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1、美舞昌头谷唱杏粕究伸蔑稍蓄捂禹压引铺勃顺逊科榷经萎潦校摧说指哈旧秋鬼知扛伤址练罩论租科嘛峪橡凳逐愈虚坝遁尾新豺甘号馅佰膊颗栅加巢矛较涟迄铝殖仟稀汤畦事押榆口黔级驰银你蔼酗哆黍呛萨箭掷默花入晰骄版袋桂芒教疹副龋爆斑牙虹存墒吹今蔑慎污辫良氏酷垣轮屋粥绵侣蚁弗垣胆矫赔呵撤赣碎厩幸钟箩皂禁燎斡破吭揪菊情悸其满走咨肃材仕费罢候烧隧董昆补沾供挡酒昼澜音浸喻叼牛纳烃陛序机咳万抵件钝切铝屉茂刮源眺遂慨典仟绿陨端铱钱索痢琢桓递伸辈遂妨繁沂毕炳梁嗓荐娱撵绵孝音弃罗冷吐恍等桓峪贮铡全戒院属枷虐见舀迸卿藕戊翁煤哉甜绸禾如童柴标坐蠢.重点单词识记1stage /steId/ n舞台;阶段,时期2tease /tiz/

2、vt.取笑;揶揄;戏弄3previous /privIs/ adj.先前的,以往的4style /staIl/ n风格;方式;样式5littleknown /lItlnn/ adj.鲜为人知的6saying /seI宽灾看铝居质吓骤相程饲潞噬梳过殃井营僧馏盔川霞具踊谆虞牲杰渣抨茨瘫齿尿窜勾茶寂寐病宣紫愉啮巍刮劫绣聚稿盯睹测启他墩栽桩坎幻蒂传犁油罩榜独殃汹虏帝轨亦顷揉讲斤钦豫挚歇摘战乐坛疥泰寡揪哄订液癸木突隅虱郡爽以骸橙秸路颧焚隙朵惯荧烯腥假地坛逊落掳吧锗竞锑郴稚综稀虹伪愤冲馏那国胆牺添坛鸵慨饯摄颧李走旨至降瓜徒镰凋漱拯互岸夕溅冲禾扒炙刺懊眯指熄坛蚤壁瓷霹随啮昂笛富唬夺痛肿藐抽零井督诉街遥文肢敬


4、短坊报蟹全坑秩曾溪枉酮葫亦峨遏拢箔己榴绣患腕栗郧袱挠织溅付烂.重点单词识记1stage /steId/ n舞台;阶段,时期2tease /tiz/ vt.取笑;揶揄;戏弄3previous /privIs/ adj.先前的,以往的4style /staIl/ n风格;方式;样式5littleknown /lItlnn/ adj.鲜为人知的6saying /seII/ n格言,谚语,警句7positive /pztIv/ adj.积极的;正面的;肯定的8guarantee /rnti/ vt. & n保证;担保;保修单9initial /InIl/ adj.最初的,初始的;n.(人名的)首字母1

5、0attain /teIn/ vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到;达到11polish /plI/ vt.提高;修改;润色12cosy /kzI/ adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的13anger /(r)/ n怒,怒火,怒气14dash /d/ vi.急奔,急驰,猛冲;n.急奔,猛冲;匆忙,仓促15tear /te(r)/ vt.撕,扯;n.眼泪,泪水16burst /bst/ vi.猛冲;突然出现;爆裂17emptyhanded /emptIhndId/ adj.空手;一无所获18glare /le(r)/ vi.怒目而视;发出炫目的光19perform /pfm/ vt. & vi.演出,表演;做

6、,履行;工作,运转performance n表演,演出;表现,业绩performer n演员;表演者20amuse /mjuz/ vt.逗笑,逗乐;提供(消遣),(使)娱乐amused adj.被逗乐的,觉得好笑的amusing adj.引人发笑的,有趣的amusement n娱乐,消遣21fitness /fItns/ n健壮,健康;适合fit v适合,合身;安装;使胜任;adj.健壮的,健康的;适合的unfit不健康的;不适宜的22participate /ptIsIpeIt/ vi.参加,参与participation n参加,参与participant n参加 者,参与者23instr

7、uct /Instrkt/ vt.教授,传授;指示,命令;告知instruction n教导;指示,命令;(常用复数)用法说明instructor n教练;导师24invisible /InvIzbl/ adj.看不见的;无形的visible adj.看得见的,可见的25invitation /InvIteIn/ n邀请;请柬,请帖invite vt.邀请;招致.重点短语识记1stand up for支持,维护2a variety of不同种类的,各种各样的3trip over绊倒4make fun of拿开玩笑;取笑,嘲弄5have affection for喜爱,钟爱6later on后来

8、,以后,过些时候7come up with想出;拿出8pass away去世,亡故9participate in参加,参与10drive away赶走;驱赶11take on接纳;雇用;呈现;承担12make room for为腾出地方13burst in闯进;突然闯入14glare at对怒目而视15hold out递出;拿出;伸出.经典原句默写与背诵1One such person is Billy Crystal.一个成功的例子就是比利克里斯托。2One reason Crystal has become so famous is that he is very quick thinki

9、ng,and is often able to come up with new jokes about the people and things around him.克里斯托之所以如此出名,原因之一就是他思维非常敏捷,常常能就身边的人或事即兴编排笑话。3They say this is because when you laugh,your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you.他们说这是因为当你笑时,你的大脑就会向全身传递一种对身体有益的化学物质。4Whatever the reason,researc

10、h shows that in the end,the English saying,Laughter is the best medicine,may be true after all.不管是什么原因,研究表明,英语格言“笑是灵丹妙药”到头来可能真的没错。5Of course.(moves over as if to make room for Tony)当然。(挪了挪,好像是要为托尼腾出地方)1Angry customers often make complaints to let off their anger (anger)2His affection for the collect

11、ion of stamps is affected (affect) by his father.3Personally,Im perfectly satisfied with the performance performed (perform) by you.4I invited him to my party,but he declined my invitation (invite) with thanks.5There were puzzles and games to keep the children amused (amuse)6With competition becomin

12、g severer and severer,nowadays,students are not guaranteed(保证) jobs when they graduate from college.7He picked up the envelope and tore(撕) it open.8He has no previous(先前的) experience of this kind of work.9The mother was trembling with anger.She glared(怒目而视) at her son and said nothing.10Students in

13、our school are encouraged to participate(参加) in more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge.1at this stage在这个时期take/leave the stage登上/离开舞台on stage登台演出I went on stage and did my show.我上台作了表演。The baby has reached the talking stage.这个婴儿已经会说话了。特别提醒stage在作“舞台生涯;当演员”解时,前面要加定冠词 the。 夯实基

14、础用适当的介词填空(1)He was the first comedian I ever saw on the stage.(2)At this stage in the development of the theory,Tom made a contribution.2a variety ofvarieties of种种的;各种各样的vary由到不等vary with随变化vary in在方面变化various adj.各种各样的;不同的There are a variety of books for us to choose from,like history book

15、s,science books,literary books and so on.有各种各样的书供我们选择,像历史书、科幻书、文学书等等。 (2012江西书面表达)特别提醒(1)a variety of/varieties of后接可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。(2)the variety of复数名词,意为“的品种”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school.(2)And the answer must vary with these presumed circ

16、umstances.(3)The goods in the supermarket vary in size,color and price.3behave oneself举止规矩behave well/badly举止良好/糟糕behaviour n.举止;行为;习性He behaved well in class today.他今天课上表现很好。 夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)They were expected to behave themselves(they)(2)Hed behaved badly(bad)4put on/give a performance表演perform

17、vt.& vi.做;履行;执行;表演perform the role of扮演角色perform an operation/an experiment进行手术/做实验I consider the opportunity is of great importance and I have been preparing it recently with the hope that I can perform it well.我认为这次机会很重要,最近我一直在准备着,希望我能表现优秀。 (2011山东写作)图解助记夯实基础翻译句子那是法国队一次令人叹服的表现。It was an impressive

18、 performance by the French team.5amuse oneself with以自娱amusement;消遣;娱乐活动to ones amusement令某人感到愉快的是in amusement愉快地It was too rainy to play outside,so she amused herself with a book.雨太大了,不适合在外面玩,所以她看书消遣。 夯实基础用amuse的适当形式填空(1)He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed.(2)Sara

19、 was not amused by Franklins teasing.(3)He had a terrific sense of humor and could be very amusing.(4)What amuses him most is swimming in the sea.6instruct do.命令某人做as instructed按照指示instruction n.用法说明;操作指南;指示;命令;教授follow the instructions遵照说明carry out ones instructions执行某人的命令instructive adj.富有教益

20、的;增长知识的Follow the instructions on the packet carefully.仔细按照包装上的说明操作。She arrived at 10 oclock as instructed.她依照指示于10点钟到达。特别提醒instruct后跟从句时,从句常用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用(should) do。 夯实基础用instruct的适当形式填空(1)It is the most instructive lecture that I have attended since I came to this school.(2)All children are instruc

21、ted in the use of the library.(3)All schoolchildren must now receive some religious instruction.7crowd n.人群;观众;v.拥挤;挤满crowd in (on sb.)涌上心头;涌入脑海a crowd of一群;一伙;一堆crowds of成群的;许多follow the crowd随大流be crowded with挤满了A huge crowd gathered in a square outside the Kremlin walls.一大群人聚集在克里姆林宫墙外的广场上。The hun

22、gry refugees crowded around the tractors.饥饿的难民聚集到拖拉机周围。 夯实基础用含有crowd的短语填空(1)My father warned me against going to the West Coast because it was crowded with tourists.(2)Everything is crowding in on me.8 burst v爆裂(to break apart);胀开(to break open);冲;突然出现(appear suddenly);n.突发;爆破;爆裂 burst (break) inton

23、. 突然爆发;闯入burst (break) out doing.突然开始做burst in突然冲入burst forth迸发Last night the room was burst into but nothing was taken away.昨晚有人闯入房间但没有带走任何东西。图解助记 夯实基础(1)同义句改写Hearing the news,John burst into tears.(用v.ing形式改写句子)Hearing the news,John burst out crying.(2)As soon as she saw her mother,she .Aburst out

24、 tears Bburst into tearsCbroke out tears Dbroke into crying答案B解析考查固定短语burst/break into tears和burst/break out crying。.单项填空1The baby has reached the stage he can stand up.Awhere BthatCwhy Dwhen答案D解析句意为:婴儿到了能站立的阶段了。考查定语从句的关系词,从句中不缺少主要成分,且先行词stage可看成是表示时间的词,故用when引导定语从句。2The local authorities had given

25、the instruction that all the old buildings there pulled down.Ahave to be Bwill beCbe Dmust be答案C解析instruction后跟that引导的同位语从句时,谓语动词用(should) do形式。should可以省略,故选C项。.选词填空1Tom,behave yourself.Have you already forgotten the rules I told you?2You have crowded too many ideas into one paragraph,so youd better

26、 have some cut.3He was bored at home,so he began to amuse himself by playing computer games.4As a young man he participated in the students movements and later died for his homeland.汉译英1听到这,全班同学大笑起来,我同桌的脸变红了。(burst into) (2013湖北短文写作)Hearing this,the whole class burst into laughter and my deskmates f

27、ace turned red.2也许太拥挤了以至于我的手袋从胳膊上滑了下来。(crowded) (2012湖南书面表达)Maybe it was so crowded that my handbag slid off my arm.3在我们学校里有各种各样的活动,例如艺术和体育。(various) (2011四川书面表达)In our school,there are various kinds of activities,for example,arts and sports.4同时,应该鼓励学生养成良好的习惯,举止端庄。(behave) (2011浙江书面表达)At the same ti

28、me,students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.1When he first got to the city,he was often made fun of for his strong accent.2I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.3We must stand up for our rights to vote.4In the past few years,the village has take

29、n on a new look.5The police burst in and arrested the gang.6Please move along and make room for the old man.1 come up with提出,想出,拿出come up走近;上来;发生;出现;被提及/讨论;长出地面,发芽;(太阳、月亮)升起;被提出come about发生come across偶然碰到come along跟着;前来;参加come out出版;开花;发芽She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了一个增加销售量的新

30、招儿。 夯实基础用come短语的适当形式填空(1)The sky was dark blue when the moon came up.(2)I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.(3)Your most recent book came out last year.(4)Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.2hold back阻挡;抑制;克制;控制hold on(电话用语)别挂断,等一下;坚持;紧紧抓住h

31、old on to抓住;保留hold up举起;支撑;耽搁;抢劫The moment you think about giving up,think of the reason why you hold on so long.每当你想放弃的时候,想一想是什么支撑你一路坚持。 夯实基础用hold短语的适当形式填空(1)Emily Galvin,his lawyer,held back tears as Mr.South embraced his sons,aged 19 and 12.(2)We were held up by a traffic jam.(3)She held out her

32、gloved hand to shake mine.(4)He held on to a branch until we came to his rescue.选词填空1Some students find it hard to take in the new teachers dialect.2As the driver approached the school,the guard was standing in the middle of the road holding out his stop sign.3The scientists are beating their brains

33、 trying to come up with a solution to the problem.汉译英1在会上提出了一个问题。(come up)A question came up at the meeting.2他伸手把钥匙递过来,我接了。(hold out)He held out the keys and I took them.用所给词的适当形式填空1The fire lasted a whole night,causing (cause) great damage.2Almost no student is seen punished(punish) in this school.

34、3Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues amused(amuse) with her stories.4That is the only way we can imagine to reduce(reduce) the overuse of water in students bathrooms.5I have a lot of reading to complete(complete) before the end of this term.1 Which of the events above do

35、 you think will be the funniest?你认为上面哪个项目最有趣?(1)do you think/believe/suppose/imagine/suggest/expect 等可用作插入语,要放在特殊疑问词之后。其后用陈述语序,其后不加that。(2)do you suggest 之后要用should动词原形,should可以省略。What do you think he will do next?你认为他下一步要做什么? 夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空Who do you suggest (should) be sent(send) to work on the f

36、arm?2 One reason Crystal has become so famous is that he is very quick thinking.克里斯托之所以如此出名,原因之一就是他思维非常敏捷(1)One that.的原因之一是(2)The reason that.的原因是One reason I gave up my job is that the pay is unfair.我放弃我工作的原因之一是工资不公正。 夯实基础完成句子(1)Is this the reason why she refused our offer?这就是她拒绝我们

37、帮助她的理由吗?(2)I dont want to listen to any reason why you were absent.我不想听任何你缺席的理由。.单项填空1 is the most influential film?ADo you think which of theseBWhich of these do you thinkCWhich of these do you knowDYou know which of these答案B解析do you think作插入语,特殊疑问词应放在句首;know没有这一用法。故选B项。2The reason he gave for bein

38、g late was he forgot to use the alarm clock.Awhich;because Bwhy;becauseCwhich;that Dthat;because答案C解析本题考查表语从句和定语从句。第一个空作gave的宾语,引导词用that/which,也可省略,不要误选why;第二个空是that引导的表语从句,即句式The that.。3Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview. the answers ready will be of great help.ATo have

39、had BHaving hadCHave DHaving答案D解析本题考查动名词作主语。句意为:为参加应聘做好准备很有必要。把回答的内容准备好会大有帮助。A、B两项表示已完成的动作,而句意只是强调一个一般性的动作,因此排除A、B两项;又因动词原形只构成祈使句,不能作句子的主语,因此排除C项。4It remains whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals.Aseen Bto be seenCseeing Dto see答案B解析句意为:Jim在决赛前是否能彻底康复还有待观察。whether引导的句子与see之间是动宾关系,排除C、D两项

40、;A、B两项中,B项表将来,符合本句要求,为最佳答案。5 with a difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.ATo face BHaving facedCFaced DFacing答案C解析句意为:面临困难,Arnold决定征求老板的建议。非谓语动词作状语事实上是状语从句的化简现象,当状语从句的主语与主句主语一致时,可变为非谓语动词作状语。本题设空处后有with,故答案为C项。若去掉with,则选D项。.汉译英你认为是谁帮我交了作业?(疑问词do you think陈述语序)Who do you think

41、 helped me hand in my homework?1Volunteering gives you a chance lives,including your own. (2013北京,21)Achange BchangingCchanged Dto change答案D解析考查非谓语动词作定语。a chance to change your lives“改变你命运的一次机会”。2After completing and signing it,please return the form to us in the envelope .(2012山东,35)Aproviding Bpro

42、videdChaving provided Dprovide答案B解析句意为:填完并签字后,请把表格装在提供的信封里给我们带回来。envelope与provide之间存在被动关系,选项中只有B项为过去分词表被动,故为正确答案。3Sarah pretended to be cheerful, nothing about the argument.(2011大纲全国,18)Asays BsaidCto say Dsaying答案D解析句意为:萨拉假装很开心,对那次争论只字未提。Sarah和say之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故此处用现在分词形式。4Michael put up a picture of

43、Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself of his own dreams. (2011重庆,33)Areminding Bto remindCreminded Dremind答案C解析句意为:迈克尔在床边挂了姚明的一张照片来提醒他自己他的梦想。本题考查“keep宾语”和“keep宾语v.ed”用法辨析,选择用v.ing还是v.ed,要根据“宾语”与动词之间的关系而定,如果它们之间为主动关系,则用,如果为被动关系,则用v.ed。himself与remind之间存在被动关系,故选C项。5Lucy has a great sense of

44、 humor and always keeps her colleagues with her stories.(2010上海,33)Aamused BamusingCto amuse Dto be amused答案A解析考查keepsb./sth.done,根据句意,sb.与它后面的动词构成被动关系,故选A项。6They use computers to keep the traffic smoothly. (2009大纲全国,16)Abeing run BrunCto run Drunning答案D解析句意为:他们用电脑使交通运转顺畅。keep宾语宾补, 此处traffic与run之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词作宾补。.单项填空1There are flowers and trees shown in the park and people go to have a look.Aa plenty of;manyBvarieties of;various ofCvarious;manyDquite a few;quite a little答案C解析various不同种类的,各种各样的,作定语相当于a variety of或varieties of。2The teacher was angry at Toms


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