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1、Unit 4关系代名词关系代名词=连接词+代名词I have a friend. The friend lives in Paris.我有位朋友,这个朋友住在巴黎。I have a friend and he lives in Paris .用 and 连接I have a friend who lives in Paris. Who不是谁的意思,是关系代名词。住在巴黎的朋友 a friend who lives in Paris. who lives in Paris 卜充说明 a friend. 这是形容词子句。*语顺为先行词+关系代名词但也提有下例句子例如:1. There was an

2、 old man in the apartment who was very rich.也可以这样说 There was an old rich man in the apartment.2. I met two girls, one of whom is my cousin.One of them is my cousin,单独出现时对的。如果前面有 I met two girls, one of whom is my cousin. 用 whom 是对的。这句话也可以是:I met two girls and one of them is my cousin.( 介词后面用受格,who 是

3、主格,whom 才是受格)关系代名词的种类格先行词主格+V所有格+N受格+S+V+价词)人whowhoseWhom / who事,物,动物whichwhosewhich人,事物,动物thatwhosethat*格的用法(1)主格+动词:the man who talked to me.该男子和我说话who主词talked 动词(2)所有格十名词:the man whose car was stolen.该男子的车被偷了(3)受格+主词+动词:the man who(m) I met.我所会见的人主格的关系代名词.主格who先行词为人+ 主格关系代名词Who + 动词*先行词紧跟代名词*关系代名

4、词引导的是形容词子句,就是把名词补充说明的更加清楚例如1. The man is my father.The man wears sunglasses.(合并一起 the man重复要去掉用关系代名词来替换)The man who wears sunglasses is my father.(合并句)句中:who wears sunglasses是形容词子句用来修饰名词man.*Who这里是子句中的主词,也是关系代名词。不可以省略例如2. I don t likpeople.They get out of temper easily.1 don t like peopkho get out o

5、f temper easily.(2) .中格 Which先行词为事物;动物十主格关代Which +动词例:1. I live in the house.The house stands on the hill.1 live in the house which stands on the hill.2. English is alanguage.It is spoken all over the world.English is a language which is spoken all over the world.Japanese is a languagewhich is spoke

6、n in Japan.(3) .主格 That先行词为(人.事物.动物)十主格关代名词 that +动词 例1.帮忙医生照顾病人的人称为护士。Patient名词是病人,动词是有耐心。帮医生照顾病人的是形容词字句。Be Patient.要有耐心。Be a good patient.当个好病人。People (who / that) help doctors and look after patients are called nurses.形容词子句修饰名词People例如2.我喜欢这大楼幢被吴先生设计出来的 大楼。(先行词为事物的时候主格关代用which和that都对)I like the b

7、uilding which / that was designed by Mr.Wu.*主格关代其后所接的动词须与先行词一致*例:Tom is one of the boys who are fond of sports. Who 的先行词是 boys,所以是 areI know a child who is good at surfing.Adults don t like childwhno tell lies. *children 是复数,所以 tell 不加 s*that的不同用法*(1)指示代名词 (那个的意思)。The weather in Kaohsiung is hotter

8、than that in Taipei.(2)指示形容词。Look at that dog. *that不是代名词,而是指示形容词在名词的前面。(3)关系代名词。The boy that is playing the guitar is Jimmy. (that 又是主词又是连接词 )(4)连接词。I think that honesty is the best policy. (that没有课代替的名词,所以只是连接词)所有格的关系代名词所有格whose先行词为(人;事物;动物)+所有格关代 whose +名词1. I know a girl.Her father is journalist

9、. (her 是所有格)I know a girl whose. father is a journalist.I know a boy whose mother is a English teacher.2. Look at the house.Its. roof was damaged.Look at the house whose roof was damaged. (whose roof 是主词,这个主词里面还包含所有格)受格的关代名词(1)哥格 whom先行词 (人) +受格关代whom +主词+ 动词+ 介词* 口语中:受格关代 whom也可以用who代替*1. The man i

10、s a teacher.She married him. (him是受词用受格 whom 来替换)The man whom/who she married is a teacher.2. The woman has just left the office.You want to see her.The woman whom/who you want to see has just left the office.(2)五格 which先行t司为 (事物,动物)+ 受格关代 which + S+ V+介词1. Here is a magazine.I borrowed it from Miss

11、. Wang.Here is a magazine which I borrowed from Miss Wang.2. Remember the advice.I gave you the advice .Remember the advice which I gave you.Advice 是不可数名词: A piece of advice 一个忠告;Two pieces of a advice 二个忠告(3 )受格 that先行词为(人 ;事物;动物)+受格关代 that + S+ V +介词1 . The little girl is very cute.My dad is talki

12、ng to her.The little girl who/ whom / that my dad is talking to is very cute.2 .我们午餐吃的三明治不好吃。三明治 (主词)我们午餐吃的形容词The sandwiches that we ate for lunch were not delicious.*特别注意的关系代名词 *(1)受格的关系代名词可以省略例如:足球是我最喜欢的运动。Which【我最喜欢的】形容词Soccer is the sport which/that I like the best.受词关代which/that可省略the best是well

13、副词的最高级,副词的最高级 the可以省略。(3)介词+受格关系代名词O+S+ V +介词,后面的介词可以拿到受格关代的前面1. The woman (whom/that) you are speaking of is our principal.The woman of whom you are speaking is our principal.(把介词 of 拿至U前面来 )把介词 of拿到前面来 of后面的代名词一定要用受格受格关代该用什么就用什么.并且of不可代替.不可省略、介词后面一定要有受格2. The train which/that I am waiting for is n

14、ow half an hour late. which/that 可以省略受格关代所引导的形容词字句后面有介系词的时候,我们可以把介系词拿到受格关代的前面。把介词 for 拿到前面来,1.该用什么就用什么,2.不可代替,3.不可省略,介系词拿到受格关代的前面,介词后面一定要有受格,先行词为人的时候受格关代用whom, 先行词为物的时候先行词为which ,绝不可用 that来代替。The train for which I am waiting now half an hour late. 不能用 that注意介词放在关系代名词前,关代不可用that,也不可省略。关系代名词只用that1 .先

15、行词前有最高级时只肯归用that今天是我们经历过的最寒冷的一天。Today is the coldest day that we have ever experienced.(经历: 现在完成式)2 .先行词前有庄数时只能用that肯尼是首位冲出教室的男孩。Kenny was the first boy that rushed out of the classroom. (rush out of 冲出)He stands in front of me.他站在我的前面。*of的后面如果没有对象,of就要省略*He stands in front.他站在前面。3 .先行词为人先事物或人与动物同时出

16、现*先行词为人的时候,主格关代用who,受格关代用whom但是也可以用that*先行词为人或事物,主格关代用which ,受格关代还是用 which但是还可以用that来通用*Take a look at the boy and his dog that are coming this way.4 .先行词前有 疑问词 who, which 用that. *这是 为了僻免重复1. Who that has seen the photo of starving children does not want to help them? *Who是疑问词 *that _has (aux) seen

17、(p.p.) the photos of starving children does not want to help them?情况不明状况不名要用单数。2. Which was the bag (that) you left in the train? 受词的关代还可以省略5.先行词有 all ,no, every, any, thing,*中:PM以这样记 :全部,没有,每一,任一,事物*例如:All that students have to do is to study hard. *to也可以省略 *=All that students have to do is study h

18、ard. *主词:Student;动词:Have* that 是受格关代,可以省略 =All students have to do is study hard.* All that=what *what students have to do is study hard.* 关系代名词 what =先行词+关代* what 不需要先行,因为 what包括了先行词2 . She has everything that a woman could wish for.她有所有女人都渴望拥有的东西。6 .先行词前有 the only; the same; the very (正是) 例如1. He

19、was the only one that trusted me.2. This is the very novel that I ve lookeor.这正是我一直要找的小说。现在完成时*只用that的口诀*1 .最高级,序数,人 +物,避免重复2 . All, no, every, any, the (the only, the same. the very)不能用that 1 .有豆点,后不能用 that2.介系词之后该用谁就用谁不能用that.(4)限定用法及非限定用法(1)限定用法:对先行词的内容加以限定1 . They had two daughters who become ac

20、tresses. 他们有两个成为演员的女儿。句子中没有提到女儿的总数 *Who/that become actresses.(形容词子句)2 .非限定用法=对先行词不加限定。*仅有使句子连贯的功能-#述用法They had two daughters, who became actresses.他们有两位女儿,者B当了演员。句子中明确地表明只有两位女儿。比较1 .限定:无逗号,可用 that代替,受格关代可省略The old man has a son (who/that) lives in Taipei.2 .非限定:有逗号,不可用 that代替,关代不可省略The old man has

21、a son, who lives in Taipei.那种情况下关系代名词不能用that :1 .介系词关代2 .逗号后面的关代,不能用 that该用谁就用谁。例如 1. I, who am your best friend , certainly will help you. * who am your best friend 是补述用法 *例如 2. My brother, who is a dentist, is studying in the USA.(5)关系代名词的同义表现1 .名词(先行词)+主格关代名词+ 丫=名词+现在分词例如:There is a notice that s

22、ays, No parking . *t hat says 写着什么.(都要用主动)*There is a notice saying, No parking. *改成名词 + 现在分词(主动)*2 .名词+主格关代+ beV+过去分词=名词+过去分词(=被动)例如:This is acake which was made by Mrs. White.This is a cakemade by Mrs. White.* 该成名词+ 过去分词(被动)*3 .名词 + Who + have / has / had=名词 + with / having例如:She is a girl who has

23、 blond hair.She is a girl having blond hair.She is a girl with blond hair.修饰名词的字,片语,子句。*修饰名词就是形容词*例如 a red flower 红色的花朵。(1)放在名词前的形容词,分词1 .(一个字)形容词+名词2 .(一个字)现在分词十名词(主动).例如 a blooming flower 一朵盛开的花朵。3 .(一个字)过去分词+名词(被动)或者是(过去完成)例如 a fallen flower一朵掉落的花。(过去完成)a falling flower正在掉落的花朵。(主动)(2)放在名词后的形容词,形容

24、词片语,形容词子句thing/ b密词例如:something interesting 某件有趣的事情 an interesting thing 件有趣的事情2.名词+形容词片语=由介系词,分词,不定词引导 例:1. The pen on the desk is mine.2. Will you give me a pen which I can write with?=Will you give me a pen to write with?*which所引导的形容词子句来修饰名词的时候,里面的 can可以被to代换3. He drew a cat sleeping on the chair. 他画了一只M在椅子 卜睡觉的猫。He drew a sleeping cat. 他画了一只正在睡觉的猫。4. This is the window broken by Tom.这是一扇被 Tom 打破的窗户。3.名词+形容词子句=由关系代名词引导Do you think the lady who wears a dress is pretty? *Wearing 或者用 in =Do you think the lady wearing a dress is pretty?=Do you think the lady in a dress is pretty?


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