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1、,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,八年级(上),博乐市一中 吾尔娜,Unit 2How often do you exercise?,Section A1a-1c,What do you usually do onweekends?,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usuallyon weekends.,do my homework,does she,does her,She,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usuallyon weekends.,watch TV,does he,He,watche

2、s,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usuallyon weekends.,read books,read books: 读书= do some reading,does she,reads,She,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usuallyon weekends.,go shopping,go shopping: 购物= do some shopping= shop,does she,goes,She,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usuallyon we

3、ekends.,skateboard,skateboard: v. 踩滑板;做滑板运动= go skateboarding: 踩滑板;做滑板运动,does he,skateboards,He,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usuallyon weekends.,surf the Internet,surf: v. 冲浪 Internet: 因特网surf the Internet: 上网,does she,surfs,She,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usuallyon weekends.,exer

4、cise,exercise: v. 做运动,does she,exercises,She,1a. Look at the picture. Make a list of the weekend activities.,1. _2. _ 3. _4. _5. _,help with housework,red,exercise,watch TV,go shopping,1b Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below. always(100%) _ usually _ often _ sometim

5、es _ hardly ever _ never(0%) _,exercise, read,help with homework,watch TV,go shopping,watch TV,go shopping,always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,从不, 从未,很少, 几乎不,有时,经常, 常常,通常, 一般,总是,100%,0%,1c Talk about the people in the picture above. What do they do on weekends?,A: What does he do on wee

6、kends?B: He usually watches TV.A: Does he go shopping?B: No, he never goes shopping.,练习:补全单词,1. -What do you usually do on w_? -I often watch TV.2. -How often does she shop? -O_ or t_ a week.3. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he e_ every day.4. Animal World is my favorite TV p_.,eekends,nce,wice,x

7、ercises,rogrammes,5. The weather here is so cold, I can h_ stand it.6. These two pictures have no _(区别).7. _ (虽然) Mr. White is very old, he goes to work every day.8. Do you have a _(健康) lifestyle?,differences,healthy,Although,ardly,Homework,Keep a weekend diary showing what you do on weekend. You can write down what they do from the time you get up until you go to bed.,Thank You!,


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