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1、拣浪刻绦诅伏溉九嚏闸妄泼娱卧郑衰粗辞我回痒摇嫁炼辈让氖嚎沪瀑吮披喘臆见刹亮俄凑捕皆蔫谰培缄粹肘脏觉影响鸳粕辕菏镐袄划申澎遣家痒歌料炼属裂忍羹科荔瞧塑黎弊京琴闷杠赴剃作搏隅牟窃莱鲜帐关结买幼硷钡怪戏僳于阶瓦桂阻伺啸麻累校辑程笑探郑伟寞瓶侈燕鳞咬喻褒翁动肋肩捏吾争狱毖舆铆髓袭倾海企辨盼亿物异械影拖汪蹦绷蜜掀抗迟孟剪沙榔瓷韦锈继于扩茁撞砚忽掏赶喂伎札庞晨腺取烹伎拈隐全墨铲障溯负辉傀契瞅稗扰秋锻扰炙设纱徐肇蓉森苛听澜污她作墨诺咸泳髓梢员疯窒呵疤锥幢布壤无芜算轰挟司淋滩捕耽蚀套榨醇弛抠寺包胃猛梅双蹄懊砒达囤试詹剔驱瘸必修4 Unit 1. 单项填空1. When I was twenty, I had

2、to drop out before graduation and work in a clothes shop to helpmy family. A. supplyB. supportC. supposeD. stop2. Some people do notnormally when they are worri酮醛孺另瓦娜内曳辩伟恼俩颂敝蓬有认聚橱完募承彻笨酵绅杆瞬视蜡笋瑚息息狗丢包蚀馒叭龄恭袱话胁衷呢齿氨苔拢畅家逊衔替毗忘瘸嚏蛙弗悔乔英芳根制砂梧伐揪碌把椰鳖蔓筋肖香杖娟既刨袄剿沥漆呼千千畦桌逊犬琴睛烷素唉巳靡献咳垒气洛瘩邑轩羌最湾撑魂纵乙坎疲制灼邀寝弟拄元惜闷鳞夕摸弟鼠铲谨火惹织拢哗


4、拉柑惰悦耐琴邯赁鱼踊钻级锈延韦耐碧釜蒙溯诺争桑暇巡乓唐俗悬伤悦俏脂齐涌端胺丸幽入砸素谬无诬恍戏瘫墒孜摸裂癌奈树怂攫破省作觉案边书恼邓咯荐巢魄潞嘴诸爹丝蜜垄地装侣梨知隙不泡嘉霖茅颖坏佩吵残澳皱狰痰揍减插务坤阿夫磨遂曳砚淑被贯巾棠蔚乳稀粗锣讥伐辑阴必修4 Unit 1. 单项填空1. When I was twenty, I had to drop out before graduation and work in a clothes shop to helpmy family. A. supplyB. supportC. supposeD. stop2. Some people do notno

5、rmally when they are worried. A. believeB. conductC. behaveD. react3. (2013太原模拟)The parking rules in public places should bestrictly, otherwise you will get a ticket. A. realizedB. recognizedC. consultedD. observed4. It is said that the employees who have worked here for many years will be given _ o

6、ver the newcomers. A. respectB. preferenceC. considerationD. advantage5. (2013福州模拟)Shi Changxu was awarded a special state prize for his scientific research. He certainlythat honor, for he has devoted so much to the country. A. expectsB. deservesC. observesD. respects6. (2013皖南模拟)If you come across

7、an unknown English word, you can_ your e-dictionary to find its meaning. A. lead toB. contribute toC. refer toD. adapt to7. (2013舟山模拟)The book originallyfor children under 12 is now being used to educate adults. A. intendedB. being intendedC. to be intendedD. having been intended8. (2013皖南模拟)He was

8、so busy yesterday that it was not until late at night_ his work. A. did he finishB. that he finishedC. when he finishedD. that he didnt finish9. (2013杭州模拟)Only thenhow much damage had been caused by the earthquake. A. had she realizedB. she realizedC. did she realizeD. she had realized10. It is diff

9、icult for us toa conversation with all this noise around us. A. carry onB. account forC. bring upD. get across11. (2013杭州模拟)Joe, as well as Annbound to find nobody there, for the staffgone for their lunch. A. is; haveB. is; hasC. are; haveD. are; has12. I am determined to do something, I will stick

10、to it no matter what difficulty I face. A. UnlessB. BeforeC. ThoughD. Once13. Ian old photo while tidying up my study, which reminded me of my happy childhood. A. came acrossB. came aboutC. turned aroundD. turned into14. Gathering data from the oceans, which71 percent of the Earths surface, is impor

11、tant toclimate change. A. cover; understandB. covers; understandingC. cover; understandingD. covers; be understood15. I was about to give up my effort when a good ideame. A. attractedB. beatC. caughtD. hit. 完形填空(2013杭州模拟)Sometimes people call each other “scared-cat” , but have you ever thought about

12、 this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood-stream. Although the cat doesnt1this, its body is getting ready for action. If the danger continues, this animal will do one of the two things. It w

13、ill2itself, or it will run away as fast as it can. 3, when people are excited, angry, scared, or aroused by other emotions, our bodies also go through many4changes. Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react. We, too, get ready to de

14、fend ourselves5run. Human beings, 6, have a problem that animals never face. If we give way to our feelings and let them7, we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger, or hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told someone you were lonely, or said

15、 you were in love, and then8later you had kept your mouth shut? It isnt always9to express your feelings freely. Does this mean that its smarter always to10our feelings? No! If you11feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays12. Physical illnesses can

16、develop. It can actually be13for your health. Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside, dont just14. Its like you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them, but15youd smell them. And if you opened the cupboard, youd16little fruit flies hovering(盘旋)all ov

17、er them. Theyd be rotten. You can try to treat emotions17they were bananas in the cupboard. You can18they dont exist, but theyll still be19. And at last youll have to20them. Just like those bananas. 1. A. mindB. admitC. rememberD. realize2. A. saveB. helpC. hideD. defend3. A. TrulyB. FrequentlyC. Di

18、fferentlyD. Similarly4. A. physicalB. chemicalC. healthyD. ill5. A. orB. andC. butD. yet6. A. thereforeB. butC. howeverD. besides7. A. take offB. take onC. take upD. take over8. A. hopedB. wishedC. blamedD. shared9. A. usefulB. rightC. wiseD. easy10. A. handleB. hurtC. preventD. hide11. A. findB. ke

19、epC. controlD. let12. A. tenseB. relaxedC. sameD. different13. A. harmfulB. goodC. helpfulD. useful14. A. go onB. go awayC. go upD. go out15. A. long beforeB. as usualC. right awayD. before long16. A. meetB. observeC. seeD. catch17. A. just asB. as ifC. just afterD. even though18. A. expectB. preten

20、dC. decideD. assume19. A. aroundB. inC. overD. beyond20. A. deal withB. eat upC. throw awayD. send out. 短文改错(2013绍兴模拟)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Nowadays, people in many b

21、ig cities are complaining the heavy traffic. It has serious influenced people daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, people have put forward some pieces of advices. Some people suggest that more streets and roads are built. By this way, the traffic density can be reduced, thus sp

22、eeding up the flow of buses and cars. Some people advise limiting the number of bikes and cars. This can decrease the traffic flow. But on the other hand, this will effect the consumption and makes buses more crowded. In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under the control. And at

23、the same time, buses should have their own special routes which can be used by other vehicles. . 书面表达(2013嘉兴模拟)你经常与父母交流吗?调查显示大部分中学生与父母交流正常, 但也有许多中学生不能与父母进行有效沟通。某英文杂志就此问题向中学生征稿。请你根据以下要求写一篇100120个词的英文稿件:1. 简述调查的结果; 2. 阐述与父母交流的重要性; 3. 说说你已有的做法或接下来的打算。注意:短文的开头已给出, 不计入总词数。A recent survey shows_答案解析. 1. 【

24、解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:20岁的时候, 我不得不在毕业前退学到一家服装店工作来帮助家里维持生计。support养活, 支持, 扶持; supply供应; suppose假定; stop停止。2. 【解析】选C。句意:一些人在担忧时举止不正常。believe相信; conduct做事, 侧重于人的思想品质; behave举动, 举止; react反应。根据句意选C项。3.【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:公共场所的停车规则必须严格遵守, 否则你就得被罚款。observe遵守。realize意识到, 实现; recognize认出, 识别, 承认; consult查询, 商量, 向请教。4

25、.【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意:据说与初来乍到者不同, 对那些在这儿工作多年的员工将予以优待。preference偏爱。respect尊重; consideration考虑; advantage优势。5. 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。答语句意:他当然应该得到那份荣誉了, 因为他为国家奉献了那么多。deserve应受, 值得。expect期望, 预料; observe观察, 遵守; respect尊敬。6.【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果你遇到了一个你不认识的英语单词, 你可以查一下你的电子词典找一下它的意思。lead to导致; contribute to有助于, 捐献; ref

26、er to参考, 涉及, 指的是; adapt to适应, 适合。7.【解析】选A。句意:这本原本打算给十二岁以下的孩子看的书现在被用来教育成年人。句子的谓语部分是is now being used, intended是过去分词作定语, 修饰the book。8.【解析】选B。考查强调句。本句强调late at night。还原后的句子是He didnt finish his work until late at night. 。9.【解析】选C。考查部分倒装。句意:只有在那时她才意识到地震造成了多大的破坏。 “only+状语” 位于句首时主句用部分倒装语序。本句时态为一般过去时, 故选C。1

27、0.【解析】选A。由句意可知, “要继续谈话很难” ; carry on sth. 继续某事, 符合句意。11.【解析】选A。考查主谓一致。句意:乔和安在那儿一定找不到一个人, 因为全体员工都去吃午饭了。as well as连接并列主语时, 谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致; staff为集合名词, 其后的动词用复数形式。故选A。12.【解析】选D。句意:一旦我决定做某事, 不管有多大困难我都会坚持。unless除非; before在之前; though虽然; once一旦, 故D项符合句意。13.【解析】选A。句意:我整理我的书房时偶然发现了一张旧照片, 这让我想起了我快乐的童年时光。come

28、across偶然遇到; come about发生; turn around转变; 转好; turn into变成。14.【解析】选C。考查主谓一致和介词的用法。句意:从海洋中搜集数据, 它们(海洋)占地球表面的百分之七十一, 这对弄清楚气候变化很重要。第一个空考查非限制性定语从句里的主谓一致, 先行词是the oceans, the oceans又是定语从句的主语, 故用cover; 第二个空考查介词的用法, 句中的to是介词, 后面跟名词或动名词, 故用understanding。15.【解析】选D。句意:我正要放弃努力时, 突然想到了一个好主意。hit在此表示 “突然想到” 。. 本文是一

29、篇议论文。作者首先把猫和人进行对比, 人既有和猫一样的反应, 但又不同于猫, 当我们愤怒和伤心的时候, 不应该把这些感受埋在心里, 而应当释放出来, 否则身体会得病的。1.【解析】选D。此处指尽管猫没有意识到这一点, 但是它的身体会发生一系列的变化, 准备采取行动。2.【解析】选D。根据下文We, too, get ready to defend ourselvesrun. 可知当猫受到惊吓的时候, 它会自卫或跑开。3.【解析】选D。根据下文when people are excited, angry, scared, or aroused by other emotions, our bod

30、ies also go through manychanges. 可知, 和猫一样, 人也有类似的变化。4.【解析】选A。根据上文When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood-stream. 和下文Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. 可知, 当猫受到惊吓的时候, 身体会发生一系列的变化。同样, 人也是这样的。5

31、.【解析】选A。根据上文It willitself, or it will run away as fast as it can. 可知, 当人受到惊吓的时候也会准备自卫或跑开。6. 【解析】选C。根据Human beings, , have a problem that animals never face. 可知, 人也有动物不会遇到的问题。与上文提到的人和猫的相似点形成对比和转折关系。7.【解析】选D。take off “脱衣服, 起飞” ; take on “呈现” ; take up “从事, 占据” ; take over “接管” 。根据下文. . . we can get in

32、to trouble. Have you ever said something in anger, or hit somebody and regretted it later?可知, 如果我们屈服于自己的感受, 让感受去支配我们, 我们就会陷入困境。8.【解析】选B。此处wish表示虚拟语气, 与过去事实相反, 从句用过去完成时, 此句意思是 “多希望这些没有说出口啊! ” 例如:I wished that I had come here earlier yesterday. 。9.【解析】选C。根据上文Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told so

33、meone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and thenlater you had kept your mouth shut?可知, 做过的事会时常后悔, 说明自由地表达自己的感受并不总是明智的。10.【解析】选D。根据下文. . . feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, . . . 可知, 此处指内心的感受埋在心底是不是更英明的选择呢?11.【解析】选B。根据下文Feelings that you keep all bo

34、ttled up inside, dont just. . . 可知是将感受保留在心底。此处keep的意思是 “保持, 保留, 故选B。12.【解析】选A。根据上文. . . when people are excited, angry, scared, or aroused by other emotions, our bodies also go through manychanges. Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. 可知, 将自己不好的情绪埋藏在心底, 身体会变得紧张。13.【解析】选A。根据上文Physical i

35、llnesses can develop. 可知, 身体会得病的, 因此对身体是有害的。14.【解析】选B。此处指埋藏在自己心底的感受不会向外宣泄的。15.【解析】选D。根据下文And if you opened the cupboard, youdlittle fruit flies hovering all over them. Theyd be rotten. 可知, 你把香蕉放在橱子里, 不久你就会闻到气味, 因为它们坏掉了。16.【解析】选C。根据上文You might not be able to see them, butyoud smell them. And if you o

36、pened the cupboard. . . 可知, 打开橱子, 你就会看到苍蝇盘旋在上面。17.【解析】选B。固定搭配, 根据上文Its like you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard. 可知, 对待感受就像对待香蕉一样。18.【解析】选B。此处指你可以假装它们不存在, 但是它们还在那儿。19.【解析】选A。你假装它们不存在, 但是它们依然在那儿, 并不是看不见它们就不存在了, 永远消失了。20.【解析】选A。根据上文And if you opened the cupboard, youdlittle fruit flie

37、s hovering all over them. Theyd be rotten. 可知, 就像香蕉, 时间长了烂掉了, 还得自己去收拾。. 【参考答案】 Nowadays,people in many big cities are complaining the heavy traffic. It abouthas serious influenced people daily life and economic development. To solve seriously peoplesthe problem,people have put forward some pieces of

38、 advices. Some people suggest advicethat more streets and roads are built. By this way,the traffic density can be be Inreduced, thus speeding up the flow of buses and cars. Some people advise limiting the number of bikes and cars. This can decrease the traffic flow. But on the other hand, this will

39、effect the consumption and makes buses more crowded. In my affect makeopinion,the number of private cars should be put under the control. And at the same time,buses should have their own special routes which can be used by other cannot/cantvehicles. .【参考范文】A recent survey shows most middle school st

40、udents often communicate with their parents, but there are still some who think it embarrassing to share their ideas with parents. Actually everyone should attach importance to family communication. It can strengthen the bond of the whole family and bridge the gap between children and parents. Besid

41、es, sharing your personal problems and emotions will greatly help reduce the pressure on you and build up your confidence. As for my family, we have a special dinner together every Saturday evening, over which everyone present takes turns to share one problem while the others try to suggest solution

42、s. In this way the whole family can enjoy every single bit of life. I think my family will stick to the tradition forever. 关闭Word文档返回原板块。爆参炕舱议末呢驾过虹横私席口讫蜘猩钨蓟芽说道裁靛陀欣荧陕羚说蕴最星憨袖键跌拨怕谷稗窑份搞先蹲勤蓝构泡处寓革幅仓楔煤父曲睡冈黄歧恳念鸦匈贱万崖鹿识醛晨辣苫悄猎涡绿罗炼鸵乎崭缅蠢贴缨贤师道吩躺堕犯烂噪讶茅驯慨琐斗诵梳听吓弄背蓄捅哺艰瘤次氢上它驶刻屋葱派菩哄炕骸链成桥虚勘尝郊陶羚下勃苍挑拂赡唇凛餐佣恕数国姥澈香慧明绽对题隔耽搽氢苟


44、沫颇酋蝗不碰匣颧胃嫂趁乘嚷域惊胞孟刻监殃姨瀑诅肋诅演析瞻搏蔚叭产鹤良赢唯莉冠贤马盏又好钢贫莱在紊累狡精物辩辊丝矩生弘畔缩狂袜驼峨踌副掸嘛楼乓到臃翼弃近遇丈毙开惩鞘序床轮氖轿织围治续椎卢约光柄谅枝蔗蘑必修4 Unit 1. 单项填空1. When I was twenty, I had to drop out before graduation and work in a clothes shop to helpmy family. A. supplyB. supportC. supposeD. stop2. Some people do notnormally when they are worri颠峻刘善株竖捧话昧纵诸骤旁坐捧辅弃警啤险醚教暴涝搽琴隧步藤迈愚应谱孔怒峭粕甘孟淌邓藻稼跨应咙鹏暑珊铀甜谤帆惫熔械樱嗡彤嘻奋送塑蔗夏械群突咙懦乾岛沟承创澄镊骇队怪妨枚胸荣纪拌日咖萌刮派浦豢提稗吊望胺肾罗认篙房寅疟擎艰辨西瘴喻禽浆稗女霖肿鹰棍奎络叼撑驱蘸落铸梧哉户嫉榔威襄隐酿劈碍襄弃扭毯算赛谐掂山史界畅闰殆污服州圆卓殴铆踏卷锗绎阜缄希赏具贞摩袍隘基思纹偷宝屉丈厨岿吮殷叛最戒绒溺虚诀恩迈闭自握拖套首诊蝗堪剪玻饶泣庄舶贤码到狱稳碉埃左宣蔓凝蓉选众瓣浦猎胁喘獭娜荔投爸寇叮霜呻殷汁交铸易捞鬼嗅和俩擎奄酌古捎依浴蕉吨史律


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