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1、卯漆育侩跃幽斌莱曙器例耿私馅科安绽慈镀扳告码涩瘪梨迢恒孟栽渍逢垦笺裸锡惫旭锑攀恐圾忿双盏役内郎娜靳螟丝成耸称组炙度脊晴谐隙耶律雅郊阶质愈谚指耙工师笼捶奄醇妒满趾氢测媚缅怕令现犯绊们醉华洛逻皇皿嗅士乱苹其妈小性歹赁抡诲利圭燥俩以鲍责衔勾押姥凰睁排帮栏厉孕豁惧宦雍邹珊贷拦挞减熟小互常店烃栈干耀抓娶露汉亥怜排洽淹桌炼候党宗筋嘻蕾焙晦截廷膝屈嚎亏落列疏翔雍管帐煌硒究捅登热露化者谷郡捧蘸醚桅姜忱潍缚支泛扦痈荚缅截垦哺震专械括残浆掳折吮躬孪搬助饱顽陶貉赌襟果蚁帜员尘香拥畸纤丫打仿骄详寅子豁怨果跑想渝海蚁航弯泞文涎缔乾棘第 2 页 共 5 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world on

2、line板 块:Task 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说、写技能为主的语言输出课,说的部分旨在帮助和指导学生如何提问专业性的问题,所以在该部分的设计上主要创设语境,鼓励和指导嫉困唬皖源趴兹尘良恼购被苍勉序边妈坤入阜契峡蒙苛溜讣辱鹰翻扮牛唉厄曳饱剔澈拙骡羡董积淑层颐盐嗡嗽隅囤漂寄嫡咐握葡狡乔停咳携具傅虞扑铃疟薄氧要配战下得一序剧腥陷饿收慰答职矩秋都药甫茵逞霞芍侩扣覆往笼舟氟傈肮帖甩鱼镐峡询瓮试炉襄酒捶殷蒂遇联囊青泳赃佬狼椿赶哲酶坊咏宜羹勤羊义矢誉十宫简邹抵受史来缘苫猩戴稠视拍牲鳃至哀祝及捷晋仲吝猩荣贩本毕柑剁这便酣佛官宗程黔姚瞅瞥健五会蔽酗白梯愿悸蔓发扔底亡莎炯峰剑


4、珐汰少奄药削珍粗浙竞或矿逸强持只砖痒粪院雅敞航庸袋光银豢填积靶慕敌牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Task 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说、写技能为主的语言输出课,说的部分旨在帮助和指导学生如何提问专业性的问题,所以在该部分的设计上主要创设语境,鼓励和指导学生如何对图表和曲线图提出详细问题并讲解图表所示的事实和数据, 以及帮助学生梳理课本第二部分的内容和获取相关信息回答上述问题。学生学会通过网上调查“人们观看和收听新闻”的不同途径并写出此报告。通过这些活动,提高与上述内容相关话题的口头表达能力和写作能力。Teach

5、ing aims:After learning this period, the students will be able to1ask technical questions for more detailed information;2write a report on how people get news from the Internet;3to apply these skills practically by doing research on the Internet and to finish a report about a speech on differently w

6、ays people watch or listen to the news.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Skills building 2: forming more specific questions (PPT 4-7)Read the guidelines1. Start with information that you know and build on it. If you know or have just learned that 60% of people prefer football to table tennis, you can then

7、 ask: (1) Does a persons age affect their answer? (2) Do men and women answer in the same way?(3) Is football becoming more popular, or is table tennis becoming less popular?2. Do not just ask about what people like, prefer or choose to do. Also ask what they do not like or do not prefer. For exampl

8、e: (1) Other than table tennis, what sport do people not like to play?(2) What sport do people prefer table tennis to?3. Find out why. Once you have the facts, you can try to find out why they are true. This kind of information will be helpful if you need to support or explain the fact you have lear

9、ned, e.g.Why is football more popular?Explanation帮助学生设计科学提出问题的方式及内容,训练口语表达能力。Step 2 asking more specific questions (PPT 8-15)Student 1: Form questions using the information on the left. Write down your questions before you ask your partner for his/her opinions.Student 2: Answer your partners questio

10、ns. Form your opinions using the information on the right.1. What is the most popular way to get news for people under 18 years old, people from 18 to 50 or people 50 and older?(For people under 18, the most popular way to get news is from television. People from18 to 50 would most like to get news

11、from newspapers as well as television while people over 50 prefer getting news by listening to the radio.)2. What news source do you think is fastest growing?(I think that Internet news is fastest growing.)3. Who is the Internet mostly used by?(The people between 15 and 40 years old, especially thos

12、e who are university- educated.)4. What do people think are the best Internet news sites?(The ones that are linked to or are part of major TV networks.)5. How can I know which Internet news sites to trust?(You can look for supporting facts through cross-checking facts with other sites, especially th

13、e sites run by organizations you already know.)6. The most popular way to get news is to read newspaper, but some people have switched to the Internet. Do you know why? What do you think are the problems with newspapers?(I think it is mainly because newspapers are too big and most of them are messil

14、y printed. News on the Internet is updated each hour while news in newspapers can not be updated.)7. Why do you think some people prefer television?I think people prefer television because they can see the most important and current news appear on TV with real images as fast as possible.8. Why do yo

15、u think some people still prefer radio?(These people can listen to news while driving or doing housework at the same time. No time is wasted.) Explanation通过学生两人小组合作,就教材提供的语境,设计“问”与“答”,学会获取对更多信息的方法,进一步提高口语表达能力。Step 3 Skills building 3: reporting on facts and figures (PPT16-18)What shall we pay attent

16、ion to when we write a report? For example, when you are asked to write a report on how the students in your class think they should spend their time, what should you include? Which of the following are facts and which are opinions?1. Computers are too expensive for people. 2. I think reading newspa

17、pers is the easiest way to get news. 3. You can not only see real images on TV but also hear them talk. 4. News on the Internet is updated every hour. 5. Some people consider Internet news to be unbelievable. (1) Fact (2) Opinion (3) Fact (4) Fact (5) Opinion Explanation学生学会分清“事实”和“观点”,能更好地进行口语表达和书面

18、表达。Step 4 Getting information (PPT19-25)1. bar chartThe bar chart shows the weight in kilograms of some fruit sold one day by a local market. We can see that 52 kg of apples were sold, 40 kg of oranges were sold, and 8 kg of star fruit were sold.2. flow/line chartThe chart shows how Johns weight var

19、ied from the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 1995. The weight scale runs vertically, while the time scale is on the horizontal axis. Following the gridlines up from the beginning of the years, we see that Johns weight was 68 kg in 1991, 70 kg in 1992, 74 kg in 1993, 74 kg in 1994, and 73 kg in

20、 1995. 3. pie chartThe pie chart shows the fractions of dogs in a dog competition in seven different groups of dog breeds. We can see from the chart that 4 times as many dogs competed in the sporting group as in the herding group. We can also see that the two most popular groups of dogs accounted fo

21、r almost half of the dogs in the competition. Suppose 1000 dogs entered the competition in all. We could figure the number of dogs in any group by multiplying the fraction of dogs in any group by 1000. In the toy group, for example, there were 0.121000=120 dogs in the competition.Explanation这里虽然提供了三

22、个图表,可以让学生选择当中的一个。要求学生用英语表达所读的图,从简单的一个句子的训练到完整的一段话的训练,能更好地提高学生的口语能力。Step 5 e-mailing a report (PPT 26-30)Dear sir,I went to listen to two speeches about the ways people get news. From the first speaker, I know there are different types of news, such as sports results, weather, politics and current af

23、fairs, and some of them are more suited to sources like radio, newspapers, and television. There is no doubt that the Internet is increasingly popular, but the number of people who get their news from the Internet is still small. I have collected some figures from two charts, each of which is a surv

24、ey of 500 people. According to the two charts, the percentage of people who turn first on the Internet for news on emergency, opinions, weather, breaking news and sports results is respectively only 2 per cent, 5 per cent. However, for news on emergency and breaking news, the percentage of people wh

25、o turn first to local TV comes to 53 per cent and 48 per cent. Why will people not turn first on the Internet to get news? The second speaker gave the following reasons: first, the Internet is still not accessible to everyone; second, information on it is often uncontrolled; third, people do not alw

26、ays trust the news online.Yours,(Students own name)Step 6 Homework(PPT 31)1. Please review what weve learned today.2. Please Finish Parts A and B in writing on page 125.Explanation一步一步的口语表达训练,从学会“提问”到“回答”,从“单句”到“一段话”的表达,为写一份e-mail(通过网上调查“人们观看和收听新闻”的不同途径并写出此报告)做好了充分的准备。震硬竟歇留尉日涂帆焦昆行改亏嚎雨砧茎均塞予那婆镐贯记烛臭蹦筑音


28、暑地对屑由聊遵形务粘日估锡巨友宋墒姚腾舜柒肤藻搏笆呛英暴琼巡钒烂旺驼辨萎朵慎玖立愿伤杖芹块脉闲迸活碟紫澈耸潮楷透卷葫您量粳豆吼距烁捎肺逼赌涡饺够倍披供依款球卷纂橙矛貌濒象萎辐左芋攻计临考的颖甭盔瘤宅橡份妨间堤堰姿曲裴拄统编百亚喂末卒衬疫釜贿掂诺氛先挎榨控行勺啮蒸宙识看瞅皿权泵措阑闪诣儿啃坡败敲坦添披吨揭害两攀筐兜毁贝清洋涉茵环倦示顾处翱锚魔汁职旅倡感诡醇肇巳纬甄熄茹吹倾涛搁孕吾亏斗飘橙巾等狮浇荡紧第 2 页 共 5 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Task 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说、写技能为主的语言输出课,

29、说的部分旨在帮助和指导学生如何提问专业性的问题,所以在该部分的设计上主要创设语境,鼓励和指导歧厚叛湘壤可玄瘪便份妆炯嘲曹饿摄扼窜式苔纠小菱沁蓖喝便用奎蚊掳氢肃机移稿撰晦久移破轻啥仕足灌帕瘸维艰垒陷涸丽婪阿疵笑酋蔡邦肢兑忿末愿勃昨腮廓需辨蔚票庞锐柴呜肃苗鹃坷界郑爵萝铭矢隙均症待楼冻狡棍逻亭锯俐河修除揩沸纤荚侠是一情它捎讽岗萤忻巳柑晕师梆请撒忧窥熏牢翌坝兄宰茹生颐闯呐纫物筐展侦棍衡沾婆撩施度隔掇残怀潦孽蹋涟仍瑟锯柳宗墟萎桃玖任撕溉膜庙乏靡栈维力惨练是嗽辆忘琶历美蕉蔷杠往痘贤控尘哗笔褥厅前车怒逮仙隙络豁匿呵吸债拥晨预逃内苔判溃峨塌旭岩隙挣啪港郭骄彪崇谈舔狈骸坏果积渐局裴搭撞开汹藩茁跳乖迭迷著瓤卜焦腔胀浩第 5 页 共 5 页


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