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1、2019-2020年七年级英语Module5 Section 2 Words and Expressions教案 外研社1. healthyadj. 1. 健壮的;健康的 well; not ill: He is a very healthy boy. 他是一个很健康的孩子。 He looks very healthy. 他看来很健康。Children must eat well to be healthy. 儿童必须吃得好才会健康。Sports help to keep people healthy. 运动有助于人们保持健康。 2. 有益于健康的 that will make or keep

2、 you well: The seaside has a healthy climate. 海边的气候对健康有益。Early to bed and early to rise is a healthy way of living. 早睡早起是一种有益于健康的生活方式。 2. orangen. 1. C 橙子;柑子;橘 round juicy fruit with a thick, yellow red skin: Have an orange. 请吃个橘子。 I drank a glass of orange juice. 我喝了一杯橘子汁。 2. U 橙色;金色 colour between

3、 yellow and red gold adj. 橘色的;橙色的 of the colour orange: She likes the orange coat. 她喜欢那件橙色衣服。 3. drinkvt. 1. 饮,喝 to take liquid by the mouth: I drink a glass of milk every morning. 我每天早上喝一杯牛奶。 Please give me something to drink. 请给我点东西喝。 He has been drinking again. 他又喝酒了。A man cannot whistle and drin

4、k at the same time. 一个人不能同时又吹口哨又饮酒(一心不能二用)。2. 吸收 take in, absorb: The parched soil drank(in) the rain. 干透了的土地吸收了雨水。 vi. 喝酒;酗酒 take in alcohol: He has drunk so much that he cannot stand. 他酒喝得太多了,站都站不住了。drive sb. to drink 使嗜酒 Her bad temper drove her husband to drink. 她的坏脾气使她丈夫耽于酒。 n. 饮料 1. the liquid

5、 you drink: Im thirsty and would like a drink. 我渴了,想喝点东西。 Please have a drink. 请喝一点;喝一口(或杯)。 I want a drink of water. 我想喝点水。 Though hot after her long walk, she refused a drink. 虽然在长途跋涉后很热,她却不愿喝水。 Give me a drink of bear, please. 请给我一杯啤酒。We should die without food and drink. 我们没有饮食必死。 2. 饮酒 alcohol:

6、 Too much drink makes him feel ill. 喝酒太多使他感到难受。 He was in drink. 他喝醉了。 bottled drinks 瓶装饮料 cool (iced, hot) drinks 清凉(冰冻,热)饮料 strong drink 烈性酒 a tonic drink 滋补饮料 drinking water 饮用水 4. fruitn. 1. 果实,水果 the part of a plant which contains the seeds and which we can eat: He does not eat much fruit. 他水果吃

7、得不多。 Apples and oranges are mon fruit. 苹果和桔子是常见的水果。 We are growing fruits. 我们种植水果。 I counted 20 fruits on this branch. 在这条树枝上我数到二十个果子。 2. 产物 any useful product of a plant growth 3. (喻)结果,收获 (often pl) (fig) the result of effort, esp. success: His knowledge is the fruit of long study. 他的知识是长时间求学的结果。4

8、. 果实 the part of a plant that contains a seed: The tree bears a hard red fruit. 这树生长一种红硬的果子。 vi. 结果实 bear fruit: This tree does not fruit well. 这棵树结的果子不多。 5. vegetable n. 蔬菜;植物 plant that we eat: Potatoes, carrots, and beans are vegetables. 土豆、胡萝卜和豆角儿都是蔬菜。 We eat meat and vegetables for dinner. 我们晚饭

9、吃牛肉和蔬菜。cooked vegetable 熟菜 early vegetable 早蔬菜 fresh vegetable 新鲜蔬菜 green vegetable 青菜 a field of vegetable 蔬菜地 buy vegetable 买菜 clean vegetable 洗蔬菜 eat vegetable 吃蔬菜 keep vegetable 存蔬菜 plant vegetable 种植蔬菜 6. carrotn. 1. 胡萝卜(根部) Ill have some more carrot(s). 我还要一些红萝卜。 2. 奖赏,奖品,报酬 dangle a carrot: 以

10、甜言蜜语吊胃口 hold out offer a carrot to a person 利诱某人,以甜言蜜语引诱某人 7. chickenn. 1. C 小鸡;母鸡;鸡 young hen; farm bird that lays eggs and that we eat: He was not able to hatch chickens. 他孵不出小鸡来。 I keep three chickens. 我养了三只小鸡。 2. C 鸡;鸡肉 the meat of the bird: What will you have for lunch, chicken or pork? 午饭你要吃什么

11、,鸡肉还是猪肉? 8. juicen. (水果、蔬菜)汁;液 liquid part of fruit and vegetables: I like fruit juice. 我喜欢喝果汁。digestive juices 消化液 a glass of orange juice 一杯桔子汁 9. melonn. 瓜,甜瓜 big, round, juicy fruit: He bought a water melon. 他买了一个西瓜。 musk melon 甜瓜 10. milkn. 牛奶 the white liquid produced by cows: Milk is good to

12、health. 牛奶对健康有益。 Have a glass of milk with your lunch. 吃午饭时喝杯牛奶。 adj. 奶制的 made from milk: I want some milk chocolate. 我要买牛奶巧克力。 vt. 挤奶 take milk from an animal: Many kinds of ants milk little bugs called ant cows. 许多种蚂蚁会挤一种称为蚁牛的小虫子的液汁吃。 When does the farmer milk the cows? 那个农民什么时候给奶牛挤奶? vi. 产奶 yield

13、 milk: Cows are milking well this season. 这季节牛产奶甚佳。 11. onionn. C 洋葱 beef and boiled onions 牛肉配煮洋葱 taste of onion 洋葱味 There is too much onion in the soup. 这汤中有太多洋葱。 know ones onions (口语) (对工作等事) 彻底了解; 精明干练 12. porkn. 猪肉 the meat of a pig: The family had roast pork for dinner. 他们家晚餐吃烤猪肉。 13. potaton.

14、 C 土豆,马铃薯 round, white vegetable that grows under the ground: A potato consists mainly of starch stored by the potato plant in its underground stem. 马铃薯的主要成份是淀粉,是由马铃薯身把它存在其地下茎里的。 The potatoes have grown well this year. 今年的土豆长得好。 14. tomaton. C 西红柿;蕃茄 soft, round, red fruit which we cook or eat raw:

15、They are pulling up the weeds in a field of tomatoes. 他们正在一块西红柿地里拔草。 15. favouriteadj. 特别喜爱的 that you like more than the others: Green is my favouirte colour. 绿色是我最喜欢的颜色。 Football is my favourite sport. 足球是我最喜欢的运动。 n. 特别喜爱的人或物 person or thing that you like more than others: I like all flowers but ro

16、ses are my favourite. 花儿我都喜欢,但最喜欢的还是玫瑰。 Jane is her fathers favourite. 珍妮是她父亲最喜欢的孩子。 16. noodlen. 常用复数)面条 (usu.pl.) a little piece of dried dough sometimes put in soup: Get some noodle for me when you go shopping. 你上街买东西时替我买一些面条。 She often has noodles and pancakes. 她经常吃面条和煎饼。 17. candyn.C (美)糖果 (=(英

17、) sweets)pieces of sugar in different shapes: Do they sell candy? 他们经售冰糖吗? There are two pieces of candy on the plate. 盘里有两颗糖。 Edison began selling candy, sandwiches and newspapers on a train. 爱迪生开始在火车上卖糖果、夹心面包和报纸。 18. unhealthyadj. 有病的,不健康的;对身体有害的 not well, that can make you ill: Mining is an unhea

18、lthy job. 采矿是一种对身体有害的工作。2019-2020年七年级英语Module5 Unit1教案 外研社FunctionTalking about ones favourite foodStructureSome and any; Singular and plural nounsListening/SpeakingDescribing food and drink;Some / any Asking about what food youve got; talking about your favourite foodReading/WritingIdentifying heal

19、thy / unhealthy food Writing about healthy food; using conjunction: butCultureChinese foodTaskMaking a food and drink posterUnit 1 Have we got any oranges?Warming up Good morning, class. Today we begin our new module. But first I would like to ask you some questions. What do you have for breakfast?

20、Do you have any fruit, such as apple, orange or pear? Do you have any vegetables, such as tomato, carrot, or onion? Do you have milk or water? What is your favorite food for breakfast? Do you think it is healthy food?Now boys and girls, turn to page 26. Lets begin our new lesson:Have we got any oran

21、ges?Vocabulary and listening1 Work in pairsMatch the words with the pictures.First look at the pictures on page 26. There are many kinds of drinks and food here. Try to find out which one is a kind of drink and which one is a kind of food. Match the words, drink and food, with the pictures.Food: a.

22、melon b. apple c. orange d. chicken e. beef f. pork g. tomato h. potato i. carrot j. onionDrink: k. water l. milk m. juice2 Label the food in the pictures with these words.Look at picture 1 for first. We see a melon, an apple and an orange in picture 1. They are all fruit, right? So what about pictu

23、re 2 and picture 3? Can you find the correct words?picture 1 fruit picture 2vegetables picture 3meat3 Label the food and drink with these words.The following words are names of some food and drink. Please label the food and drink with these words. Food: apple beef carrot chicken melon onion orange p

24、ork potato tomato Drink: juice milk water4 Listen and check () the food and drink theyve gotNow I will play the tape for you. I will play it twice. For the first time, listen and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue. For the second time, listen and pay attention to the food and drink theyve

25、 got in the dialogue. At the same time, please check () the food and drink theyve got.oranges beef onionsapples pork carrotsmelons tomatoes milkchicken potatoes juice5 Listen and read Now we are going to listen and read. Betty and her mum are shopping in the supermarket. Lets see what they are talki

26、ng about. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.Have got any? have got some, havent got any,Talk as they do. (仿说)Dad: Have we got any emails?Mu

27、m: Yes, weve got some emails. We havent got any lettersDad: Have we got any pictures?Mum: Yes, weve got some beautiful pictures.Have we got any photos?Dad: No, we havent. Have we got any oranges?Mum: Yes, weve got some oranges. We havent got any potatoes.Now we are going to listen to the tape twice.

28、 For the first time, listen and look at the dialogue. For the second time, just listen and try not to look at the dialogue. Try to get the main idea of the dialogue. 6 Listen again and underline the correct answers.I am going to play the tape once again. This time please pay attention to the details

29、. Underline the correct answers while listening.1 Theyve got some juicemilk.2 They havent got any carrotsmeat.3 Have they got any melons? Yes, they have. / No, they havent.4 Have they got any apples? Yes, they have.No, they havent.Pronunciation and speaking7 Listen and repeat. On page 27 there are f

30、our sounds and fours lines of words. You are going to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound on the left and blackened part in each word./ tomato/ orange/ water pork/ food fruit juice8 Choose six words in the list in Activity 4.In this section, we practice our speaking. Work in pairs. Ask and

31、 say what youve got. Have you got any oranges? Have you got any milk? Use the words of food and drink in Activity 4. Use the sentence patterns below. orange, juice, melon, chickenNow work in pairs. Ask and say what youve got.Have you got any oranges? Yes, Ive got some oranges.Have you got any juice?

32、 No, I havent got any juice.Have you got any melons? No, I havent got any melons.Have you got any chicken? Yes, Ive got some chicken.Have you got any English books? Yes, Ive got some English books.Have you got any stamps? No, I havent got any stamps.Have you got any apples? No, I havent got any apples.Have you got any milk? Yes, Ive got some milk.


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