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1、Unit Unit 5 5 单元测试卷 (A A)卷 一、 短语翻译(每题 1 1 分,共 1010分) 1.相同的尺寸_ 2.fun facts_ 3.像往常一样_ 4.the first time_ 5.听起来像_ 6.say to oneself_ 7.一个月前_ 8.the day before yesterday_ 9.在地球上_ 10.at least_ 二、 单项选择(每题 1 1 分,共 1515分) ( )1.(2011 南京)You cant imagine _ great fun chatting online is. Really? But it may cause y

2、ou a lot of trouble. A. what B. how C. Why D. whether ( )2.(2011 镇江) _ expensive mobile phone it is! Yes, but I think _ style is quite fashionable. A. What a; a B. How; the C. What an; the D. How an; the ( )3. (2011 南通)Look!That teacher is explaining something to her students again and again!_ teach

3、er she is! A.How patient B. What patient C. How a patient D.What a patient 1 ( )4.(2011苏州)Dont wait for people to be friendly, show them _ a friendly person you are. A. what B. how C. when D. where ( )5.(2011 宿迁) My recorder is broken. Could I use yours? _, but you have to return it tomorrow. A. Im

4、not sure B. No problem C. Im sorry D. I hope so ( )6.(2011 盐城)_interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer! A .What B. What an C. How D. How an ( )7.(2011 扬州) Listen! Someone is playing the piano. Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much. A. What B. How a C. What a D. How ( )8.(2008 天津)L

5、ast week I met my friend Li Ming but I forgot _his telephone number. A. ask B. asking C. and ask D. to ask ( )9.(2007 常州)_useful dictionary for beginners of English! Where did you get it? A. Such B. What an C. What a D. How a ( )10.(2007 南通) _day it is! Lets go out and have a picnic! A. How cold B.

6、How nice C. What a cloudy D. What a lovely ( )11.(2007 徐州) _ David be the new chairperson of the Students Union? He _be, but Im not sure. A. Can; cant B. Can; may C. May; must D. May; mustnt ( )12.(2007 扬州)_ terrible weather it is! The radio says that itll get_ later in the day. A. What a; bad B. Wh

7、at; worse C. How;bad D. How a; worse ( )13.(2007 镇江)Remember to close the door when you leave. _ . A. OK, I will. B. No, I wont. C. No, I dont. D. Yes, I do. ( )14.(2008 南通)The Sutong Highway Bridge, a _bridge, is already open to traffic. A.32 kilometer long B.32-kilometer-long C. 32 kilometers long

8、 D. 32-kilometers-long ( )15.(2010 常州)_ wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were proud of 2 him. A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 三、 完形填空(每题 1 1 分,共 1010分) Li Lei is a student _1_ Class Two, Grade Seven. He likes football very _2_ _. He often plays it after school. And he often goes home_3_.

9、His home is _4_ the school. His mother doesnt worry _5_ him. One Sunday morning Li Lei goes to a shop_6_his mother. The shop is very_7 There are many things_8_it. They get some things. Then his mother says to Li Le i,What do you _9_ ? I want to get a red blouse, says Li Lei. A red blouse?asks his mo

10、ther. You are a _10_. You cant wear a red blouse. Li Lei smiled OK, please get me football clothes. ( ) 1. A.at B.of C.on D.from ( ) 2. A.good B.Fine C.well D.much ( ) 3. A.early B.back C.late D.soon ( ) 4. A.near B.in C.on D.to ( ) 5. A.for B.with C.about D.at ( ) 6. A.to B.from C.on D.with ( ) 7.

11、A.Small B.big C.nice D.good ( ) 8. A.on B. in C.at D.under ( ) 9. A.want B.get C.put D.take ( )10.A.girl B.woman C.boy D.man 四、阅读理解(每题 2 2 分,共 3030分) A A Chris Rock was born in the state of South Carolina in the United States. When he was a child, his family moved, and he grew up in a poor area in B

12、rooklyn, New York. As a teenager, Rock left high school and started telling jokes in comedy clubs in 3 New York City, Even at age 18, Chris Rock was very funny. He told jokes about his family (his parents were very strict) , and about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Many of his jokes were also

13、about high school, which Rock says was terrible. Famous comedians (喜剧演员)went to see Rocks performances. One comedian (Eddie Murphy) helped him get work on television and in the movies. Chris Rock still acts in movies, but he does not want to be a serious actor. For him, comedy is more important. It

14、makes people laugh, but it can also make people think. Today,Chris Rock still does live comedy shows around the world. He also created a TV show called Everybody Hates Chris.It is about his teenage years growing up and going to school in Brooklyn. In 2006, it was considered as one of the best comedy

15、 shows on American television. ( )1.What is this passage mainly about ? A.How to tell a good joke B.Where the best comedy clubs are. C.One comedians life D.The funniest people in the Uni ted States ( )2.Chris Rock tells a lot of jokes about_. A.South Carolina B.Brooklyn C.Los Angeles D.Texas ( )3.Wh

16、ich sentence about Chris Rock is true? A.As a teenager, he was not funny. B.He started working in clubs after he graduated from college. C.He loved going to high school. D.A famous comedian helped him get work on TV and in the movies. ( )4.Today, what does Chris Rock say is the most important? A.Bei

17、ng a serious actor. B.Making people laugh. C.Helping teenagers. D.Having his own club. ( )5.Is Chris Rock a serious actor? A.Yes,he is. B.No,he isnt. C.Maybe D.We dont kno w. B B Andi Davise, 49, regularly crossed the trail through the Phoenix Mountains Preserve with a few other hikers before sunris

18、e. This morning, however, she met nobody and heard only the sounds of animals. Some time later, Andi got to the steep slope(陆坡), she climbed up to the top by using her hands. When she finally reached the top, she noticed a dark shape several inches from her left foot. She was frightened and then loo

19、ked carefully. Its a dog and its dead. she said to herself. It took her a few seconds to realize that 4 the dogs eyes were open. A thin, dirty bull dog was looking at her. She greeted in a low and soft voice to show she was friendly. The bull dog shook when he heard her voice. Andi inched closer and

20、 dropped some water into the dogs mouth. He tried to stand up but failed. Something was wrong with his left front leg. Andi pulled out her phone to contact her husband, Jason, but he didnt respond. She knew that if she didnt carry the dog down the mountain, he would die. She carefully put her arms u

21、nder the dogs body. He was so weak that he fell into her chest. Andi had great trouble going down the steep, rocky mountainside with the 50-pound animal in her arms. Even her arms and back started aching, she didnt give up. The trip up had taken 30 minutes while going back down took twice that. Andi

22、s husband received her messages at last. He and their son, Justin, jumped into the car and drove to pick up Andi. Later that morning, an X-ray showed that the bull dog was badly hurt, he was likely to lose his left leg. A few days later, the Davises returned to the animal hospital. The first thing h

23、e did was to give me a kiss, then he went right to my son. Andi said. They named the dog Elijah and brought him home that day. ( )6. How did Andi get to the top of the mountain? A. Her husband sent her. B. Another hiker helped her. C. She climbed by herself. D. She reached there by car. ( )7. What d

24、oes the underlined word respond, in Paragraph 4 mean? A.Pull. B.Contact. C.Speak. D.Answer. ( )8. Which of the following is the correct order? a. Audi found a dying dog on the top. b. Andi climbed up the sleep slope. c. The Davises brought the dog home. d. Andi had much trouble carrying the dog down

25、. e. The Davises drove the bull dog to the hospital. A.badce B.badec C.abdce D.adbec ( )9. The best title should be _. A.A woman hiker saved the life of a 50-pound bull dog B.A woman hiker carried a bull dog down the mountain C.A woman hiker got on well with a 50-pound bull dog D.A woman hiker found

26、 a 50-pound dog on the mountain ( )10.How long did the trip up have taken while going back down took twice tha t? A.50minutes B.15minutes C.30minutes D.We dont know C C Everything that humans hear is in the form of waves (波).Just as the eye sees light wares in the form of colors, the ear and the eye Curs these different waves into signals that the brain (大脑) can make sense of. 5


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