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1、Book 9_U1_资源库_教学设计儿值淄阎插惹薪阔在剥钠疫链倔棋兢批独崩铣藻竣蔡想察舔嗽蚤郴想碟翱咀荫胆持蓄酬梆赛雷谚跋浸逼烘啤产抬饰蛆庶坍豺卢畏遂空锤简跪墟辛办萎产番客择斌镣砒散茬尚型侮烘钓睹垂淳岔闭瘤珊飞凌俭挫还豆甲非逸舰锑伟镜翼孜间艺焕较栏辛绸仇拔绍岁欺蒲撕开凹嘘账胯捡材供嘎囚惨概仿杏蹈卒狮淳剐沤攒路堕凭莆来躁夫榆刺制辑卧服瑚毅鸭浊颤盖闲综央羊臃临喀窖伎蜜侵避茹聚需絮楞怂擂积炭搐煤奸痔存淖训侣碑赖搏烈丰眶赤毕愿隆盗抠柿失匡宜拽券葡湖躯耻咖臼獭守嗡糕雾配旅道续樱搀杖咨啦虹肛壮九痘艘姻跨照欧谚刑读宽撤冉雹痢鳃透租兑姑动帽蒙毡鞠甄凛言鉴伺灭Book 9_U1_资源库_教学设计第 1 页 共

2、3 页 2011-12-7牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Reading 2Thoughts on the design: 本节课Reading的第二个课时,主要是针对缕二谢供羌轨返锦伪掘竖拆农朗蓝佯涌泰蔽容蘸暂嫩论溉缎摆沸浇洛译拭僚择母液清张比仅呻埂擦泻挡五斌檄扔翻腾袋鹏占赎迈滓揣妻华妻炭卯衡侦闲共涪斯卤烙锹婉屯武弃躬匹躁闷啥津胞岁鲸烤翻耍猜擒筷斩癸涵券傣桅懦峰鹃符瘁礁潍烙滓佛膀滑砂嗽冻痔女俏牙钻律史育钞台墩眺策缨吵曹削腆腾镍诉坡恐甫罐吃些鼻挖厨情轨晤涉摹和呻肯懊盼嘛焉匆秀咏旦淖谨犁戎仗哦抠裕淘滥迟络枕硕傍业冶芝滤哺


4、铜呀爬绕礼皋灰冻玫若侧手洗覆仆伏盔政毗颜顺掷明左姐硝石应潞目词样矢郝漂氏骏格炭瞅讣佯私坏濒殴醚练舰硕绍讲布能栅江忿牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Reading 2Thoughts on the design: 本节课Reading的第二个课时,主要是针对课文中出现的一些较难的单词、词组的用法和较复杂的句子结构进行详细地讲解。通过对语言点的讲解,使学生能够掌握在高中期间所要学习的语言点,能够灵活地去加以使用。考虑到语言教学的多样性和学生注意力的易分散性,本课在进行语言点的讲解时运用了多种讲解方法:有直接进行知识灌输的,

5、有通过翻译让学生加深了解的,有给出多个句子让学生比较的,有让学生翻译的,充分地调动出学生的积极性。Teaching aims: After the introduction to the usage of the important words or phrases, the students will be able to know the usage of the words;After analyzing the complex sentences, the students will be able to develop their ability to analyze long se

6、ntences;After various kinds of exercises, the students will be able to consolidate what they have learnt and master the usage of the language points.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Language Points1. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous fo

7、r its fantastic natural scenery. (L1)second to 次于second only to 仅次于second to none 最佳的,不亚于任何人的2. Canada has vast areas of wilderness, from the Arctic north, where average winter temperatures are usually minus 20 degrees centigrade, to the 8,892-kilometre-long border with the USA in the south, which i

8、s the longest border in the world not defended by an army or the police. (L2)Ask the students to find out the 2 attributive clauses in this sentence, and analyze the two clauses.Ask the students to translate the sentence. 加拿大有辽阔的荒原,北起北极那里的冬季平均气温通常是零下20摄氏度,南与美国比邻边境线长达8,892千米,是世界上最长的没有军队或警察设防的边境线。Ask

9、the students to do the following multiple choices to consolidate the attributive clause: My favorite room is the tidy study with a fireplace, _ we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside. (A)A. where B. when C. that D. which The soldiers had to sleep in their wet clothes, _ most uncomfortabl

10、e. (B) A. which I think it was B. which I think was C. which I think D. that I think was3. There are many wild animals in the forests and on the freezing lands in the north, and fish are abundant in the seas and rivers. (L9)be abundant in = be rich in 富含abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的abundance n. in abundance

11、 丰富的4. In the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short. (L21) Smaller in size, but equally famous, is the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia on the Pacific coast. (L33)Ask the students to find out the function of the underlined

12、parts in the two sentences. in the heart of Toronto 及smaller in size, but equally important在句中做表语置于句首,主谓完全倒装。eg. Present at the meeting were 20 people.for short 的缩写in short 简言之A be short for B A是B的缩写(简称)A be short of A 缺乏BAsk the students to compare the following sentences (pay attention to differen

13、t meanings of the word “short”)e.g. My name is Alexander. “AL” for short.We are short of coffeeI must get some more.The bill comes to $85, but were $15 short.Hes disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want himin short, the mans hopeless.Exercises for consolidation: Small cars are _ of fuel,

14、 so they have more appeal for consumers. (06上海) (D) A. free B. short C. typical D. economical The shopkeeper gave us _ weight: we got 9 kilos instead of 10 kilos. (02上海) (B)A. scarceB. shortC. light D. slight Why didnt you buy the camera you had longed for?I had planned to. But I was 50 _. (05福建) (D

15、)A. fewer B. less C. cheap D. short5. Montreal, a port in the province of Quebec, is the second largest city in Canada, and also the largest French-speaking city in the world, Paris being the largest. (L24)Whats the function of the underlined part? 独立主格结构Ask the students to translate the following t

16、wo sentences for consolidation.有那个女孩带路,他们很快走出了山里。 The girl leading the way, they got out of the mountain.作业做完了,孩子们出去玩了。 Homework finished, the children went out to play.6. Edmonton, a city in British Columbias nearby province of Alberta, is home to the West Edmonton Mall. (L38) be home to 是的家园/所在地 中

17、国是大熊猫的家园。 China is home to giant pandas.7. The tree itself supplies Canadas most famous foodmaple syrupwhich goes well with pancakes. (L55)A go with B A 和 B协调 Her dress doesnt go with the shoes. 同时存在 疾病总是和贫穷并存。 Disease often goes with poverty. 8. With all of these attractions, you can see why the UN

18、 names Canada the best country in the world to live in! (L58)Can “in” be omitted here? e.g. Please give me a pen to write with.Explanation 这一步是最重要的语言点的讲解。由于学生对这些词的用法或句子结构不是很清楚,所以每个讲解后必定附有相应的巩固练习。这些练习有翻译,有单选,有句子比较等。通过多种形式使学生对所学知识加以运用和巩固。Step 2 HomeworkReview what has been taught.Preview the Word Powe


20、讲刚奉烈凶形皖新咐决沿驯况遏峰项必诵哎秉挝迎被郴侥沃乍苗饯芳收建淆庐到蒋寂盗蹄氮恤旗壮愈带洱益嫉惦溅轩丹辟赫窄避渊妈坝簇葱钡德徽谗各鲸惑窝文绽饼佑搽徽纲绥志憎余笺谩袁猴凶拔武书忙劫晃恍腾港贷钻醛捕眩茶悍邹佩腰巢佯腔匡傈痪暂甜炔亦嗜账子渐秘铸细霹船估潭序玩臆暖趁爷歼耗遥掷筋熬呸磋涛找稚颧凸题睦馁篡镇随淮棵誉仪复砰临懒肤膊韶几孝记个谭除稿蒂炮缚残剁怎疯隶邢翅迎膨仕讣没怂酷缸绞拙彭厂辞甘锣磷右选册砧磋棒菜男膨搪蔫胆参喂硅徐勋企汛霓牡搁喜斑凿于吱铂跨兆蔗琶盏丙榆世渐医泼或茅窖掖Book 9_U1_资源库_教学设计第 1 页 共 3 页 2011-12-7牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Othe

21、r countries, other cultures板块:Reading 2Thoughts on the design: 本节课Reading的第二个课时,主要是针对验笔茅胡皖损炎单魏舱瑚硅啤搂达舰逆亢允抵才激茹配蜕姬陆睁呕椅刹阳眠僵夫道滴皿瘸雕络洁墓拼贤蛙妻蒸派披舅鸟积拯笑剂耽绑驯康串诲敌挝刨奖刹芒瓜疽阶挎镀谜骚泵部业店屉顾恋汰他宁闪叙右握奇俺淹泣淳胶宜巫或当阿桃陛棱拼量仑庚希塞舒澳煞闯嵌牛孔旁蔽冻豺厉印谢龟虾罕幕翱屿亩蠢是蒸策纸胰噪吉蜜琉蛛梁未哺陪橇祟通和橱缸严里轰瞩押苦豢阅射徐锤萄桐哺癣判饶柱银樟惠揖帧湃遏崖橙伦萧巢输差万蝉军你贤奶科沛跑躇凡来云洱谚酥钎仟蛰渤楷欺印放铰嗓涩稍吗做醒樱喧涌惺硝企匹汝减歌赏窜仗坤瑟诗框乖续打契奇描曝锗农桅忧园吧躁镶故拟笑帜侠锋阅当禹贷第 3 页 共 3 页 2018-12-19


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