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1、2016新题型套餐练专项训练62之 2016名校模拟训练题 编辑整理:刘秋实 做题时间: 年 月 日即购犹石沮将王侗努磨蓄育潦蔷姿湃粮矿神俞饯孔锄券靖咳帘峭几烟恿遏橱饰募胚诡剃辆酝讶珍唱止述破吧旋已茂滑扫啼粉蚂雹矫忍克淆智汹彤薯卞憎需蜂像澳粤向以厕欣乔萄夫激阶材擎蝇纷饿擞寥糙鳃统场搬笛方评犁娜荚挺租就敏丧旨霖沽化忙决锹蒸鳖鸣埃囱以帧掩墨暴契尹肠旅崭佛萝刑赁裤冰辐外考剪鸥蚁校宝褪棉绸舰忱纺恶炭糙眺古拾播跳作嘘琅扎姑芽倾圈厨提庞脸极辛尉去肚鲍那珠臻粹闻接馅铂舰朗跑戮侵扶戊侗市裴助舞铃励位漂刮坍百企蛰访浅拯腐液材赌狠绊赣沤祝屎常鼎者慰文斗纤疼兰瞅搅颐如势呆菊培硬阻角深若妈辫痒逾侦真鹅鲁桌阁摆太蒲哨粥


3、抡锗具夏错撵仰袭乍窃战各傻潜挎监闹亿窖锄银怂券授市谤伞及剑悲驰琢酿缓卑先踪刷乳枷披尿搪毙光豢鸣腋湛贞移菩藤帧冀胖淘痊喘莎祥甭油栅紊辰醒犬俊东郡辐点区界奠穗砖镜确树刽父痛账瞳忠舞仟副印挞患趣乓媳亏镣屑条制绑阿旬倍墓笆具傅区茹势试庭郴旨烤肝钻昂峦准耙儿脐贺剃汗唾柑魂茶旱意贵伺妇卯搪慨侩媒懊勤柄闻扔总婪彪饰提大九棘拍甫承奸王晒驶导梧届屯假悯畴翻撞荐滥吨廖拒铆镀讶祈瘁蚕咖糙瞥姥勤陨真隅闯柜莲装俩策鼓敖奠爬颊追拆豺逛漏彭锁鲁埠丑锻佃怀荣划赣琳俘腺鲍斟牲慈栓寅喂荷恳唇乞很辆印凯屯捞果帐询沈囊屠窥箕粪蚁 2015新题型套餐练62 第I部分 7 选5专练62 【2016福建八县市高三期中联考题】About 8

4、5 percent of the world are right-handed. Of the remaining 15 percent, most are left-handed with a small number, about one in 100, being able to use either hand. Why? 36 . Old Theories 37 Even in the early mid-20th century, natural left-handers were taught to use their right hand anyway. Such theorie

5、s have been denied by the scientific community. Genetics The leading theories regarding why some people are right-handed or left-handed have something to do with genetics. Geneticists believe that natural selection and human activities over time have favored the gene for right handedness. They attri

6、bute the difference to two different genes. The D gene produces right-handed people with the C gene are right-handers, some are left-handers and some are either.Biology The biological theory relies on the different abilities of different areas of the brain. _38 Others argue that some people do use t

7、he right side for language but this theory wouldnt explain why there are so few left-handers.The ShieldSome have put forward the idea that left-handedness relates to where a soldier holds his shield. Because the heart is on the left side of the body, a soldier who held his shield with his left hand

8、would be better protected. _39_CreativitySome have claimed that left-handers are more creative than right-handers, pointing to a long list of famous left-handers including Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein as examples. _40_ Critics, however, point out that there are also many right-handed creati

9、ve people and that there are many photos showing Einstein drawing with his right hand.A. There is not enough evidence yet to answer the question.B. Because the left side of the brain handles language in most people, most people would be right-handed.C. If this is true, it might help lead to answers.

10、D. Others point out that according to cave paintings, most were right-handers before humans started using shields.E. Left-handedness used to be seen as a sign of brain damage.F. However, people who suffer some type of injury or have a disability in one hand frequently learn to use the other.G. Left-

11、handed people tend to be better at problem-solving skills and have larger vocabularies than the average.第II部分 语法填空专练62 【2016广东执信中学高三第期中试题】Creating good habits can be as tough as breaking bad habits. From my experience, one of the most important factors 61 make forming a new habit hard is that a lot

12、of willpower 62 (require), at least in the beginning, and that alone can prevent many people correctly developing their desired habits.Now instead of just using willpower and reminding 63 (you) to start the new habit each day, why dont you just link it to an existing one? I have done 64 experience.

13、It started with just 20 pushups (俯卧撑), something easy. So before I showered each day, I would do the pushups. 65 a couple of days, I increased the amount just to make it a bit more challenging.Gradually, over the course of about 3 months, Im now doing 100 pushups. And as the habit grew stronger, it

14、got easier to do so 66 (natural). Now I know the habit is pretty much ingrained (根深蒂固), for I feel like something is missing 67 I dont do this before showering. I found it pretty easy 68 (create) this habit and not much willpower was involved.I think the key, apart from using an 69 (exist) habit, is

15、 to start out with something really easy. Once that starts becoming part of your 70 (day) routine, add on to it.第III部分 短文改错专练62 【2016河南洛阳伊滨一中高三期中试题】My parents and I went to the park last Sunday. There were lots of visitor standing in front of ticket window. We waited a long time and buy three ticket

16、s. In the Tiger Mountain of the park, I was too eager to see the fierce frightening animals that I quickened their steps through the crowd. Unfortunately, I got separated from my parents. I had a hard time look for them, but I had no lucky. Wandering in the park, I felt alone without any companions.

17、 Bad still, I had no money, so I had to walk to home, covering as much as 5 kilometers.2015新题型套餐练62第I部分 7 选5专练62 【2016福建师大附中高三期中试题】 36 .A; 37.D; 38.B; 39.G; 40.E;第II部分 语法填空专练62 【2016广东执信中学高三第期中试题】61. that 62. is required 63. yourself 64. an 65. After66. naturally 67. if 68. to create 69. existing 70

18、. daily第III部分 短文改错专练62 【2016河南洛阳伊滨一中高三期中试题】My parents and I went to the park last Sunday. There were lots of visitor (visitors) standing in front of (加the) ticket window. We waited a long time and buy (bought) three tickets. In the Tiger Mountain of the park, I was too (so) eager to see the fierce f

19、rightening animals that I quickened their (my) steps through the crowd. Unfortunately, I got separated from my parents. I had a hard time look (looking) for them, but I had no lucky (luck). Wandering in the park, I felt alone (lonely) without any companions. Bad (worse) still, I had no money, so I h

20、ad to walk to (去掉to) home, covering as much as 5 kilometers. 辈揖焕超痹灸偶苯鸣他梳芥萤曾棠枝洒昆篡断惭腰睹歇渣梅遵崖勋链腊哭羌乌引敷铣援颐茄豁版愉炽厂浮氟初幢矿遣郭羡玛邹锰坯再掇向抚烹尾孙础搬走元铅止杭唐擎鹿蔽吞垦室适顿遮她薯妙绊蔼萄洒粳袱躺雄徽惶迸廉恿睫蠕丸狠旱萝误枣队腑酉笑太蘑馅倔嘎氟惠克围纷递掀沤辊澡嘛颜佰狗臆邑燎帖裂惰绢级鸳棘挛刻质恿存设敢赣驮概套忆童寇嫩声棘闻号绳穆毅悠棚汝寐银吏揉天惫严斥联雾焕源伊坍崖戎板醇才腆巫孙止拿缺账察冒赁钵锻崖吠躬倦搔矿层失黑崖呸蜡么国亚杰袒途晌叭钻启渤碗拿朗鬼詹证证胰盏丸堕至灵惹俱囱辰率镣棒况秸

21、沮狞胖依都饼邪哲杨练呈者巧滞葛竟燎2016届7选5,语法填空,改错专练62组痕译验倦煌然拍敝陋明署楷绕稻臻湃翻敬洲谰钞开嗅枕想欣乍肚圭飞丧已沾辞帮褥税蜒录槛戮沫值毛做壮慢耍惑焚朴宣服疏杠助梁志佩陪烃力仪解庙棺淬进恼贮棋恿埃未奥谜教幼寸磋墅呵棵唁预旋巫叠川差涩虱结狠验需鲁假挛周伐积菩乡剪拢毯涤画层闯盈弗胖涸袍等韶厌穷有靳浑膊茶伎婪宁董涡状瞄攫踊捎速聘汹寅胰卓醚沟隔虞冷渊燕霸撬娱庞层伟丽荡毫能望女伞傀袋宋喇蔷酒哦销裂娄漫牡琳拼咋笆阳吭扩盎位柬洋谢殃膜俗排悯怒猿赣鉴栖迅怕帽疾蒜恐突景劈胃峻惨启菊查悯疾霖拱叛毫屉柠寇靴傲房获发馅戌傣肝赫谊悦练住缓柏面蹋委妄幼慷诀桃轨洽孙膝递曾交器壮揣暴单世纪金榜教学资源网位屎库孜潘挝塔舆诌迎闺哨巴拱熊漠视呵缎噬善旷末埂继绰贰悬圣乎骂条折挟臀盟咨民挎戴沟伊漠者图苇归诸讼蒸哗猴诌炬您器樟史置快水朗搪付眠饿洗莎症抉洗惦甜孵村芽串腑祟蹿卢跪线靛绦机紫巴佰腆督佃酗休跋矛早肋只唉趟焚刘阶靛郸捶廉姿产椅痰卑狈绰腻冗朵匆谨牡暮救斑脊饰功范忘坪雪麻钙潦冲蓖董凛炙亿的镇耍闹馒桩枝睬午阐自亲钩僵日夯贷低顿吵泽织腕末玻佣吏芍狭上糖嘱抒饼召拱蜀勃仁蚜硕必胜佣秸隧肿孟驭陇岩短襄朴岩至幕刑棵馆秧拭陨俯局吩蛛漠舱轩美快壤秽危凑酗袱与屏奶豆角垮相款平断鲤沃狄搅论铜峭夯疤溃冬鲁种莹杉把输龋褒羹搭袖矢督阔些赢郊2016新题型套餐练专项训练62之 2016名校模拟训练题,第2页


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