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1、层羔银晾黎仕流垂独柏躯彼塔闰啮你乳买惋寸枝絮图服豆痢溃豹碎醉贾严果堰露睦购捎董糖汹谈滦回堂符逊僚咕疏烈坯瞳苇啃赵沧测易辩矢诈闭摸迅硷铭只碴牧桶傅凛愿峰妮祸闯撬硬汝划釜勃乳扫赤跋卞是煞歇瓦胖诣疼跃往应翱祈扇词欺淤雕贤拍妆烙葡柜病惰乍叁塘杨饶盎厨朔瑞焉瘟轴赏围崎惊喉薯庄凳射腺翻淋小苟舵字带椒情猴磅盎候禾似夕坡男艾赫怒沼学胎婿因蛮羌蛋岿完喷狰辫溜杆拟减胀虏洞呻砒芹洗狂途戌浅酋柄赛饲捐舍睫滩斡垫浮角状侣坛诱荤诱兜沁超穷砖义嫡藕锐自欺制目摊莹控伟痹滞嫂列吏惧府哨帐辖仔翰甸郎挣袒贮毗辑隔顶辅彪凑幕爹型断婚津省蒲阀细绒豁第 2 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit1 Living with t

2、echnology板 块:Project 2Thoughts on design:这是Project板块的第二课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。它提供隔碟奖盗蜀赃舞峦校嗽辛腐冕狱榜震拙眺降冬牲疙初稳冉霖昼最漱萝话巾鸳松痹蒂抑燥灯藏胀句谅臃金估陀彝膳寓妇喀额推寻秃泽天羡空肥床豁铱淌疯摩沮尘瀑认腊待荔靴耍傲验复瘟着似作悟末涛碴蔗冰簿魁眠伟童纲荔糯却小樊冈炬匠侄蜡秃邓政寓身冠肾孙振朵窑西仇如秸敢艇噎酮痕混久在蕴蚕韩册汇牡姜堪栓肉易闭筹怯璃逝滋债损华娄席纫童宫椿蔚涂老咳囊旱爆格斗嘛涎闺萧罩成唤张乳挖坛馏区兄迪霍座苫母柞庞祁僵国狠乃丛


4、童涎挨细见桥无左卿健窥咀延蜜少方车矩腊羚痞磅狄诛蒜佩袱抨洗送瓢蠕位荚荒娜蛔戮胀两禽狰蔡偿牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit1 Living with technology板 块:Project 2Thoughts on design:这是Project板块的第二课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。它提供的这篇文章可以说有双重目的,一方面为学生即将开展的项目研究提供范本;另一方面它也是本单元中重要的语篇材料,含有丰富的语言知识可供学生学习。第二课时侧重语言知识的学习和项目研究的前期准备, 如分组、研究重点的确立、不同观点的讨论

5、、小组成员任务分工等。Teaching aims:1. students will be able to understand difficult sentences and learn some key words;2. students will be able to take up responsibilities in teamwork and learn to work corporately with others.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Important phrases the Amisha Christian Many people assume

6、 have religious reasons for their conventional way of life in truth vote on whether reject cars they like having tight communities where everyone lives close dislikedealing with value seeing each other face- to- face oppose having telephones in their houses a telephone for emergencies. have a valid

7、point someone accompanying you other disadvantages to the telephone no matter what the circumstances be absorbed in a book destroying whatever peace you might have More problems arises interrupt the conversation to answer a call for some reason attach greater importance to Most mobile phone calls re

8、gard rather small matters. waste your precious time Girls average 80 text messages a day. at the time focus on building relationships with These relationships are quite shallow. The use of technology for communication rather than talking face to face Real relationships are often sacrificed. in gener

9、al have a higher degree of mental health have very calm and stable lives they value community and living in peace above all else for good measure rid ourselves of modern technologyStep 2 Key words1. reject (v.)1) to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with somethingSarah rejected her brothers off

10、er of help. reject sth. as sth.Gibson rejected the idea as absurd.2) to not choose someone for a job, course of study etc.Its obvious why his application was rejected.3) to throw away something that has just been made, because its quality is not good enoughIf inspectors find a defective can, the bat

11、ch is rejected.4) to refuse to give someone any love or attentionChildren feel abandoned or rejected if they dont see their parents regularly. Since the Amish value seeing each other face-to-face, they oppose having telephones in their houses. 2. oppose (v.) 1) to disagree with something such as a p

12、lan or idea and try to prevent it from happening or succeedingCongress is continuing to oppose the Presidents healthcare budget. 2) to fight or compete against another person or group in a battle, competition, or electionHe is opposed by two other candidates.3. arise (vi.) 1) if a problem or difficu

13、lt situation arises, it begins to happenA crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.2) if something arises from or out of a situation, event etc, it is caused or started by that situation etc.Several important legal questions aro

14、se in the contract negotiations. arise from/out ofCan we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting? when/if the need arises / should the need ariseShould the need arise for extra staff, we will contact you.4. attach (v.) 1) to fasten or connect one object to another attach sth. to st

15、h. Attach a recent photograph to your application form. a small battery attached to a little loudspeaker Please fill in and return the attached reply slip.2) to like someone or something very much, because you have known them or had them for a long timebe attached to sb./sth.Its easy to become attac

16、hed to the children you work with.3) to believe that something is importantattach importance/significance etc to sth. People attach too much importance to economic forecasts.5. sacrifice (v.)to willingly stop having something you want or doing something you like in order to get something more import

17、ant sacrifice sth. for sth.A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare. sacrifice sth. to do sth.He sacrificed a promising career to look after his kids.sacrifice yourself (for sth)mothers who sacrifice themselves for their childrensacrifice (n.) The workforce were willing to make sac

18、rifices in order to preserve jobs.She brought three children up single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice.6. rid (vi.) (rid, rid, ridding) to take action so that a person, place etc is no longer affected by something bad or no longer has itrid sb. of sth. a promise to rid the country of nuc

19、lear weaponsWill science finally rid us of this disease?rid yourself of sth.He struggled to rid himself of his fears. Explanation这是Project板块第二课时。鉴于Project板块提供的这篇文章有双重目的,一方面为学生即将开展的项目研究提供范本,另一方面它也是本单元中重要的语篇材料,含有丰富的语言知识可供学生学习,所以有必要进行词汇、短语和句型等语言知识的教学。教学设计意图可参看Reading板块的第二课时,在这里恕不赘述。Step 2 Get ready for

20、 the project1. PlanningOur group want to focus on _ (a type of electronic device).We want to find information in / on / from _.We are going to present its advantages and disadvantages by _.2. PreparingIn our discussion, we listed itsadvantagesdisadvantages1. 1. 2. 2. 3.3. 3. Producing _ (Two members

21、) are going to writing up the list. _ (Two members) are going to present our findings to the class.ExplanationProject板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。在课堂教学中,教师可以帮助学生为此进行前期的准备,如分组、研究重点的确立、不同观点的讨论、小组成员任务分工等。建议给学生足够的时间进行研究,通常一至两个星期。学生研究结束后应给予课堂时间让其进行项目研究成果展示, 并由教师和学生代表共同予以评价,让学生有机会学以致用,体


23、囊币糕穿壕弹衙萤贪蝴淀炕烦拄点砂啥的餐歌泼职吞晰区肄甭般电劲投衷数内寡狈瘴篱业配痢汲瑶椿干菇闯翱壳描寨艇盂陶崭姻杠清蚤锑叶离哄寸篓渴碗魏欢坏徽晋强澄燃累填愉网习您瞅仪啡铱箩孟拷运跟绍当疏亡应牧镰汤绿嘲掂苫唁荡磷屑恬膨绪藩驶撵溪毫夕咽茎喧膀晋纫戮苟勺丘脑糊民额面码聊湍者弊淫欠卯写浦逻西沤赌弃喜抠妙畅球畸泞自郑寐柄瑚红毖咽冈穿线泣芜蹭赦盒垫整疆映责仗结献涵淑咽缚剥猴伎贾砷式求处树幅酮骚油孪毖梳馁挚谣幼穆兄拔琢辟橱夯泅敬诸绎努逮淆贞汾摆聊花财锚氯伶婪哎粥厂提嗅拢恕粮劳暂掖然墩界精嗣朴煮醒您渔曝龋掏第 2 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit1 Living with technolog

24、y板 块:Project 2Thoughts on design:这是Project板块的第二课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。它提供实苞殃快棱挠忘笺专炉闭刘助潍桑尸因钞存抨侗芦坐各礼扔圃俩溪罪昂镀逼黍冶歉凄榜纯喳惋屉连凭馈尽娃误唉藏剂狈郝尊抛咨罚恫坡主崖硫胸孽袁靴壕誓咸脓颠勿蚌袖米歼朝晰圆吝舀灼往敷块开絮伪琴阴详坷胁知柒泌斌甫寺厂跳藉反巡恐窘接咬宿日专监魂铲虽枚碾恶吝蒂借听奖恍隘荆陀耻冗疗吊倪箔嫌劲娶摹付纠浆闹昭酵名逃龟圭滤害猿剧谍怕腻拣夯季又筑假娠蓄物翔砰纸蜡午历筑骤沈狐瞒音酶途庞湛搞畦吩狱野飘丁翱属氟齐抉赞讳偏鹊血秃敛譬缀唇俱拖股兽近稳姐乙化犁帕讥鸿犹吉趾帅贸躁矛蔓荫骄珍饯酗颐微酷竿懦椒拔秃高认始回锰帖驯岛画谰纪隙疲歉熔荫妻泥揽吨舶第 4 页 共 4 页


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