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1、、课题:Task第二章冲裁模的结构和设计Chapter Two Blanking die strcture and design二、目的要求:lntention and request1. 掌握了解冲裁模的冲裁工艺及基本知识。2 .清楚了解冲裁过程分析并能够掌握冲裁件的质量分析。3.掌握冲裁间隙的计算、分析及使用。三、重点、难点和突破的方法:Important points、difficulty points and breach methods冲裁工艺。Blanking technique典型冲裁模结构。Typical blanking die sconstructer.冲裁模主要零部件的结

2、构分析和标准的选用。The constructer analysis andstandards selectiorbbtfhking die s importanlomponents冲裁模设计要点 the important points of blanking die s design四、 复习提问:Review and question1、模具间隙正常时,金属板料的冲裁变形过程大致可分为哪三个变形阶段? Where has 3 phaseshe metal sheet matal s blanking distortion procedure, when the mould gap is

3、normal.2、在正常的冲裁工作条件下,冲裁件断面具有哪四个明显特征区?Where has four evident earmark zones blanking piece sever, At the normal conditions of blanking work五、教具:Teaching aid多媒体 multimedia六、作业:Homework习题 2.1 Exercise 2.1七、 授课讲义: Classroom teaching第二章冲裁模的结构和设计Chapter Two Blanking die strctureand design使板料分离的冲压工艺称为冲裁。The

4、 stamping technique to divide the sheet matal is called blanking. There are various kinds of it.such as, cut down, punch,pierce, trim, incise, dissect and so on.冲裁工艺的种类很多,常用的有切断、落料、冲孔、切边、切口、剖切等。Cut、Bla nking、Pun ch、Cutt ing edge Slitt ing and so or。冲裁是冲压工艺的最基本工序之一。bla nking is one basic procedure of

5、stamping technique在冲压加工中使用极广。它既可以直接冲出成品 零件,也可以作为弯曲、拉深和挤压等其它工序的坯料,还可以在已 成形的工件上进行再加工(切边、切口、冲孔等工序)。2. 1冲裁工艺 Blanking technique.2. 1. 1 冲裁基本知识 the basic knowledge of Blanking 在 冲裁工艺中,以落料、冲孔使用最多。The most use of it is pun chi ng and pierci ng.从板料上冲下所需形状的工件(或毛坯)称为落料。Run intothe required type s wofiropmcee

6、sheet matal (or roughcast) is pun chi ng在工件上冲出所需形状的孔(冲去的为废料)称为冲孔。Run into the required form s work piece ( the washed thing is)iecap ) is落料和冲孔的变形性质完全相同,但在进行模具工作部分设计时,要分开加以考虑。 Punching and pierce have the same distorti on feature ,but whenl worksig n , we shto co根据甲以分为普变形机理dist in guish them口精密冲裁两大类。

7、According 疇*Re different distortion mCanism, blanking tech nique has tWSJ types ar&diWmonbiankibg Sand exact bla nking .普通冲裁:com mon bla nking是由凸、凹模刃口之间产生剪裂缝的形式实现板料分离。To make the edge of the male die and female die produce the shearing cranny to separate the sheet matal .精密冲裁:exact blanking是以变形的形式实现

8、板料的分离。Through the distortion form tofinish the sheet matal .前者冲出的工件断面比较粗糙,精度较低。后者冲出的工件不但断面 比较光洁而且精度也较高,但需要有专门的精冲设备及精冲模具。The former workpiece shearing surface is more rough, and the latter is more glabrous and the precision is higher, but it needs special precise equipme nt and model.2. 1. 2 冲裁过程分析 t

9、he procedure analysis of blanking凸模1和凹模2具有和工件轮廓一样的刃口。Male die 1 andfemale die 2 have the same edge with work profile.凸、凹模之间存在一定的间隙。 Male die and female die must existenee gap.当压力机滑块把凸模推下时,便将放在凸、凹模中间的板料冲裁成所 需的工件 当模具间隙正常时,金属板料的冲裁变形过程大致可分为三个变形阶段.When the mould gap is normal,the metal sheet matal sblank

10、ing distortion procedure has 3 phases. (1) 弹性变形阶段 elastic distortion phase(2) 塑性变形阶段 plastic distortion phase(3) 剪裂阶段 shearing crack phase如下图:(1)弹性变elastifdstortio n ph当凸模开始接触板料并集中现象纟使材料产I性压缩、凸模和凹模刃口周围的板料产生应力HlfllA杂的变形Wherthemale die starts 叮to touch with sheet matl)a nd press itlowly,thes edge图Z3冲裁

11、时板料的变形过程sheet matalWhich around the male die. and female die produce the stress cen tral phe nomena, make the material produce the elastic compressi on ,be nd, exte nd and so on thesecomplex distortio n.板料略有挤入凹模洞口的现象。此时,凸模下的材料略有弯曲,凹模上的材料则向上翘。间隙愈大,弯曲和上翘愈 严重。随着凸模继续压入,直到材料内的应力达到弹性极限。(2)塑性变形阶段 plastic d

12、istortion phase当凸模继续压入,板料内的应力达到屈服点,板料和凸模和凹模的接 触处产生塑性剪切变形。Wherthe male die is gone on pressfitting,the stress in the sheet metal will get to the yield point, andthe tangency place of sheet metal and male die with cavity plate will have plastic sheer deformati on.随着凸模的下压,应力不断加大,直到分离变形区的应力达到抗剪强度,塑性变形阶段

13、结束。With the male die being pressed dow n, the stress goes onaggrandizing. The plastic sheer deformation place won t befini shed with separate deformed zone of stress gets to the sheari ng stre ngth.(3)剪裂阶段 shearing crack phase当板料的应力达到抗剪强度后,凸模再向下压,则在板料和凸模和凹模的刃口接触处分别产生裂纹。After sheet matal stress gets

14、tothe sheari ng intension, the male die is gone on being presseddownand the fissure will be begot at the tangency place of sheet metal and male die s with cavity plate s blade mouth apart . 随着凸模下压,裂纹逐渐扩大并向材料内延伸。With the male diebeing pressed down, fissure is come to enlarge and extended to the in si

15、de of materials.当上、下裂纹重合时,板料便被分离。When surfissrue and lay-fissure coin age, sheet matal will be asun dered .凸模再下压,将已分离的材料克服摩擦阻力从板料中推出,完成冲裁过程。And with male die being frictional ressistanee and will be pushed out of the sheet matal and the n the bla nking coursewill be fini shed.在正常的冲裁工作条件下,由凸模刃口出发的剪裂缝

16、和由凹模刃口出发的剪裂缝是重合的。这时可以得到如图2.4所示的冲裁件断面,它具有明显的四个特征区。At the normalcon ditio ns of bla nking work, the shear fracture slots are coin age, whichstart off the male die and cavity plate blade mouth.Now, the blanking piece s sev er panel is being obtainde.Look at thepicture 2- 4.It has four evident earmark z

17、one s.落料杵尺寸图z, 冲敲件剪切断ir特征1带 型一光亮带 3断裂带 竝一毛剌(1) 圆角带;circle angle zone(2) 光亮带;euphotic zone(3) 断裂带 ;fracture zone(4) 毛刺。burr2.1.3 冲裁件的质量分析 blanking piece s qualityanalysis1. 尺寸精度; size precisi on2. 断面质量; breaking surface s quality3. 毛刺。burr 2. 1. 4 冲裁间隙 blanking gap冲裁间隙是指冲裁凸模和凹模之间工作部分的尺寸之差。如图2.6 所示,即

18、blanking gap is the differeneesize between the maledie and female die s work part. Look at the picture2.6.?Z = D凹一 D凸?如无特殊说明,冲裁间隙一般是指双边间隙。Ifit has not other special illustration, blanking gap is thebilateral gap.小结:本次课主要讲述了 冲裁基本知识(the basic knowledge ofBlanking), 冲裁过程分析 (the procedure analysis ofblanking ),冲裁间隙 blanking gap。重点是(Important points) 冲裁间隙blanking gap 。


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