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1、2019-2020年七年级英语I am watching TV教案 新课标 人教版 本单元是Go for it ( 下 ) Unit 14。主要围绕“What are you doing?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出现在进行时的一般疑问句,否定句以及特殊疑问句等语言功能。本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,注意观察别人的行动,能准确地用英语来表达。根据英语课程标准(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合本单元这部分的教学内容及基于对教材

2、的分析,我对本单元的内容进行如下处理,目的是突出重点,使课堂节奏紧凑,衔贯。本单元分为四课时,第一课时是Section A中的1a,1b,1c,2c),第二课时是Section B中的2a,2b,3a,3c, 第三课时是Section A 4 -Section B / 1a-2c), 第四课时是 Section B/ 3a-4 ,最后一部分是 Shelf Check ,以学生的自测为主,然后予以校对。根据以上我对本单元教材内容的分析,我确定以下几个为本单元的教学目标:语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度和文化意识五个方面。1.语言知识: 本单元要求学生掌握以下词汇(phone, mall,

3、movies, sound, show, boring, library, soccer. watch TV, do homework, eating dinner, talking on the phone) 语言功能: 学会读、写一篇有关人们正在运动的短文。 语言结构(日常交际用语):What are you / they doing ? Im / Were/ Theyre watching TV.Is he/ she watching TV? Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isnt.2.语言技能:(1)能用现在进行时的各种形式进行准确的描述和表达正在发生的

4、动作。(2)能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如:watch TV, read books, play soccer, talk with/ to , be boring, go to the movies, want to do sth.等。(3)能在日常生活中恰当理解和运用本单元的话题范围内的单词和习惯用语。3、学习 策略:通过本单元的教学,我要求学生能通过上下文内在的逻辑联系,或在观察别人的行为和活动时能用现在进行时来准确地表达所发生或进行的动作。 4、情感态度:通过对本单元的任务性活动,我的目的是能培养同学间的友好相处,规范自己的行为,同时能提高他们的观察能力和判断能力,

5、激发他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中能乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。5、文化意识:了解西方人是如何表达或描述正在进行的动作。基于上述对教材的分析,我确定本单元的教学重点为词汇、词组搭配和现在进行时的用法。教学难点为现在进行时中现在分词的结构及读音,能在交际中准确地运用现在进行时来描述或表达正在进行的动作。教法分析: 现在进行时是学生刚刚接触的一种新的语法项目,而本单元的话题源自生活,立足这一点,我充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,创设生活化的真实情境(或半真实情境)引导学生在 运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言(为用而学, 在用中学,学了就

6、用)。开展多种类型的任务型活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。我们教学的对象是初一学生(以中等生为主),他们学习英语既感到好奇又担忧,希望能得到他人的肯定。因此我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,减少他们的恐惧感,通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。同时在阅读和书面表达中加以落实,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。Step 1 Warming up(“良好的开端是成功的一半”, 因此,我认为能以一种新颖的问候方式或复习方式进入一节课,就能唤起学生的兴趣,使学

7、生保持一种积极的学习状态,或循序渐进地导入所学的内容,那么可为这节课的成功打下基础,同时也能给自己适当的减压。)T:We are having an English class now. What are we doing now? (Help the students to answer: Were having an English class now.)接下来教师要求几个学生做一些动作,让其他学生用英语来猜测。(目的是为本节课的现在进行时作好铺垫)Step 2 Presentation教师出示几张图片,引出现在进行时的结构和用法。(1)叫一位学生按照老师图片上的提示做动作,教师接着说:

8、T: He/ She is singing now. They are playing football now. T: What is he/ she doing ? He/ Shes playing football now(2)然后叫一个学生做动作,另一个学生问,进行问答练习。S1: What are you doing now? S2: Im watching TV. (ect.)sing-singing / watch-watching / play-playing /ect. 这样设计的目的是让学生在交际情景中感受出现在进行时的结构和用法Step 3 Practice1. Show

9、 some pictures and let the students ask and answer in pairs. e.g What are you doing ? I am eating. What is he doing ? He is eating. What are they doing? Theyre eating.2. Practice Section A (1a) 3. 然后叫学生归纳出现在进行时的结构句型。 主语 + am/ is / are+ 动词的现在分词(培养学生归纳能力,找出记忆的规律。)Step 4 Listening 接下来的任务型听力要求学生对动作作出反应,

10、教师可承接刚开始的话题,引导学生根据所学语言完成以下任务:1.What are the people doing?2.Write numbers from 1a below.3.Check the answers in pairs like this:A: What is Jenny doing? B: He is watching TV.A: What are Dave and Mary doing? B: They are eating dinner.A: What is John doing? B: He is doing homework.(通过听力训练,现在进行时的结构得以很好的落实

11、) Step 5 Pairwork 接着教师叫一些学生背向着全班同学来做一些动作,让其他学生来猜他或她正在干什么。(小组比赛,猜对的同学以一颗红星加以鼓励,比一比哪组同学的红星最多。)如:Is LiLei writing? No, he isnt. ect. 直到猜对为止。(在课堂活动中实行鼓励性评价,能促进学生的竞争意识和学习英语的积极性。)然后叫学生看第26页 2C 部分的内容,让学生进行结队练习。本部分要求学生掌握一些固定的词组搭配,如: write a letter, eat dinner, do homework, talk with 等。Step 6 Group work 接下来我

12、设计的任务是要求三个学生为一小组, 进行问答练习。如:What are you doing ? I am talking. What is he/ she doing ?He/ Shes talking. Is he/ she talking? Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isnt.(这样的活动既可以培养学生的合作意识,又能在情景中用现在进行时交际,巩固了本节课的重点,从而突破了难点,促使学生在学习过程中学会细心观察。) Homework:1.熟记本课的单词、词组和句型。2.完成Shelf Check 3.3.观察今晚自己一家人做的事。以上是初一段六位教师上周

13、共同探讨、集体备好,由卢佩佩老师执笔写的教案。在此过程中,我们展开激烈的讨论。(1)如何引出新课方法一:教师自演、自问、自答T: What are you doing?Iam playing football.(教师演独角戏,学生未参加进来,没课堂气氛。)方法二:教师出示几张图片,叫一位学生按照老师图片上的提示做动作,教师接着说: T: He/ She is singing now. They are playing football now. T: What is he/ she doing ? He/ Shes playing football now然后叫一个学生做动作,另一个学生问,进

14、行问答练习。S1: What are you doing now? S2: Im watching TV. (ect.)sing-singing / watch-watching / play-playing /ect.(这样设计的目的是让学生在交际情景中感受出现在进行时的结构和用法,贯穿了以交际为目的的原则(在做中学,在学中用)。在教学过程中,关注学生的生活实际和生活体验,让其贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近时代,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。)(2)如何创造轻松、和谐的课堂气氛我们教学的对象是初一学生(以中等生为主),他们

15、学习英语既感到好奇又担忧,希望能得到他人的肯定。因此我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,进行师生互动、生生互动。引入新课用方法二,实行小组合作、竟猜游戏,使学生有更多的机会来说英语,减少他们的恐惧感,通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。另外,在课堂活动中实行鼓励性评价,也能创造轻松、和谐的课堂气氛 ,促进学生的竞争意识和学习英语的积极性。 2019-2020年七年级英语Is this your pencil 教案 人教新目标教材分析 ( 教学要求 )重点1. 肯定句:This is a That is a 否定句: This isnt a That isnt

16、a 一般疑问句:Is this a ? Is that a ?肯定 / 否定回答: Yes, it is. No, it isnt.重点2 this 和 that的区别它们是指示代词,this ”这个”,that ”那个”. this 离说话人近,that离说话人远。任务设计任务I. 失物招领处 ( lost and found case )在学校的失物招领处摆放着同学们捡到的各种物品。请你负责登记每件物品的拾到者,并帮助写招领启事。( 失物招领处的图片请见书p10,1a,选其中4件物品进行设计。 )Sample: Is this your watch? Call Jim at 495-323

17、8.任务II. 失物招领处的故事Number the sentences to make a conversation. _ John: Nice to meet you, Peter. Im John Smith. Can I help you?_ John: Is this your dictionary in the lost and found case?_ Peter: R-i-n-g, ring._ Peter: My name is Peter. Peter Brown. Nice to meet you._ Peter: I lost (丢失)my dictionary._ J

18、ohn: Thank you, Peter. Bye._ Peter: Oh, its a ring._ John: You are wele(不用谢). Peter, whats this in English?_ John: Hello, whats your name?_ Peter: Youre wele. Bye._ Peter: Yes, it is. Thank you, John._ John: Ring? How do you spell ring?任务III. Whats this?请用下面的目标语言描述下列的各幅图片。Sample: A: Whats this in En

19、glish? B: Its a pen. A: How do you spell pen? B:P-e-n. A:Is this / that her/his/your pen? B:Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.任务IV. Fill in the blanks according to the context. A: Whats his first name?B: _1_ first name _2_ Robert and his _3_ name is Clinton.A: How _4_ you spell Robert?B: _5_.A: What _6_ his

20、 telephone_7_?B: _8_ 555-7092.A: _9_this his pencil?B: Yes, _10_ _11_.A: Is that his _12_ _13_?B: No, _14_ _15_. Its my backpack. 任务IV. 1. His, 2. is 3. last/family 4. do 5. R-o-b-e-r-t6. is 7. number 8. Its 9. Is 10. it 11. is12. backpack 13. too 14. it 15. isnt任务V. Reading prehensionA. 读对话,完成John和

21、 Alice的ID.John: Hi, girl. My name is John Smith. Whats your name?Alice: My name is Alice Green. Nice to meet you. John: Nice to meet you, too, Alice. Is this your pencil sharpener in the lost and found case?Alice: Yes, it is. Thank you very much, John.John: Youre wele. Whats your telephone number, A

22、lice? Alice: My telephone number is 89432783. And what about you?John: Call me at 65881324. Alice: OK. Thank you again John. Bye-bye.John: Bye.Student ID Card_ _First name Last namePhone number (in English): _Student ID Card_ _First name Last namePhone number (in English): _B. 读文章,画圈:T for “true” or

23、 F for “false”. Her name is Susan Wang. Her telephone number is seven-three-three, eight- five-nine-zero. This is her watch. That is her baseball. But it isnt her notebook. Its his notebook. His name is Philip Stewart. This is his eraser. Call him at five-three-five, five-three-zero-four. Example: H

24、er first name is Wang. T F1. Her last name is Wang. T F2. Its Susans eraser. T F3. His phone number is 733-8590. T F4. Its her watch. T F5. Her first name is Susan. T F6. His phone number is 535-5304. T F7. That is his notebook. T F8. His first name is Philip. T F9. Its Philips baseball. T F10. Its

25、Stewarts eraser. T FC. 在所有的问候语下面划线。Today, several new students e to our class, Mr. White asks them to say hello to us. There is Tom. He es up and says, “Hello, everybody. I am Tom. Glad to meet you.” There is Isabella, she says “ Hi, I am Isabella. I am 12. Nice to meet you all.” Next is Nicholas. “

26、I like to play football and I like to make friends with you all” Last is Jack. He says, “Good morning. My name is Jack. Its very nice to meet you all. I am from Finland. I have many friends there. And I like to make friends with you all.” We then say hello to the new students. And they are very happ

27、y in this new class.参考答案任务I .Is this your baseball? Call John at 789-0976.Is this your puter game? Please call Maria. Phone #345-0987.Is that your key in the lost and found desk? RickFound: notebook. Is this your notebook? Please call Sisi at 234-9984.任务II. 3-5-10-2-4-11-8-7-1-12-6-9任务III. (答案略)任务IV

28、. 1. His, 2. is 3. last/family 4. do 5. R-o-b-e-r-t6. is 7. number 8. Its 9. Is 10. it 11. is12. backpack 13. too 14. it 15. isnt任务V. A.Student ID Card John Smith First name Last namePhone number: 65881324Student ID Card Alice Green First name Last namePhone number: 89432783 B. T F F T T T T T F TC.

29、 Today, several new students e to our class, Mr. White asks them to say hello to us. There is Tom. He es up and says, “Hello, everybody. I am Tom. Glad to meet you.” There is Isabella, she says “ Hi, I am Isabella. I am 12. Nice to meet you all.” Next is Nicholas. “ I like to play football and I like to make friends with you all.” Last is Jack. He says, “Good morning. My name is Jack. Its very nice to meet you all. I am from Finland. I have many friends there. And I like to make friends with you all.” We then say hello to the new students. And they are very happy in this new class.


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