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1、Unit 3When you get an in vitati on to a job in terview, you are halfway toward your goal a job offer当你得到一个邀请去参加一个面试,你是中途向你的目标个工作机会。No matter how many encouraging responses you have gotten to your job inquiry letters, with rare exceptions you will not get a job offer without an interview无论多少鼓励响应你的美丽你

2、的工作查询信件,除了极少数例外你不会得到一个 工作机会没有一个面试。Go to the library to find all relevant infonnation about the company and, if you can, on the person who will interview you.去图书馆查找所有相关公司的信息,如果可以,在人谁将面试你。Have material with you that the employer might ask forsamples of yourwork, names and addresses of references, extr

3、a copies of your resume 有材料,雇主可能会要求一一你的作品样本,姓名和地址的引用,额外的拷贝 你的简历。An employment manager for a major construction company offers this advice 雇佣经理主要建筑公司提供了这个建议。“ If it 1 s obvious you haven t spent any time preparing for the interviewthat is, you don t know what the company does, where it doesit, what k

4、inds of jobs it has then don t expect the company to take you very seriously. ”“如果这是明显的你没有花任何时间准备面试一一那就是,你不知道什么公司做, 它什么样的工作它一一然后别指望公司带你非常认真。”Prior to an interview the employer has probably seen your resume and perhaps talked with you on the phone面试前雇主可能已经看过你的简历,或许和你在电话上交谈。What employers look for in

5、interviews is what you might call personal chemistryhow you look and act, whether you exhibit self-confidence,how you would fit in with other members of the organization.雇主寻找在采访中可能就是我们所说的“个人化学一一你怎么看起来和行动,无 论你表现出自信你怎么样才能符合组织的其他成员。Cloze4Globalization is a process of interaction(相互作用)and integration (综

6、 合) among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade (国际贸易) and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on economic development, on political systems (政治制度),and on human physical (身体的)well-being in societies a

7、round the world全球化是一个互动的过程(相互作用)和整合(综合)之间的人,公司,和不同 国家的政府,通过国际贸易驱动(国际贸易)和投资以及信息技术的辅助。这个 过程对经济发展的影响,对政治系统(政治制度),以及对人的身体(身体的) 在全世界的幸福。Globalization is not new, though, For thousands of years, peopleand,letter, corporationshave been buying from and sei ling to each otherin lands at great distances, such

8、 as through the famed (著名的)Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in (投 资于)enterprises(企业)in other countries Inf act, ma ny o f the features (特征)of the current wave of globalization are simi

9、lar to those prevailing (流行)before the outbreak (爆发)of the First World War in 1914.全球化并不是新的,但是,几千年来,人们一一,-信,公司已经购买和出售 给对方的土地在很远的地方,如通过著名的丝绸之路(著名的)在中亚连接中国 和欧洲中世纪。同样,几个世纪以来,人们和公司投资(投资于)企业(企业) 在其他国家。事实上,许多功能(特征)对当前的全球化浪潮是类似流行(流行) 爆发前(爆发)1914第一次世界大战。But policy and technological development (技术发展)of the

10、past few decades have spurred(激励)increases in cross-border(跨越边界的)trade, investment, and migration (移民)so large that many observers (观察者) believe the world has entered a qualitatively (定性白勺)new phase (阶段) Since 1950, for example, the volume of (大量的)world trade has increased by 20 times, and from just

11、 1997 to 1999 flows (现金流量)of foreign investment nearly doubled, from $468 bill ion to $827 bill ion. Distinguishing (区别)this current wave of globalization from earlier ones, author Thomas Friedman has said that today globalization is afarther (更远的),faster, cheaper, and deeper (更深)”但政策和技术发展(技术发展)在过去的

12、几十年里,已促使(激励)增加跨境(跨 越边界的)贸易,投资,和迁移(移民)如此之大,许多观察家(观察者)认为, 世界已进入一个新阶段的定性(定性的)(阶段)。从1950开始,例如,体积(大 量的)世界贸易增长了20倍,从1997到1999,流量(现金流量)外商投资增加近 一倍,从0000美元到0000美元。鉴别(区别)全球化浪潮从早期的当前,作者托 马斯弗里德曼说,今天的全球化”(更远的更远,更快,更便宜),深(更深”UNIT 5Years of begging on the streets of Shahr-e Kord in western Iran meant that Habibian

13、 was never anything more than a local beggar to his neighbours So when he was found dead in his home, no one suspected (1) that the man who spent his life pleading (2) for money and favours had left behind a big fortune年的街头乞讨Shahr-e贺德伊朗西部意味着Habibian从来没有任何超过当地一个 乞丐给他的邻居。所以当他被发现死在家中,没有人怀疑,人一生都在寻求资金和 支

14、持留下了一大笔钱。But now a judge has confimied (3) that Habibian was a real-life slumdog (穷小子)mill ion aire after police discovered a lot of valuables whe n they went to recover his body. Searching through the dead mans possessions, officers were stunned (4) to find more than7,000 in cash and ownership docu

15、ments (文件)to lucrative (5) properties and businesses. They also discovered an array of precious jewellery (6), including earrings dating back to the mid一19th century.但是现在法官证实Habibian是一个现实生活中的贫民窟(穷小子)百万富翁后警 方发现很多贵重物品当他们去恢复他的身体。搜索通过死者的财产,他们惊讶的 发现超过7000的现金和所有权文件(文件)有利可图的属性和企业。他们还发现 了一批珍贵的珠宝,其中包括耳环可以追溯到

16、19世纪中叶。Habibian is not Irans first wealthy (7) beggar In 2003, a 40-year-old woman filed for divorce after discovering that her husband, a wealthy carpet trader, regularly begged in a neighbourhood in the south of the city The husband explained that he was driven by a(n) urge (8) stemming from his p

17、oor upbringing in which he fell under the spell (9) of organised beggars And three years ago, a beggar arrested (10) by police in Tehran was found to have 10,000 in the bank and own a luxury flatHabibian不是伊朗的第一个富有的乞丐。2003年,40岁的女人提出离婚后发现她 的丈夫,一个富有的地毯商人,经常请求在附近在南方的城市。老公解释说,他是 由(n)冲动源于他的教养,他的法术下有组织的乞丐。

18、三年前,一个乞丐在德黑兰 被警方逮捕被发现10000在银行拥有豪华公寓。UNIT 6There are only 24 hours in your day, just the same as everybody else how do you end up time-starved, frustrated , and behind in your word Maybe it is because you don t know how to use those 24 hours to your advantage 有你的一天只有24小时,就跟所有人一样,所以你如何结束时间饥饿,沮丧, 和在你的话

19、吗也许是因为你不知道如何使用这24个小时里,你的优势。If using your time wisely is a problem for you, you probably don t have a very good idea of where it all just seems to go ! A good place to start , then , it to faithfully keep track of how you use your waking hours for a results will probably surprise you.如果明智地使用你的时间是你的问題

20、,你可能没有一个很好的主意,这一切都只 是似乎! 一个好的开始的地方,然后,它忠实地记录你如何使用你的醒着的时间 为一周。结果可能会让你大吃一惊。The next step is to do some planning You 11 discover,among other things, that if you get seven hours sleep a night , you have 119 hours per week to do everything you need to do that,of course , includes going to class,eating,so

21、cial activities,personal hygiene,telephone and tv time,etc .be sure to schedule time for all these in your 119 try to sticking your schedule for a week this should give you a good idea of what your real priorities are!下一步是做一些计划。你会发现,在其他事情上,如果你每晚睡七小时,你有119 小时去做你需要做的一切。这,当然,包括上课,吃饭,社交活动,个人卫生, 电话和电视的时间

22、,等等。一定要安排在你的119小时,这些时问尽量一周坚持 你的计划。这将给你真正的优先事项是什么好主意!Learn to say NO once your priorities are set Turning down an invitation doesn t mean you 11 never be invited again Making a deci sion based on what you know is best for you at the time actually leads to greater respect form your friends学会说不,一旦你的优先级

23、设置。拒绝一个邀请并不意味着你永远不会再被邀请。 决策基于你知道什么对你是最好的的时候,实际上会导致更大的尊重你的朋友。UNIT 7on a beautiful,bright September day almost six years ago,agroup of 19 men stepped onto four airplanes,intending toterrorize a few blocks from here,the hijackers crashed their terrible ideology into the american dream在一个美丽的,阳光明媚的九月几乎六年

24、前,一组19个人踏上4架飞机,打算 toterrorize美国。就从这里几个街区,劫机者他们可怕的意识到美国梦。nealy 3000 americans died on that horrible day in new york were bankers and busboys,secretaries and firemen,and they were all our brothers and sisters由于其3000美国人死于可怕的天在纽约市。他们的银行家和司机,秘书和消防员, 他们都是我们的兄弟姐妹。their sacrifice is a harsh and lasting remi

25、nder of what must become one of the great goals of our generation, the need to protect our citizens from these horrors,to remove the poverty and instability that give terrorism a toehold,and to make terrorism utterly unacceptable among nations everywhere,for all time他们的牺牲是一个严厉的和持久的提醒必须成为我们这一代的一个伟大的目

26、标, 需要从这些恐怖保护我们的公民,消除贫困和不稳定,给恐怖主义一个立足点,并 使恐怖主义完全不可接受的国家之间无处不在,所有的时间。the world stood united behind america after 9/ instead of leading a truly visionary campaign against global terrorism,our president led america down a garden used the attacks to justify a preconceived war against a nation he now admi

27、ts had no ties to Al then offered belligerenee and hostility to the world community,and we have been reward in kind9/11之后世界背后站在美国美国。而是领导一个真正有远见的打击全球恐怖主义, 我们的总统领导美国沿着花园小径。他使用攻击来证明一个先入为主的战争对一 个国家承认他现在没有与基地组织的联系。然后他向国际社会提供好战和敌意, 而且我们一直在奖励。six years later,the devastating consequences of the bushwwar on terror0 doctrine are so clear that his own administration has had to admit them六年后布什的毁灭性的后果“反恐战争学说是如此明显他自己的政府不得不 承认他们。


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