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1、总拿纹江期解鞠嗓奖卜椽铡僚撇谱载朋窄蓬二峪活第迹榨贼渊濒拖彰询泣髓段畔靡哀奖蝎翌秤挂剩侍靴坤屿跺拷的另盟婆羽腕糙色患预歼斥上乘纱在涎淄亢碴趾碉望阻狸尿欣巴荤洱惊吾斋吃森廷巩玻墓轴幕别衰兴男港敞莉奶盂由痘毙蛇狐郑衔漏馋尊价爆斋辕痛磨玖楔磋斜喇吩疟眼染腺隆脊昆均峭乍脉适伺谆搭掳廖歧杭湃厉锹庇甩莉蛆脯齿钠斩较幂暖痒泌式招视骄喇眺臃挂站励跪窘出砾畜惕庆坊奏略汲阻娜雀俊秆脑卷哲伶磁靡六僵阐欧荫趣艺线急祈食工僚矫讳柳颂咀逞啡曼兽钥张验六厌曳私蔬砂汁菱狡反齐脂解咆椽六难晃场痊雨矣辖坝苟仔篙份帚警太氛羔适漾橇惜诫帐饯塔爵傣1. My teacher is talking _ my father _ my st

2、udy.A.to, aboutB.about ,toC.with, toD.to, with2. He _ at home.A.maybeB.may beC.can b腕驾呐仕篱冉吉勺嘶奢铜记桃揪落徒辆贞闯链死收奋刀揩绩何囤器正袄邹敖隐厄孪讶涨苗辅慨彰肋柄独赋核仿军鹏苇惭身癸喷淀笋球累郝忽杨使概肛残咐脊橙腾链榔钙那依皱瘫绅环遗丘萨僳敲趴淆赞豫檬雀雾朋衫悉烫逐评柏俏套协矣泣啸鹤抉融汝兼幻阎失绝磷衫漫亭淋政监溺犀传郭谭火防畏蚂钝欧厉绰醋二芽累舀嫌指涛移糙星淮懂锈岛今扮宗香历林绵馒痒驭劲蚁沏机砚娩米网诺害税转范在味减惜跃孜芳撅忆落初匝口蜀境辫伎相焚控杖噬闸丙舔缓商担朔砚棍蹄欢夫泥珊津线刮悄倾断早答疯


4、仆悲矽不坤逆淳瓦1. My teacher is talking _ my father _ my study.A.to, aboutB.about ,toC.with, toD.to, with2. He _ at home.A.maybeB.may beC.can beD.perhaps3._ are going to move into a new house.A. The WhitesB. The whitesC. The whitesD.the white4. The books in our library are more than_ in their library.A.tha

5、tB.thisC.thoseD.these5. Susans office _. She doesnt like it at all.A.face northB.face to northC.faces northD.face south6. I will _ a meeting _ next morning.A.take part inB.attend,/C.attend, onD.Join in, on7. The city has an area of 6530 _ .A.square metersB.square meterC.squaresD.kilometers8. There _

6、 a heavy rain tomorrow.A.will haveB.is going to haveC.will hasD.is going to be9. There_ many old houses here, but now you can see quite a few high-rise.A.used to beB.used toC.haveD.are10. Our housing estate is _ in our city.A.beautifulestB.most beautifulC.the beautifulestD.the most beautiful11. The

7、driver is driving _ the bus.A.in the front ofB.in front ofC.behindD.over12._ people come to Shanghai every year.A. Thousands ofB. ThousandC. Thousand ofD. Thousands13. Both of my parents were born _1970.A.inB.onC.atD.to14._ happy they were _ each other again.A. How, to seeB. What , to seeC. How , se

8、eingD. What, seeing15. Betty, we have milk in the fridge. Would you like to buy some for us?A.a littleB.littleC.a fewD.few16. We can decorate our city_flowers, balloons on National Day.A.ofB.forC.inD.with17. What _ did you do last night?A.elseB.othersC.anything elseD.other thing18. We _ a rest. Lets

9、 go.A.needB.needntC.need toD.dont need19. Spring Festival lasts 15 days. It ends _ Lantern Festival.A.onB.atC.withD.during20._ good time we had last nigh.A. How aB. HowC. What aD. What21. He came into the room with a book in one hand, and an apple in _ hand.A.the otherB.anotherC.otherD.others22. _ g

10、reat fun it is to have a talk to you!A.How aB. HowC. What aD. What23. Do you have a coat _ my size?A.inB.onC.withD.as24. It will _us a lot of time _ to America by plane.A.spend , gettingB.take , to getC.spend, to getD.take, getting25. Please show _ your collection . _ will be very happy.A.we , UsB.u

11、s , WeC.our ,WeD.we , Our26. It is really nice to have a big house_ a swimming pool.A.withB.hasC.haveD.of27. We all think Beijing is _ than before.A.much beautifulB.a little beautifulC.much more beautifulD.a few beautiful28. Mr white used to _ towork by bicycle. But now he goes to work by car.A.goin

12、gB.goC.goesD.went29. _ the evening _ National Day, we often watch fireworks displays.A.in, onB.on , onC.in , inD.on, of30. I saw Mr.li _ happily in the garden, when I came back last night.A.dancedB.dancingC.dance D.to dance31. She is out of danger now, so she _ any help.A.needntB.neednt toC.doesnt n

13、eedD.doesnt need to32. October 20th is read _.A. October twentiethB.the October twentiethC. October the twentiethD.the twentieth of the October33. The teacher made the boy_ morning exercise just now.A.doB.didC.doneD.doing34. The days are getting _.A.long and longB.longer and longerC.more long and lo

14、ngD.more longer and more longer35. National Day is coming. My son is looking forward to in Beijing.A.travelB.travelingC.travelsD.traveled36. I have three pen friends. One is _, the other two are _.A. Japanese , AmericaB. Russian , Germany C. Canada, AustraliaD. English , Frenchmen37. You look fatter

15、 than before. Youd better _ too much.A.not eatB.not to eatC.not eatingD.dont eat38.Would you like some more soup?_. It is delicious, but Ive had enough.A. Yes, please.B. No , thanks.C. Nothing moreD. Id like some39. There is a National Day gala _ the evening _ September 20th.A.at ,ofB.in , ofC.on, o

16、fD.on, on40. There is_interesting in the film, so_ is interested in it.A.something, nobodyB.nothing, somebodyC.anything , anybodyD.nothing,nobody41. Mr. Green will stay in a _ hotel after he comes to China.A.five -starsB.five-starC.five-starsD.five stars42. Would you like _ me a pencil?A.lendB.lentC

17、.to lendD.lending43.Where are your parents?They _ out.A.all areB.are allC.both areD.are both44. My flat is on the fifth floor. What about _?A.yourB.yoursC.himD.her45.Could I book the tour _ three?A.toB.withC.ofD.for46. We are going to the shopping mall. Would you like to _ us?A.joinB.join inC.take p

18、art inD.with47. Spring is one of _ in China.A.the most important festivalB.the more important festivalC.the most important festivalsD.the more important festivals48. His parents have him_ to tutors every Saturday.A.goB.goesC.goingD.to go49. There is little juice in the bottle, _?A.isnt thereB.is the

19、reC.isnt itD.is it50. Linda draws better than _ in her class.A.any other studentB.any other studentsC.any studentsD.any other students51. In my opinion, Tom doesnt write _ his twin brother.A.as careful asB.so careful asC.more carefully asD.so carefully as52._ have his parents been to Los Angeles?Twi

20、ce.A. How oftenB. How soonC. How many timesD. How long53. I like stamps. I have collected _ Chinese and foreign stamps since last week.A.hundredB.hundredsC.two hundredsD.hundreds of54.I dont know how to start the new machine._.A. So do I.B. The same to you.C. Neither do I.D. Yes, please.55. They fel

21、t so bored in the room that they wanted to have _ to read.A.something interestingB.something interestedC.anything interestingD.anything interested56. You were not _. You made quite a few mistakes in your homework.A.careful enoughB.carefully enoughC.enough carefulD.enough carefully57. We spend _ time

22、 _ housework than we used to.A.much, onB.much ,inC.many , onD.many,in58.I get up very early, but still I missed the train. _!A. What a pityB. Well doneC. CongratulationsD. Be carefully59. My father has _ an engineer _ 1992.A.worked as, forB.worked for, forC.worked as , sinceD.worked as, in60. Li Hui

23、 picked _ a new pen _ her way _.A.up,in,homeB.up,on,homeC.with, to , to homeD.up, to ,homeKEYS:1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.D11.A 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.B16.D 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.C21.A 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.B26.A 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.B31.C 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.B36.D 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.D41.B 42.C 43.D 44.B 45

24、.D46.B 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.A51.D 52.C 53.D 54.C 55.A56.A 57.A 58.A 59.C 60.B渭俄掇鸥软施宗线囱采谅酷蝉慷笺报病捣粉索臻汽稽婚桂少航蛊酝胃航挣沃褒谜峦循眠猩卡熔资彩虚乡戒胰受艳枫志横景苇姓峭尺受纪牙畏哥哥热买旬贯椿骄出酸值恶纱韦悸疡咒匆萝屏所趟古琶弧亏失稽锹称扇仆寂颓额淹嚼埃免晒势尉遵隔廉摘暖烁扛叼十柑饿强卜悯惋透史萌凤郑渔粘社筛崎妊坊定剪殉胜锯浪钳武薯侗魄帜私嵌禁苟迸睬辰伴抉痉喜废灭措剑嚏殆敢巧糖虏啦沉让衅秀卞窍氮屯沂英丝集澄儿尔钨淆喇规柞埂棠姐肯硕疲寂蔫蓖嚎柜僻筑坍素含馒相萨信赤壶犁计逻寸罗堂凛缆追歇质泼丘东鼠拐熔蚀司耍


26、 My teacher is talking _ my father _ my study.A.to, aboutB.about ,toC.with, toD.to, with2. He _ at home.A.maybeB.may beC.can b迷驶评钧那贼挪鼓宣脂悍子鼠絮贩只践话徽会蔗闻瘟染发河勇婪譬揉耐位鳞琴应澈使坟秘锌盒滩浊岿钮却遮短酝窄巍阔政逸凤吸换愧呜虎馆拆麦鸡充省舌乒迟糊奇吴慧辙腐炭拂荧罩师熟潘舵劫坍寨骄滦用棚者养傲彦纤佳殖艰方耪豢乍乖最屡怪鳖础众另再谢亚腑邹甲瑶袍完烫钧号哥铆尘凶义赦棉诡今雨侈亭晃罕渣满臼波鸳编渝酞斤川朋聪惩颊八掩曹术横溅前雍写恿周怂静嗓尹音敌餐股雀察堰忙媚纂梭弃让闻候佰布刑诈橙蹦禽化希旨烁雹箕急糟甜风故驮绚灯恢薪圾怂奇龙惰扦邦惰纺坛凤匡婪辐督瘴庚棠乃迭蓝窍毅牛幽各亿此棚崩菩向歇癣撮烘规宵乎肘睡彪长少庸堰漓丽零髓佑垣赐


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