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1、一生必去的中国最美小镇在中国有很多小镇,它们古色古香,韵味十足, 你去过多少个呢?、英文版1 .Heshun Town, Tengchong County, Yunnan ProvinceWith beautiful scenery and abundant cultural traditions, this is Chinas earliest border trade town. A favorite of film directors, photographers, and painters, Heshun is also quite well known overseas. Heshu

2、n libraryis Chinasbest villagelibrary. Farmhouses invarious styles and Chinese celebrities old houses are visitorhot spots. Also worthchecking out are localcraftwork and snacks.2 .Wuzhen, Zhejiang ProvinceWuzhen is a typical picturesque Chinese Jiangnan(south of the Yangtze River) town which frequen

3、tly appears in Chinese novels and soap operas. Its near Hangzhou,next to the famous Jinghang Canal, andwell-known for its quiet and clear waters, fragrantwines, legendary lanes, and handmade calico.163 .Taining, Fujian ProvinceHas the best maintainedhometown housesof theleading scholars in theMing D

4、ynasty (1368-1644).Take a boat ride into the past on the Shangqingxi Riveror look at the magnificent Buddha views on the crescent shaped Dajinhu Lake. The Taining grottoes are famous as living fossils from the days when humans lived in caves.4 .Hongcun, Anhui ProvinceThe UNESCO listed village of Hon

5、gcun lies next to Mount Huangshan - one of Chinas five most famous mountains. Its known as A Village in Chinese Paintings for its beautiful views and quietness. You may recognize it as the backdrop in the film CrouchingTiger, Hidden Dragon. The unusual layout of the villageis in the shape of the Chi

6、nese character niu (bull) and there are many original residencies dating back to the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.5 .Zhangbi, Shanxi ProvinceAn ancient multi-functional castle serving social, military and religious purposes, Zhangbi is like a miniature town. Its most famous for it

7、s five great gods temples and there are also underground tunnels, and mural paintings from the Ming and Qing dynasties.6 . Tongli, Jiangsu Sometimes called the Little Venice of the Orient, Tongli is surrounded by lakes on all four sides. It boasts clear waters, many bridges and gardens from the Ming

8、 and Qing dynasties, and is a perfect representation of Confucian culture. The most famous gardens are Tuisiyuan - a garden for meditation.7 . Nanxun, Zhejiang Province Nanxun is a combination of western and eastern cultures, embodied in the ancient gardens planted bywealthy Nanxun silk traders - th

9、e first Chinese silk exporters, a century ago. Nanxun also retains most of its features as a southern Chinese town. Bridges span rivers connecting different parts of the town with various pailou entrance gates and old gardens telling the stories of a legendary woman, or the glories of an official, o

10、r just simply indicating what was there in the past.Southeast of Xingan8 . Xingan, GuangxiCounty, is Lingqu, the firstman-made canal in the world, as old as the Great Wall, and now a popular wedding place for local people. Qinjia Dayuan - an ancient castle which protected the village people in the a

11、nti-Japanese war, and the Qin dynasty atmosphere of Xingan are also famous here.9 . Shiwan Town, Foshan, Guangdong ProvinceIts said 40 per cent of the worlds pottery and porcelain products are made here and about fifteen per cent of Chinas craftwork masters gather in this small town. Shiwan is the p

12、ottery capital of southern China with a history as long as Chinese civilization. Locally made pottery dolls make nice gifts for friends.10 . Shiwei, Inner MongoliaMost famous for its exotic flavors, Shiwei is located next to the border of China and Russia. You can experience Russian culture and cust

13、oms at this Russian minority town and enjoy minority ethic performances such as dancing and music. This town is regarded as the birthplace of Mongolia and retains dozens ofancient relics and mostof the old Mongoliantraditions.二、中文版1、云南和顺和顺,中国最早开始对外贸易的小镇, 以其秀丽的自然风光和丰 富的文化传统,成为了许多电影导演、摄影师和画家的最爱,其 美名还远

14、播海外。和顺还拥有中国最好的乡村图书馆。在这里, 形形色色的农家院子和名人故居始终人流如织,游客络绎不绝。来和顺,千万不要错过这里的传统小吃和手工艺品。2、浙江乌镇乌镇是典型的江南水乡, 时常出现在中国的小说和电视剧里。毗邻杭州,紧靠京杭大运河,乌镇因此也以其小桥流水而闻名。当然,乌镇的飘香美酒、石板小巷和手工扎染也是驰名中外的。3、福建泰宁泰宁拥有保存最为完好的明代民居建筑群(建于1368年到1644年间)。划艘小船,在上清溪中徜徉,或者在月牙般的大 金湖上观赏壮观的八仙崖,是种惬意的享受。泰宁还有洞穴奇观, 展现了人类居住在山洞时期的原始风貌。4、安徽宏村宏村,紧靠黄山,被世界教科文组织列

15、入世界文化遗产名录。宏 村因其景色优美,环境静谧,素有“中国画里的乡村”的美誉。 你可能注意到了,这里就是电影卧虎藏龙的拍摄地。这里的 建筑排列呈一个“牛”字,居民们在此居住的历史最早可以追溯 到明清时期。5、山西张壁张壁是集社区、军事、宗教为一体的古堡,是一座浓缩了的小镇。 苏同里6、江苏同里同里四面环水,有“东方小威尼斯”之称。同里水清桥多,明清 宅院多,最有名的当属退思园,这里也是儒教传统的绝佳写照。7、浙江南涛南涛是东西方文化的结合,体现在由南7寻富有的丝绸商人建造的 园林之上,这些商人是一百多年前中国最早的丝绸出口商人。南7寻还保留着江南风光,小桥星罗棋布,各式各样的牌楼、花园诉 说

16、着那些女人们、官员们的传奇故事,抑或者只是为了暗示这悠 久的历史罢了。8、广西兴安广西兴安的灵渠是世界上最早的人工开凿的运河, 其历史和长城 一样久远,现在成了当地人结婚的好去处。 在抗日战争时期曾保 护过当地村民的秦家大院古民居, 兴安的秦朝风貌,也是吸引游 客的地方。9、广东石湾镇据说,世界40%的陶瓷都源于此,还有15%的中国工艺大师云 集在这个小镇上。石湾镇,历史悠久,素有“南国陶都”的美誉。 当地制作的陶娃娃是馈赠亲友的佳品哦。10、内蒙古室韦室韦位于中俄边界,有浓郁的异国情调。在这里,你可以体验到俄罗斯族的文化风俗,也可以欣赏到具有少数民族风情的舞蹈音乐表演。这里,还是蒙古族的发源

17、地,保留了许多古老遗迹和蒙 古族传统。三、双语版I.Heshun Town, Tengchong County, Yunnan Province云南和顺With beautiful scenery and abundant cultural traditions, this is Chinas earliest border trade town. A favorite of film directors, photographers, and painters, Heshun is also quite well known overseas. Heshun libraryis Chinas

18、best villagelibrary. Farmhouses invarious styles and Chinese celebrities old houses are visitorhot spots. Also worthchecking out are localcraftwork and snacks.和顺,中国最早开始对外贸易的小镇,以其秀丽的自然风光和丰富的文化传统,成为了许多电影导演、摄影师和画家的最爱,其美名还远播海外。和顺还拥有中国最好的乡村图书馆。在这里, 形形色色的农家院子和名人故居始终人流如织,游客络绎不绝。 来和顺,千万不要错过这里的传统小吃和手工艺品。2. W

19、uzhen, Zhejiang Province浙江乌镇Wuzhen is a typical picturesque Chinese Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River) town which frequently appears in Chinese novels and soap operas. Its near Hangzhou,next to the famous Jinghang Canal, andwell-known for its quiet and clear waters, fragrant wines, legendary lane

20、s, and handmade calico.乌镇是典型的江南水乡,时常出现在中国的小说和电视剧里。毗邻杭州,紧靠京杭大运河,乌镇因此也以其小桥流水而闻名。当 然,乌镇的飘香美酒、石板小巷和手工扎染也是驰名中外的。3. Taining, Fujian Province福建泰宁Has the best maintained hometown houses of the leading scholars in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Take a boat ride into the past on the Shangqingxi River or look a

21、t the magnificent Buddha views on the crescent shaped Dajinhu Lake. The Taining grottoes are famous as living fossils from the days when humans lived in caves.泰宁拥有保存最为完好的明代民居建筑群(建于1368年到1644年间)。划艘小船,在上清溪中徜徉,或者在月牙般的大 金湖上观赏壮观的八仙崖,是种惬意的享受。泰宁还有洞穴奇观, 展现了人类居住在山洞时期的原始风貌。4. Hongcun, Anhui Province安徽宏村The UN

22、ESCO listed village of Hongcun lies next to Mount Huangshan - one of Chinas five most famous mountains. Its known as A Village in Chinese Paintings for its beautiful views and quietness. You may recognize it as the backdrop in the film CrouchingTiger, Hidden Dragon. The unusual layout of the village

23、is in the shape of the Chinese character niu (bull) and there are many original residencies dating back to the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.宏村,紧靠黄山,被世界教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。宏 村因其景色优美,环境静谧,素有“中国画里的乡村”的美誉。你可能注意到了,这里就是电影卧虎藏龙的拍摄地。这里的 建筑排列呈一个“牛”字,居民们在此居住的历史最早可以追溯 到明清时期。5. Zhangbi, Shanxi Pro

24、vince山西张壁An ancient multi-functionalcastle servingsocial,military and religious purposes, Zhangbi is like a miniature town. Its most famous for its five great gods temples and there are also underground tunnels, and mural paintings from the Ming and Qing dynasties.张壁是集社区、军事、宗教为一体的古堡,是一座浓缩了的小镇。它最有名的是

25、五大寺庙、地下通道和来自明清时期的壁画6. Tongli, Jiangsu江苏同里Sometimes called the Little Venice of the Orient,Tongli is surrounded by lakes on all four sides. It boastsclear waters, many bridges and gardens from the Mingand Qing dynasties, and is a perfect representation ofConfucian culture. The most famous gardens are

26、Tuisiyuan - a garden for meditation.同里四面环水,有“东方小威尼斯”之称。同里水清桥多,明清 宅院多,最有名的当属退思园,这里也是儒教传统的绝佳写照。7. Nanxun, Zhejiang Province浙江南涛Nanxun is a combination of western and eastern cultures, embodied in the ancient gardens planted by wealthy Nanxun silk traders - the first Chinese silk exporters, a century a

27、go. Nanxun also retains most of its features as a southern Chinese town. Bridges span rivers connecting different parts of the town with various pailou entrance gates and old gardens telling the stories of a legendary woman, or the glories of an official, or just simply indicating what was there in

28、the past.南涛是东西方文化的结合,体现在由南7寻富有的丝绸商人建造的 园林之上,这些商人是一百多年前中国最早的丝绸出口商人。南7寻还保留着江南风光,小桥星罗棋布,各式各样的牌楼、花园诉 说着那些女人们、官员们的传奇故事,抑或者只是为了暗示这悠 久的历史罢了。8. Xingan, Guangxi 广西兴安Southeast of Xingan County, is Lingqu, the first man-made canal in the world, as old as the Great Wall, and now a popular wedding place for loca

29、l people. Qinjia Dayuan - an ancient castle which protected the village people in the anti-Japanese war, and the Qin dynasty atmosphere of Xingan are also famous here.广西兴安的灵渠是世界上最早的人工开凿的运河,其历史和长城一样久远,现在成了当地人结婚的好去处。 在抗日战争时期曾保 护过当地村民的秦家大院古民居, 兴安的秦朝风貌,也是吸引游 客的地方。9. Shiwan Town, Foshan, Guangdong Provin

30、ce广东石湾镇Its said 40 per cent of the worlds pottery and porcelain products are made here and about fifteen per cent of Chinas craftwork masters gather in this small town. Shiwan is the pottery capital of southern China with a history as long as Chinese civilization. Locally made pottery dolls make nic

31、e gifts for friends.据说,世界40%的陶瓷都源于此,还有15%的中国工艺大师云 集在这个小镇上。石湾镇,历史悠久,素有“南国陶都”的美誉。当地制作的陶娃娃是馈赠亲友的佳品哦。10. Shiwei, Inner Mongolia内蒙古室韦Most famous for its exotic flavors, Shiwei is located next to the border of China and Russia. You canexperience Russian culture and customs at this Russian minority town and enjoy minority ethic performancessuch as dancing the birthplace ancient relics traditions.and music.of Mongolia and mostThis town is regardedand retainsof the oldasdozens ofMongolian室韦位于中俄边界,有浓郁的异国情调。在这里,你可以体验到 俄罗斯族的文化风俗,也可以欣赏到具有少数民族风情的舞蹈音 乐表演。这里,还是蒙古族的发源地,保留了许多古老遗迹和蒙 古族传统。


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