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1、年级:专业:学号:姓名:分数:一. 单项选择题(每小题 3分,共30分)1. Last night on his way home, he was C on the head by something hard.A. striked B. stroke C. struck D. strike n2. “ Did you ay that our neighbor C in the accident ?”A. badly hurt B. was badly hurted C. was badly hurt D. had badly hurted3. By the end of this mon t

2、h, we surely A a satisfactory soluti on to the problem.A. will have found B. have found C. will be finding D. are finding4. We D our breakfast whe n an old man came to the door.A. Just have had B. had just had C. just had D. have just had5. The man ager of the hotel requests that their guests B afte

3、r 11:00p.m.A. not to play loud music B. shouldn t play loud musicC. don t play loud music D. couldn t play loud music6. We are all for your proposal that the discussion C.A. is to be put off B. was put off C. be put off D. should put off7. C right now, she would get there on Sun day.A. Would she lea

4、ve B. If she leaves C. If she had left D. Were she to leave8. If I B you, I would have accepted their kind help.A. amB. had bee nC. will be D. were9. Some people show an in differe nt A cha nges in the weather. A. to B. for C. with D. by10. There is a well B the foot of the hill.A. at B. on C. un de

5、rD. below二. 阅读理解(每小题 3分,共30分)Educati on in the Un ited States is compulsory for childre n up to about the age of sixtee n. Most young p eople stay in school Ion ger tha n that. Most graduates con ti nue their educati on at a college or uni versity. Ed ucation for most young people in this country is

6、 free up to the time they graduate from high school. There are private schools, but most pare nts send their childre n to public schools, where stude nts do not pay tuitio n. When young people go to college, however, they must pay tuition at a public university or a private univ ersity. Uni versity

7、costs are going up a lot. Private uni versities have become very expe nsive because the go vernment does not help the private schools.Who pays? The pare nts of childre n in college may have to pay more, or often the stude nts may have to find jobs. These stude nts have to worry about assig nments an

8、d grades and also about their jobs. If they work too much at their jobs, they may be absent from class or miss assignments or make too many errors on tests. They may even fail their courses and have to leave the university. For many students, the problem of gett ing an educati on is not a problem of

9、 homework and exams. They also have to make money to pay for tuiti on. And professors dont teach them how to do that!1. In the Un ited States, almost half of the high school graduatesA.A. go to colleges and uni versitiesB. n eed not pay any tuiti onC. have to en ter ope n uni versitiesD. work hard t

10、o avoid errors on tests2. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is n ot true? BA. Most pare nts prefer to send their childre n to public schools rather tha n to private schools due to tuitio n.B. Educati on is not free un til the stude nts graduate from high school.C. Uni versity costs are on the in c

11、rease.D. The stude nts may be abse nt from class if they work overtime.3. The private university students have to pay more money for tuition because A.A. the gover nment does not finance the private uni versitiesB. none of the compa nies support the private uni versitiesC. the teaching quality of th

12、e private universities is far superior to the public onesD. they have some trouble in passing the exams4.lf they need money, college students D .A. have to ask the local gover nment for helpB. have to find jobsC. n eed to get a higher educati onD. should work hard and earn more5. The main idea of th

13、e passage might beD.A. select ing a good uni versity in the Un ited StatesB. the in crease in un iversity costs in the Un ited StatesC. the argume nt about educatio n in the Un ited StatesD. the problem of getti ng an educati on in the Un ited Statesghter wanIt was not a good year. At harvest the cr

14、ops did not bring as much as we had hoped. Yet even though times were hard, I could n t wait any Ion ger to ask,“ Daddy, may I have a violin of my owrlooked sad. That night, and many following nights, I heard him pray,“ LtsrdemowtaLviolin.” One evening we all sat around the table. I was doing my hom

15、ework. Mother sewed, andDaddy wrote a letter to his friend, George Fi nkle, who was a fine violi nist. As he wrote, Daddy read parts of his letter out loud to Mother. Weeks later I discovered he dvritten one line he didn re ad aloud:we“ Would you watch for a violin for my daughter? I can t pay much,

16、 but she enjoys music,to have her own in strume nt.”,doings about yvioli n. MaryAt last the day arrived. I liste ned while Daddy made a phone call. He hung up and asked,“you want to go with me to vi sit Mr. Finkle?“Sure, ” I answeredVhen we came to the fine, old house,a tall man, older than Daddy, o

17、pened the door.“ Come in! Mary, I ve been hearing thdaddy has arran ged a big surprise for you!” In the hall, he picked,upeinasi, took out a violi n,and he turned to Daddy. I found it in a pawnshop for seven dollars. It s a goodto make beautiful music with it.” Then he handed the violin to me. I not

18、iced the tears in Daddyfin ally comprehe nded. It was mine!“ How beautiful! ” I said barelyThe aHaynlgcarried my violinto school for my first less on I was fran tic. After class I practiced daily, feeli ng the warm wood fit un der my chin like a part of my body.Two years later, I graduated. I packed

19、 my cherished violin in its case and stepped into the grown-up w orld. More years passed. My violi n made every move with us, and I carefully stored it away briefly reme mbering how much I still loved it and promising myself to play it soon.6. When she was very young, the author family wasA.A. too p

20、oor to buy her a violi nB. rich eno ugh to buy her a violi nC. not too poor, not too richD. supported only by her father7. Her family lived on B.A. odd jobsB. farmi ngC. mak ing violinD. music8. Did the author know the content of the letter? BA. She knew it completely.B. She knew only part of it.C.

21、She knew nothing about it D. She heard it from her mother.9. For what purpose did Daddy write a letter to his friend, George Fi nkle? CA. Aski ng him to make a new violi n.B. Telling him he would visit him some time.C. Ask ing him to buy a cheap violi n for his daughter.D. Ask ing for money in order

22、 to buy her daughter a violi n.10. You can infer from the passage thatD.A. the author threw the violin away when she grew upB. she returned the violin to h er father s friend after she graduatedC. she sold the violin laterD. the violin will always remi nd her of the sweet memory三. 英译汉(每小题4分,共20分)I.

23、The main activity of Than ksgivi ng Day is a large meal for which the whole family gathers.t it?感恩节的主要活动是全家聚餐 。2. That bracelet you gave me for Christmas goes well with my dress, does n你圣诞节给我的手镯和我的裙子很相配,是吗?3. An accent shows where a person comes from and , to an extent, what class he or she belongs

24、to.口音表明一个人来自哪里,在某种程度上,他或她属于什么阶级。4. Trash is collected from every house every day, and more tha n 90 per cent of the populati on own their own apartme nts.每天每户人家都会收集垃圾,90%以上的人拥有垃圾。他们自己的公寓。5. Once, London was a small town on the north of the Thames( 泰晤士河 ),but slowly it grew into one of the world s ma

25、jor cities with more than 7 million people.曾经,伦敦是泰晤士河(泰士河)北部的一个小镇,但慢慢地,它变成了一个小镇。 世界上人口超过700万的主要城市。四. 写作(20分)写作要求:以“Shopping Onlind(网上购物)为主题,分析网上购物的利弊并表达个人的看法,120字左右。Nowadays with the ever rapid developme nt and in creas in gpopularity of the in formati on tech no logy , shopp ing on the internet has

26、 bee n a fashi on especially among the youn gsters.Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopp ing on the internet can save stude nts a great deal of time on the way betwee n home and store,so they would be able to concen tratemore time and energy on

27、theiracademic work. The internet has shorten the dista nee betwee n manu facturers and con sumers and thus we can eve n buy goods in other countries .On the other hand , lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. What s more the delivery will in crease the risk of items damage.In my opinion , shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect授课教师命题教师签字教学负责人 签字月H第6页共4页


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