sure way to prevent mail from piling up at your doorstep. Pay attention to bathroom windowsBurglars are often people youve seen before like a serviceman working on your house.If a yard worker or unknown visitor uses the bathroom, he may open the window so he can gain entry later.39. Join in a c

37、ommunity-wide crime prevention programCops are getting creative when it comes to catching criminals, and there are lots of opportunities for you to do your part to keep your community safe.Operation Identification is a nationwide project that encourages people to mark their property to fight against

38、 burglary and theft. 40 .Also look into groups like Neighborhood Watch to see how you can get involved.A.Let your neighbors be your eyesB.Lower the volume of your telephone fingerC.Be sure to double-check that lock after this seemingly innocent person leaves D.A simple solution is keeping important

39、documents and objects in your childs room E.Decorative glass or large windows may be important for your front entrance feng shuiF.If you suspect that someone is trying to break into your home, press theuPanicbiittonG.In some cities, burglary rates for the system are much lower than those of non-Part

40、icipants第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。Lilly was a French Canadian giil who grew up iii the fanning community. Wlien she was 16, her father 41 her to drop out of school to contribute to the familyincome, With English as her second langtiage(

41、 and) 42 education, the_ 43_didn,t look bright for Lilly.Lilys father was a stubborn man who44 took “no” for an answer. He_45_ Lily to find a job. With small hope of gaining 46, each day she wouldjust ride to the city, walk_ 47_ about and return home at dusk.”On one of her 48, Lilly saw a sign at a

42、big company_ 49 , sheknocked the veiy first door. Iii her 50_ English, Lilly told the office manager she was interested in the secretarial position. The manager 51 to give the girl achance. He directed her to type a letter, and then _ 52. Lily looked at the clock and saw it was 11: 40 am. She though

43、t everyone would be leaving fbr_ 53at noonwhen she could_ 54 away in the crowd. But she knew she should_ 55the letter.On her first try, Lily_ 56 one line of five words and made four mistakes. Onher second attempt, she completed a foil patagraph, but still made many mistakes. She looked at the clock:

44、 11: 55-five minutes to 57 . Just then, the managerwalked in. He came diiectly to Lilly, read the letter and said, “Lilly, you*re doing 58_work!”With those simple words of encouragement, her desire to escape disappeared and 9her_ 59_ began to glow. Lilly thought,“ Well, if he thinks its good, then i

45、t must be good. I think Ill stay! ”Lilly did stay- all because someone had given a 60_ anduncertain gh l the gift of self-confidence when she knocked on the door.41. A. remindedB.forcedC. encouragedD. helped42. A. poorB. fbnnalC. goodD modem43. A. actviceB. promiseC. futureD. change44. A. alwaysB. u

46、suallyC. sometimesD. rarely45. A. warnedB.toldC. allowedD.begged46. A. employmentB. experienceC. judgmentD. independence47. A. carefxillyB. happilyC. aimlesslyD. rapidly48. A. stepsB. ti,ipsC. puiposesD. choices49. A. BravelyB. ProudlyC. CalmlyD. Cautiously50. A. brokenB. pei-fectC. writtenD. fluent

47、51. A. revisedB. decidedC. pretendedD. failed52. A. stoppedB. continuedC. leftD. sighed53. A. lunchB. lifeC. ftmD. luck54. A. breakB. slipC. passD. drive55. A. readB. writeC. attemptD. delivet56. A. went overB. picked upC. gave awayD. got through57. A. freedomB. successC. discussionD reward58. A. te

48、mbleB. excellentC. honestD. easy59. A. beliefB. patienceC. confidenceD. strength60. A. shyB. lonelyC. selflessD. modest第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15盆)、单句填空,在空电处填入1个适当的单1. The young man became (addict) to an entertainment show called The Rap of China.2. The doctors had no choice but(cut) off the Shattered left arm of the soldier.3. Mail pretended to(complete) all his work while he had finished only half of th


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