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1、11 级英语二专英美文学期末复习指南 (AB 卷 )【备注:】1. 考试形式为闭卷,允许带一张统一标准(8cmx 8cm)的手抄复习资料 (严禁打印、复印);考前检查不符合要求的一律上交(包括纸张尺寸 超标,复印、打印等) , 相关后果自负!2. 书写时请注意: 英语中没有书名号 ;书籍、杂志报纸、剧本、 长诗、影片及歌剧的名称书写时要加 下划线 (打印用斜体表示) ;文章 或非长诗加 双引号 。(考试时不规范的格式扣该题的一半分数! )3. 课堂上已讲解过的题目均省略答案,请参照自己的课堂笔记。*、Identification. (1%10x=10%) (考其中一组 ) ( 答案参考教材 )

2、Identify the author with his or her work.(1)Charles DickensA. A Passage to India(2)E.M. FosterB. Paradise Regained(3)James JoyceC. The Color Purple(4)John MiltonD. The Road Not Taken(5)ShelleyE. For Whom the Bell Tolls(6)Robert FrostF. Jude the Obscure(7)Alice WalkerG. The Waste Land(8)Ernest Heming

3、wayH. Hard Times(9)T.S. EliotI. Ulysses(10) Thomas HardyJ. Prometheus Unbound(1)Henry JamesA.Lord of the Flies(2)Francis BaconB.Wuthering Heights(3)George Bernard ShawC.“ The Tyger ”(4)Emily BronteD.Queen Mab(5)William GoldingE.The Portrait of a Lady(6)ShelleyF.The Dubliners(7)Dylan ThomasG.The Impo

4、rtance of Being Earnest(8)William BlakeH.Pygmalion(9)Oscar WildeI.Novum Organum(10) James JoyceJ.Deaths and Entrances二、Fill in the blanks. (1%10=x10%) (考其中 10题)1. Beowulf is regarded as the oldest poem in English literature.2. The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is the Romance.3. In 1

5、925, Fitzgerald wrote his best novel The Great Gatsby . It is the story of an idealist who is destroyed by the influence of the wealthy, pleasure-seeking people around him.4. The greatest and most distinctive achievement of Elizabethan literature is drama.5. In 1925, Virginia Woolf published her mas

6、terpieces Mrs. Dalloway , in which she used the technique of “ stream of consciousness ” to denote the flow of inner experiences.6. William Faulkner wrote about the society in the south by inventing families which represents different social forces: the old decaying upper class; the rising, ambitiou

7、s unscrupulous class of the “ Poor Whites ” ; and the Negroes who labor for both of them.7. The two major novelists of the English Romantic Period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott.8. J. D. Salinger is regarded as a spokesman for the alienated youth in the post-war era and his TheCatcher in the Rye i

8、s referred to as a students classic.9. Jane Eyre is one that introduces to the English novel the first governess heroine.10. John Dryden wrote his famous prose com position“ an Essay of Dramatic Poesy” in 1668, whichestablished his position as the leading critic of the day.11. Beowulf is regarded as

9、 the oldest poem in English literature.12. The Rape of the Lock takes the form of a mock epic, which describes the triviality of high society in a grand style.13. The typical feature of Robert Browning s poetry is the dramatic monologue.14. James Joyce is the founder of the“ Stream of consciousness”

10、 school of novel writing.15. The Rainbow and Women in Love are generally regarded as D. H. Lawrence s masterpieces.16. The Grapes of Wrath is written by John Steinbeck who won the Pulitzer Prize.17. Carl Sandburg was associated with the imagists and wrote well-known imagist poems such as The Harbor

11、, Smoke and Stee,l and Fog.18. The two-line stanza form is called the couplet, the best-know being the heroic couplet which is written in iambic pentameter with an end rhyme.19. J. D. Salinger is regarded as a spokesman for the alienated youth in the post-war era and his The Catcher in the Rye is re

12、ferre d to as a students classic.20. Stephen Crane s novMeal,ggie: A Girl of the Street , is the story of a girl who experiences the violence and cruelty of the society almost every day.三、Choose the best answer. (1% 20=20%)(考其中 20 题)1. The hero in the romance is usually the knight.2. Sir Gawain and

13、the Green Knight is the most accomplished example of medieval romance, dealing with Arthurian romance.3. “ If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?O”deitsotathke nWferosmt Wind.4. Most of Hardy s noavrelset in Wessex, the fictional primitive and crude region which is reallythe home place he both l

14、oves and hates.5. Milton Parsadise Lost is written in blank verse.6. The Pilgrim s Progress is a religious allegory.7. “ He was not of an age, but for all the time.” “ He” here refers to Shakespeare.8. In The Preface to Lyrical Ballads , William Wordsworth set forth his principles of poetry,“ all go

15、opoetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling”.9. Transcendentalists believed that nature is ennobling and the individual is divine.10. Keats spoetry is always sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery, which expresses the acuteness of his senses. In his poetry, sight, sound, scent, taste and

16、 feeling are all taken in to give an entire understanding of an experience.11. The prevailing tone in Pride and Prejudice is mild satire.12. The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.13. The Last Leaf by the American short story writer O.

17、 Henry relates the story of a fictional painter who finally finishes his“ mastelirfpeieactethe ”cosot fof his life.14. Robert Burns wrote under the influence of Scottish folk tradition and old Scottish poetry.15. The Rainbow is a story about the three generations of the Brangwen family on the Marsh

18、farm.16. Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis is a comic novel.17. “The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. poem written by Ezra Pound.18. All his novels reveal that, as time went on, Mark Twain became increasingly pessimistic.19. “ Properwords in proper places, makes the tru

19、e definition of a style ”are the famous words by Jonathan Swift.20. In Rip Van Winkle, Washington Irving agrees with the protagonist on the preferability of the past to the present, of a dream-like world to the real world.21. The Picture of Dorian Gray is Oscar Wilde s only novel.22. The Dynasts is

20、Thomas Hardy &epic23. Treasure Island is written by Robert Louis Stevenson.24. The girl Vivie appears in the play Mrs. Warren s Profession.25. In the story of Othello, Shakespeare made Iago stand for the evil and dark forces in the society.26. Edmund Spenser msasterpiece The Faerie Queene is a skilf

21、ul Blending of religious and historical allegory with Chivalric lyricism.27. Harold Pinter msajor plays are thought to fail into three categories: comedies of manners, traditional plays, and memory plays.28. The revolutionary Romantic poet Byron went to Greece to help that country in its struggle fo

22、r liberty and died of fever there.29. Romantic writers employ all the following EXCEPT the abstract as their poetic materials.30. Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope is taken as a manifesto of the English Neoclassicism as Pope put forward his aesthetic theories in it.31. Sheridan mainly wrote comed

23、ies. He brought comedy of manners to the highest perfection.32. Oliver Twist is famous for its vivid descriptions of the workhouse and life of the underworld in the 19th century London.33. Rudyard Kipling eulogized imperialism in his works, especially in his poems.34. Which of the following novels d

24、oes NOT belong to the“stream of consciousnesswriting? ( The Rainbow)35. Modern English novel, as a product of the 18 th century Enlightenment and industrialization, really came with the rising of the bourgeois class.36. Hemingway as a person enjoyed hunting and bullfighting. He wrote about them in h

25、is works such as Men Without Women.This is the sschool of37. Richard Wright was well-known for his protest fiction and was a father figure to modern African American writers such as James Baldwin.38. Stylistically, Henry James fiction is characterized by highly refined language.39. Philip Freneau fa

26、smous poem The British Prison Ship was written about his imprisoned experience.40. Humbert is the narrator and character of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.四、Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (1%X1O=1O%)(考其中10题)(答案参考教材)1. Daniel Defoe is regarded asFather of English Novel

27、owfitRh othbeinpsuobnliCcarutisoone2. Sentimentalism originated in the 18th century, and was a direct reaction against the cold, hard commercialism and rationalism that had dominated people lifse since the last decades of the 17th century.3. Iambic Pentameter refers to a poetic line consisting of fi

28、ve verse feet, with each foot an iamb that is a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed one.4. The modernist writers concentrate more on the public than on the private, more on the objective than on the subjective.5. As a leading Romanticis t, Byron s chief contribution is his creation of the“ B

29、yronic heromysterious rebel figure of noble origin.6. A Room of Ones Own, To the Lighthouse and Dubliners are all major works of Virginia Woolf.7. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey are k nown as the “ Lake Poets ” and passive Romantic poets.8. Edgar Allan Poe wrote poems which are marvels of beauty

30、and craftsmanship such as The Fall of the House of Usher .9. American literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century. She was Emily Dickenson.10. Mark Twain created, in The Gilded Age, a masterpiece of American realism that is also one of the great books of world literature.11. The

31、 Canterbury Tales consists of three parts; they are: The General Prologue, 24 tales, two of which left unfinished and separated prologues to each tale.12. The literary genre which best represents the literary achievement in Victorian Age is novel.13. Pip is the protagonist in Hard Times.14. Thomas H

32、ardy is usually considered as the most controversial writer in the 20 th century.15. Gulliver s Travels is a novel of satire and allegory.16. In the first part of the novel Pride and Prejudice , Mr. Darcy has a great admiration of the Bennet family.17. The father of the school of Metaphysical poets

33、is John Donne.18. The common thread throughout American literature has been the emphasis on the Revolutionism.19. The Imagist writers followed three principles. They respectively are direct treatment, economy of expression and clear rhythm.20. William Faulkner is one of the most important southern w

34、riters in the United States.The Soundand the Fury, As I lay Dying , Light in August are works that ambitious critics tend to admire.五、Answer the questions according to the following passages. (20%) ( 考其中 4 篇 )Passage 1Sonnet 18ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and

35、 more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summers lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmd;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or natures changing course untrimmd;But thy eternal summer sh

36、all not fadeNor lose possession of that fair thou owest;Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou growest:So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this and this gives life to thee. Questions:1. What is this sonnet about?2. In what sense can th

37、e speaker make the young man eternal through poetry?3. Identify the rhyme scheme of the sonnet.Passage 2Continuous as the stars that shine,And twinkle on the milky way.They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay;Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

38、Questions:1. This excerpt is taken from a poem entitled by .2. What does “ they ” here refer to?Passage 3Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to

39、 be ready wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things. Questions:1. Thi

40、s passage is taken from a famous essay written by 2. What does“ read by deputy ” mean?3. What s the passage about?Passage 4 er with the paleSchaskteosfptehaorueg, ht.“ and the native hue of resolution / Is sicklied o Hamlet )Questions:4. What Does thenative hue of resolutionmean?5. What does thepale

41、 cast of thoughtstand for?6. What idea do the two lines express?Passage 5 Till a the sea gang dry, my dear, And the rock melt wi the sun; And I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o life shall run.Questions:1. These lines are taken from written by .2. The speaker wants to express Passage

42、6Tyger! Tyger! burning brightIn the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eyeCould frame thy fearful symmetry?Questions:1. The above lines are taken from a poem entitled by .2. The theme of the poem is Passage 7 Lo ! in you little window-nicheHow statue-like I see thee stand!The agate lamp with

43、in thy hand!Ah, Psyche, from the regions whichAre Holy-land !Questions:1. This is the last stanza of a poem . Its writer is .2. Whom is Helen associated with?3. Who is Psyche?Passage 8When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection fo

44、r a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant-a combined gardener and cook-had seen in at least ten years.Questions:1. What is the title of the story and its writer?2. What is the identity of the narrator?【参考答案:】Passage 1(答

45、案略) Passage 2 (答案略) Passage 3 (答案略) Passage 4 (答案略)Passage 51. “ A Red, Red Rose ” ; Robert Burns2. strong passion and deep love for the beloved foreverPassage 6(答案略)Passage 71. “ To Helen ” ; Edgar Allan Poe2. Psych3. She is the goddess of the soul in Greek mythology.Passage 81. A Rose for Emily ;

46、William Faulkner2. The narrator is most likely to be one of the townspeople.六、Short-answer questions. (10%) (考其中 2 题)1. Analyze the image of God in Paradise Lost.2. What is the lost generation?3. What is your understanding of“ Because I Could not Stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson?4. What is the typ

47、e of heroes in Hemingway s novels?【参考答案:】1. (答案略)2. (答案略)3. This is one of Emily Dickinson s poems about deaTth.e poet compared death to a carter, driving the poet to her destiny. On the journey, they passed childhood and youth and finally reached a grave. To the poet, death was not dreadful at all. Instead, death was quiet and mild. A mans life was only a short period of the journey, and death was not the end. Life and death will go on perpetually towards eternity.4. (答案略)七、Essay question. (20 %) We have learned many li


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