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1、Take On1. PHRASAL VERB 承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任)If you take on a job or resp on SibiIity, especially a difficult one, you accept it.No other orga ni Sati on WaS able or willi ng to take on thejob.没有任何别的组织有能力或愿意承担此项工作。Dont take on more resp on SibiIitieS tha n you Can han dle.不要承担过多的责任。2. PHRASAL VERB 呈现,显出

2、(新面貌或新特点)IfSOmeth ing takes on a new appeara nce or quality, it develops that appeara nce or quality.BeIieVing he had only a year to live, his Writing took on a feverish inten sity.由于以为自己只剩一年的活头,他的文字开始变得激情澎湃。3. PHRASAL VERB (公共汽车、船舶等)上(客),装(货),补充(燃 料)If a VehiCIe SUCh as a bus or ShiP takes on PaSSe

3、 ngers, goods, or fuel, it stops in order to allow them to get on or to be loaded on.ThiS is a brief stop to take on PaSSe ngers and water.这是一次短暂停靠,上上客,加加水4. PHRASAL VERB 雇用;录用 If you take Someone on, you employ them to do a job.Hes spoke n to a PUbIiSh ing firm. Theyre going to take him on他和一家出版公司谈

4、过了,他们打算雇用他。The Party has bee n tak ing on staff, i nclud ing temporaryorga ni sers.这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。5. PHRASAL VERB 与(尤指实力比自己强的人)较量;接受的挑 战 If you take some one on, you fight them or COmPete aga inst them, especially Whe n they are bigger or more POWerfUI tha nyou are.DemOCratS Were relucta nt

5、 to take on a PreSide nt whose popularity rati ngs Were historically high.民主党人不愿与一位有史以来民众支持率最高的总统较量。I knew I could nt take him on.我清楚我斗不过他。take in1. PHRASAL VERB 收留,收容(尤指无家可归者或逃难者)If you take some one in, you allow them to Stay in your house oryour CoUn try, especially Whe n they do not have any Whe

6、re toStay or are in trouble.He PerSUaded Jo to take him in.他说服乔把他收留了下来。The mon astery has take n in 26 refugees.修道院已经收留了 26位难民。2. PHRASAL VERB (警察)带走,抓走 If thepolice take some one in, they remove them from their home in order to questi on them.The police have taken him in for questioning in connecti

7、on Withthe murder of a girl.警察把他带到警局讯问有关一个女孩被害案件的情况。3. PHRASAL VERB 欺骗;使上当 If you are taken in by some one or SOmethi ng, you are deceived by them, so that you get a false impressi on of them.? I married in my late tee ns and WaS take n in by his CharmWhiCh soon vani shed.我十八九岁时结了婚,那时被他的魅力所迷惑可他的魅力很

8、快就荡然无存。? I know I WaS a n aive fool to trust him but he is a realCharmer who totally took me in.我知道我当初幼稚无知,竟然信任他,可是他真是迷人,把我完 全给骗了。4. PHRASAL VERB 理解;领会;领悟 If you take Somethi ng in, you Pay attention to it and Understand it When you hear it or read it.LeSIey expla ins POSSibIe treatme nts but you Ca

9、n tell shes not tak ing it in莱斯利解释了各种可行的疗法,不过,你可以看出来,她并没有 领会。GaZing UP into his eyes, She Seemed to take in all he said.她抬起头注视着他的眼睛,好像听懂了他说的一切。5. PHRASAL VERB ( 一下子)看清,看明白Ifyou take SOmethi ng in, you See all of it at the Same time or With just one look.The eyes behi nd the Ien SeS Were dark and qui

10、ck-mov ing, tak ing in everyth ing at a gla nce.镜片后面的黑眼睛快速转动着,扫一眼就全都记下了。6. PHRASAL VERB 观看;欣赏;参观 If you take in SOmethi ng SUCh as a film or a museum, you go to See it.I WaS wondering if you might Want to take in a movie With me this eve ning.不知道今晚你愿不愿意和我一起去看场电影?7. PHRASAL VERB (人、动物或植物)摄入,吸收If peop

11、le,an imals, Or Pla nts take in air, drink, Or food, they allow it to en ter their body, usually by breath ing or swallow ing.They will Certa inly n eed to take in ple nty of liquid.它们当然需要吸收大量液体。8. PHRASAL VERB 容纳;装下;盛下 If one thing takes in another, it is big enoUgh to include the other thing Withi

12、n it.Ethiopias large territorial area takes in a populati on ofmore tha n 40 milli on people.埃塞俄比亚广袤的国土上生活着4,000多万人口。9. PHRASAL VERB 将(衣物)改小 If you take in a dress, jacket,or other item of clothi ng, you make it smaller and tighter.She had take n in the grey dress so that it hugged her thin body.她把那

13、件灰色连衣裙改小了,这样正好紧裹住她那纤瘦的身体。10. PHRASAL VERB (商店、饭店、剧院等商业机构)收入,进账If a store, restaura nt, theatre, or other bus in ess takes in a Certai n amount of mon ey, they get that amount from people buying goods or services.They plan to take in $1.6 billion.他们计划要收入16亿美元Take to1. PHRASAL VERB (尤指短时间接触后)喜欢上,喜 爱 I

14、f you take to some One Or SOmethi ng, you like them, especially after knowing them Or thinking about them for Only a short time.Did the ChiIdre n take to him?.孩子们喜欢上他了么?The first SerieS WaS really bad. BUt for somereas on the PUbIiC took to it.第一部系列剧糟透了,可是不知为何,观众开始喜欢 上了它。2. PHRASAL VERB 养成(做)的习惯;开始定时 (做 )If you take to doing SOmeth ing, you beg in to do it as a regular habit.They had take n to Wan deri ng through theStreetS arm-i n-arm.他们养成了挽着胳膊逛街的习惯。


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