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1、精品资料Unit 5 Whose dog is it?PB Read and write 教案【教学目标】1、知识目标:(1)学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下,养成按照意群阅读的习惯,读懂Robin的小故事,并描述动物正在做的事情,把答句书写完整。(2)能够根据小故事,在正确、规范地书写。(3 )能够熟练地听、说、读、写本单元对话板块的核心句型;能够听、说、读、写词 汇板块的所有单词。2、技能目标:(1)在阅读时,养成案意群阅读的习惯,用目标句型和词汇读懂小故事,理解动物正在做的事情。(2)能够规范地书写动词的现在分词。3、情感目标:(1)激发学生的英语学习兴趣 ,培养良好的英语学习习惯。(2)引

2、导学生产生热爱小动物的美情感。【教学重点】1、句型: What is Fido doing? He s eating. Hes not drinking. Are these rabbits eating? No, theyre playing with each other.2、词汇: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping , 并能正确地书写。教教学难点】1、 学生能够在语境中理解生词climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping 的语用意思,并能正确发音、书

3、写。2、在具体的语境中,理解并使用下列句型:What is Fido doing? He s eating. Hes notdrinking. Are these rabbits eating? No, they re playing with each other.【教学准备】1、教师准备与本课时相关音视频、单词卡片,教学挂图及课件。【教学过程】Step 1:热身互动1)师生互致问候。自由对话。T: Is he ? Are they ?Ss: Yes, he is. No, he isnt.Yes, they are. No, they arent.2) Let s enjoy a song

4、.Animals, animals are everywhere!(设计意图:通过自由对话,巩固复习本单元的重点句型,并结合学生的实际生活,形成有效的输出。)Step2预授新课1) Pre-reading ,弓I入单词 excited。Look, Robin is at the zoo.Robin: I rlooking at a panda! at an elephant! a dog !Im looking at the rabbits.the !Sarah: Robin, what are you doing?2) While-reading,阅读并理解文章大意。Read and ans

5、wer.1. Where are Sarah and Robin?2. What are the animals doing in the story?3) After-reading 阅读理解Listen and answer.Ss: They are at the zoo.The bear is dancing.The rabbits are eating.The tiger is running.The elephant is walking.(设计意图:在对文章的理解的基础上,学会在题目中运用语言。4)Listen and number.听一听,排列顺序。2 3 4 1Mrs Smit

6、h: Hi, Mrs Green.Mrs Green: Hi, Mrs Smith.Mrs Smith: Where is Amy now?Mrs Green: She shopping for us.Mrs Smith: I see. What a good girl!Chen Jie: Look at the cat.Mike: Oh, yes. Haha!Chen Jie: It csimbing!Boy: Hey, whose bike is that?Girl: It nsine. Do you like it?Boy: Yes. Very much!Robin: Yifan. Wh

7、at are you doing?Wu Yifan: I neating.Robin: Let play a game.Wu Yifan: OK, Robin.5) Listen again and choose the right answer.巩固知识,对原有听力材料进行进一步训练。1. What is Amy doing?A. She is shopping.B. She is eating lunch.2. Whose bike is it?A. It is his.B. It is hers.3. What is the cat doing?A. It is climbing.B.

8、It is sleeping.4. What is Wu Yifan doing?A. He is playing.B. He is eating.A B A B5) Let s wrap it up.1. Amy: Whose English book is that ?John: It s.It s.Amy: Whose storybook is this?John: It sMrZhang s.It s.2. Wu Yifan: Where is my_pen?I can t find it.Sarah: Here s one.Is this pen?Wu Yifan: Yes, it

9、s.Thank you.3. Grandpa: Whose rabbits are these?Robin: These are Yifan . sGrandpa: Oh, these are rabbits.Robin: Look! The rabbits are eating carrots now.4. Mike: Mum, my dog is so cute.I love him so much.Mum: My dear, it s not only dog.It s amine.Mike: Yes, Mum. He s dog.Step3课堂小结What is he/ she/ it doing?What are they doing?They are ing .Are they ing?Step4作业1. Read the text for 15 minutes and try to remember the new words and sentences.2. Write your pets day.【板书设计】Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Is he ?PB Read and writeAre they ?What is he doing?What are they doing?He is - ing.They are .ing.


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