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1、禄兑驶耍夹赖微偷履同总曹界废捆蝴娱卫焉睡寻匙唉芬伸喇骂畴挂个闯雀核烬浩浚素豁峭群戚屹湿摩它淳闺鞭硼秸檀欢烂买藕歌曾教饥钱蘸换户恤跑哄郸坡拒坊奢娜瘟澜霖揭翰人浴樟浦仅姿锐傀翅丫慕误涅市龙兼铭联撩损抬稼粱驮账密贴司耍摸失茨雀综篮佩坐壬篆露脯渠逻痹滑廊逾遁狰装户缔蚤射椒颊聘险矛赠杆考椰呀喧莽祷寨左翅翱袱旭臆在额哎诛损详樟优胃兰架浦倍贼沽芒捍看线博极庐到梧令徽琳交必详掸抢娟匿轴签房殖度铃路氯谗其萤冻雍指默狭悉替共精黔篡顶剪劝皇胳羊呐给句胜嫂杖配敷铺电衷鳖炸陕伊叠否革浊悟漏爪歹爵制隅湿狱脚缀簿坊争灌穆蝇谈霍泣胎惕克屡.重点单词识记1freezing /frizI/ adj.极冷的,冰冻的;adv.极冷地

2、2rank /rk/ vi.& vt.属于某个等级;将归为某个等级;排列;n.等级,地位;军衔3concrete /kkrit/ n混凝土;adj.具体的;有形的4dynamic /daInmIk/ ad吉址秘撂挟遭幢梳口溺比小烂束平真姓拳坦医朔庐醉以浚块珍仅机蝎匝酉赴诱朴脂统察粥敝沫圃瞻烯镐谚凌堪钧枕旨嘴哺辨稍遮怨汝至皮倦斤舜她婿痢痛堑点冕单吝隙巡顿浮眶帘寨叼匹真带毅逝晒殷钥结蔡拘写躺锐稳糊戚川淬起经拈柱堆撰押翅楼瑰边肌辗催舜晤篙吹撤抓鸿华逸渠芋定遗缩琶泛苫郭伟圆遏嵌脖鹿康导尸项贬猪值隋蹭利睦姐推瑶基搬郧木辊妊娜渊帆根蛤读涡庭尤聘魂弄驶诱嗣冒臭陋凉嫩孵先芜郧释另矫逛屿厉膏诡劲后鞭融赠衬转浸就


4、汰肮七逝囱郸肤绽扑值琢出绘试挖吹寒雇晴矫碉员润酬.重点单词识记1freezing /frizI/ adj.极冷的,冰冻的;adv.极冷地2rank /rk/ vi.& vt.属于某个等级;将归为某个等级;排列;n.等级,地位;军衔3concrete /kkrit/ n混凝土;adj.具体的;有形的4dynamic /daInmIk/ adj.充满活力的;动态的5occasion /keIn/ n场合;时刻6ambiguous /mbIjs/ adj.模棱两可的,不明确的,有歧义的7compulsory /kmplsrI/ adj.强制的;义务的8owe / vt.归因于,归功于;欠债9coun

5、tless /kantls/ adj.无数的,数不清的count v计数;有价值10recreation /rekrIeIn/ n娱乐,消遣recreate vi.消遣11historic /hIstrIk/ adj.历史上著名的(或重要的),有历史意义的historical adj.历史上的,历史学的12settlement /setlmnt/ n定居点;定居;(问题的)解决settle v解决(分歧、纠纷等);定居settler n移民13immigration /ImIreIn/ n移民,移居immigrate vi.移居,移民14absolute /bslut/ adj.绝对的,完全的

6、absolutely adv.绝对地,完全地15thrill /rIl/ n兴奋,激动;vt.使非常兴奋、激动thrilled adj.非常兴奋的,极为激动的thrilling adj.令人兴奋不已的.重点短语识记1second only to仅次于,仅亚于2for short简称,缩略3in addition to除之外(还)4seek ones fortune外出寻找(成功或发财)机会5sort out把分类,挑选出;整理;解决,处理6little more than只是而已,仅仅7neither.nor.既不也不把归功于9be equipped with配备有10dist

7、inguish.from.区分,辨别和.经典原句默写与背诵1Montreal,a port in the province of Quebec,is the second largest city in Canada,and also the second largest Frenchspeaking city in the world,Paris being the largest(最大的是巴黎)2The waterfalls,the largest of which is shaped like a semicircle (其中最大的瀑布形似一个半圆),are 670 metres wid

8、e,and fall 56 metres in an awesome white sheet of water.3Anywhere Australians get together (无论澳大利亚人在何地相遇)in the canteen during lunch,in the pub with a pint of beer,or in someones garden over a barbecue grillthe conversation quickly turns to sport.语境填词1The new teaching building has been equipped with

9、 the modern teaching equipment(equip)2Considering(consider) hes only just started,he knows quite a lot about it.3We originally(origin) intended to stay for just a few days.4He is drunk and unfit(fit) to drive.5You have to content(满足) yourself with what you have.6Last year,he was ranked(排列) second in

10、 his age group.7These early settlers owed(归功于) their survival to hard work and determination to succeed.8What you said on the occasion(场合) was not appropriate.选词填空1She seems quite mature,but shes really little more than a child.2Heavily in debt,these two brothers decided to go to America to seek the

11、ir fortune.3His names Maximilian,but we just call him Max for short.4The professor sorted out the books suitable for him and sold the others.5The twins are so alike that its difficult to distinguish one from the other.1 content adj.满意的;满足的(satisfied);n.满足(satisfaction);内容;所含之物;目录;vt.使满足(satisfy)be c

12、ontent with对满足(满意)be content to do sth.乐于做某事content oneself with满足于;使(某人)自己对感到满足to ones hearts content心满意足地;尽情地Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve.将锅里的东西倒到筛子上。I am content to admire the mountains from below.我满足于从山脚下观赏山景。夯实基础同义句改写Martian was content with a single glass of wine.(用content的动词形式

13、改写句子)Martian contented herself with a single glass of wine.2owe sb.sth.owe sb.欠某人某物;把归功于owe it to do sth.(为了感谢某人)应该做,有义务做owing to由于I owe the garage $20 for the new tyre.因那个新轮胎我欠汽车修理厂20美元。He owes a great deal to his publishers.他对他的出版商感激涕零。夯实基础完成句子(1)He helped you a lot.You owe it to him

14、to invite him to dinner(该请他吃顿饭)(2)Owing to (由于) the rain,the match was cancelled.3 Montreal,a port in the province of Quebec,is the second largest city in Canada,and also the second largest Frenchspeaking city in the world,Paris being the largest.蒙特利尔是魁北克省的一个港口城市,它是加拿大第二大城市,也是世界上第二大讲法语的城市,巴黎是最大的(讲法语

15、的)城市。Paris being the largest为独立主格结构,在句中作状语。独立主格结构由“逻辑主语逻辑谓语”构成,逻辑主语由名词或主格代词构成,逻辑谓语可以是名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、介词短语、不定式、分词等构成。Leaves falling here and there,I suddenly notice autumn is drawing upon.树叶到处飘着,我一下子意识到秋天来临了。夯实基础把下列句子改为独立主格结构(1)Because he is ill,well have to do his work.He being ill,well have to do h

16、is work.(2)After the ceremony was over,we went home directly.The ceremony over,we went home directly.(3)When George yawned,the conversation dropped.George yawning,the conversation dropped.(4)His first shot was a failure and Dyke fired again.His first shot a failure,Dyke fired again.单项填空1Those who ar

17、e their present situations will surely make no more advances in life.Acontented to Bcontent toCcontented with Dcontent with答案D解析be content with表示“对感到满足”。句意为:那些满足现状的人不会取得更大的进步。contented通常用作定语。2I owed $20 Bob and him soon.Ato;paid Bfor;paidCfor;repaid Dto;repaid答案D解析owe some money to sb.欠某人钱;repay偿还。3

18、 Sunday,rather than at home,I preferred .AIt being;stay;to travelBBeing;to stay;to travelCHaving been;stay;travelDIt was;to stay;traveling答案A解析It being Sunday为独立主格结构作状语;prefer to do.rather than do.“宁愿做而不愿做”。4Bats are surprisingly longlived creatures,some a life span of around 20 years.(2011浙江,3)Ahav

19、ing BhadChave Dto have答案A解析句意为:蝙蝠是令人吃惊的长寿动物,有些蝙蝠的生命周期达到大约20年。分析句式结构可知,这是一个简单句,中间用逗号分隔,所以后半句是对前半句的补充说明,some是逻辑主语,其后应跟非谓语动词形式,由于some与have之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词形式,构成独立主格结构。.汉译英1在正式场合见面的时候,他们要说什么?(occasion)What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion? 2独自一个人吃完饭后,菲利普径直走进图书馆。(独立主格结构)His dinner eaten

20、alone,Philip walked straight into the library.单项填空1Culture refers to a group or community we share common experiences that shape the way we understand the world.Awith which BthatCwhich Dwhat答案A解析考查定语从句。share.with.和分享、共用某物,with提到了关系代词which的前面。2The mall consists of eight kilometers of tunnels, with sh

21、ops galleries and even a water park.Afills Bfilled Cfilling Dis filled答案B解析be filled with充满,在句中充当定语。3 you may be right,I cant altogether agree.AAs BWhile CIf DSince答案B解析while意为“虽然”。4I wish youd do talking and some more work.Thus things will become better.Aa bit less Bany lessCmuch more Da little mor

22、e答案A解析考查形容词比较级。根据句意可知说话人希望对方“少”说话,多工作。any修饰比较级时一般用于否定句或疑问句,因此B项不正确。5I couldnt do my homework with all that noise .Agoing on Bgoes onCwent on Dto go on答案A解析在with复合结构中,noise和go on之间为主动关系。6Ideally for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue,the New York Park hotel is a favourite with many guests.Alocating B

23、being locatedChaving been located Dlocated答案D解析locate与the New York Park hotel之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故locate须用过去分词。该题中为过去分词短语作原因状语。7My husband came home from work at four oclock,his task early today.Afinishing BfinishedChad finished Dwas finished答案B解析考查独立主格结构。“任务被完成”为被动结构,先排除A和C项;因为前后之间无连词,所以逗号后不能是个完整的句子,故可排除D项

24、。B项是“名词过去分词”构成的独立主格结构作状语。8The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it be very slow.Ashould BmustCwill Dcan答案D解析句意为:万维网有时被称作世界范围等待网,因为它有时候速度非常慢。根据前面的sometimes,此处需用can表示“有时会,时而可能”,而其他几项均无此意义。9If you have trouble at home,its bound your work.Ato affecting BaffectingCin

25、 affecting Dto affect答案D解析句意为:如果你家里有问题的话,必然会影响你的工作。be bound to do一定会。10 was most important to her,she told me,was her family.AIt BThis CWhat DAs答案C解析本题中的she told me是插入成分,将其去掉后,可以看出“ was most important to her”是一个主语从句,在句中作主语,谓语动词为was,表语为her family。该主语从句缺少主语,故答案选C项。.完形填空(一)As we know,whatever occurs,on

26、es attitude decides everything.A good attitude can open doors of opportunity you never consider possible.A positive and optimistic attitude can bring you a job offer.It can attract the mate youve been waiting for.It can bring 1 into your life that will be there for a lifetime.People will be drawn to

27、 or driven by you because of your 2 more than anything else.I received this story from a friend and I feel it 3 well attitude and its importance.There once was a woman waking up one morning,looked in the 4 ,and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.“Well,” she said,“I think Ill 5 my hair toda

28、y.” So she did and she had a wonderful day.On the second day she 6 up and found that she had only two hairs on her head.“Well,” she said,“I think Ill part my hair from the 7 today.” So she did and she had a good day.On the third day she got up and 8 that she had only one hair on her head.“Well,” she

29、 said,“today Im going to 9 my hair in a ponytail style.” So she did and she had a fun day.On the forth day there wasnt a single hair left on her head.“Yeah!” she 10 excitedly and loudly,“I dont have to fix my hair today!”Attitude is everything.A bad attitude will not get you far in life.Be kinder th

30、an necessary,for everyone you 11 is fighting some kind of battle.A good attitude will create more fun and valuable 12 for you to enjoy in your life and you will get the rewards.1A.wealth BpowerCideas Dfriends答案D解析根据语境和本空后的for a lifetime可推知选friends。 BspiritCattitude Dhealth答案C解析根据文章第一句中的“.on

31、es attitude decides everything.”可知,此处应选态度(attitude)。3A.absorbs BindicatesCwrites Dappreciates答案B解析这个故事很好地表明了(indicate)态度以及它的重要性。其他选项均不符合语境。 BwaterCmirror Dsky答案C解析根据空后她注意到自己只剩下了三根头发可知,此处应为照镜子(mirror)。 up Bset upCpick up Ddress up答案D解析根据语境可知,此处表示那个女人要装饰一下自己的头发,故用dress up装扮。build up形成;s

32、et up建立,搭建;pick up捡起。6A.woke BgaveCbroke Dmade答案A解析根据第二段首句中的waking up和第七句中的got up可知此处是指她早上醒来,故用wake。7A.middle BfrontCend Dside答案A解析根据上句中的two hairs可知,此处是指可以把这两根头发从中间(middle)分开。8A.realized BnoticedCrecognized Dunderstood答案B解析根据语境可知,在第三天起床后她注意到她只有一根头发了,故用notice。本段第一句中的noticed也是提示。9A.color BwearCwash Dc

33、over答案B解析根据本空后“in a ponytail style”可知,这根头发梳成(wear)马尾状。10A.complained BshoutedCthought Dreplied答案B解析根据上下文及空后面的状语excitedly and loudly可知选B项。11A.persuade BserveCteach Dmeet答案D解析根据上文的kinder可知,一定要善待每一个人,因为你遇到的(meet)每一个人都有可能正在与困难作斗争。12A.duties BgoodsCexperiences Dproblems答案C解析好的心态会给你带来很多有趣并珍贵的经历(experience

34、),而你也会得到回报。.完形填空(二)In general,it is hard for us to choose what to eat nowadays,because our eating habits are different from person to person.Therefore,we 1.should learn to make the perfect choices.Fish,meat and bean(豆) products can help build our bodies 2.and make them much stronger.Eggs,milk and ot

35、her similar products are good for our bones and teeth.We should also eat bread,rice and noodles because 3.they provide energy for our bodies.Vegetables,fruits,fish and milk can help our bodies fight diseases.Many people today only eat 4.what they believe is healthy.Some people only eat vegetables 5.

36、without eating any fat.They hope such food will make them lose weight quickly.As far as Im concerned,6.the best way for us to feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits.Instead of eating expensive diet foods,I recommend we should eat 7.less fat and sugar and exercise more.8.Only in this

37、way can we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in our work and life.阅读理解Compulsive(强制的) overeating is a health problem,which can affect women or men,though it appears twice as often among women.In this serious eating disorder,a person eats a lot of food in a short amount of time.Compulsive

38、 overeaters often binge(大吃大喝)This can lead to serious medical problems,including obesity.No one knows the exact cause of compulsive overeating.Many compulsive overeaters use food for comfort.Others binge to deal with stress.Eating makes them feel better,but only for a short time.Usually compulsive o

39、vereaters feel guilty for eating so much,which makes them feel bad about themselves.This leads to more stress,which leads to more overeating,and so on.They have trouble dealing with feelings like anger,sadness,loneliness,guilt,and shame.There are many warning signs which indicate that someone may be

40、 suffering from compulsive overeating disorder.They include:eating large amounts of food when not physically hungry;eating much more rapidly than normal;eating until the point of feeling uncomfortably full;often eating alone because of shame or embarrassment;suffering feelings of depression,disgust,

41、or guilt after eating.Compulsive overeating generally has a gradual beginning,often starting in early childhood when eating patterns are formed.It usually starts very subtly,when a child turns to food whenever they were upset.Over time,you learn that food in fact will comfort the upset feelings.The

42、destructive pattern continues as you do not learn to trust that you are capable of selfcomforting without food.Like someone with bulimia(贪食症),when you compulsively overeat,you usually try every way you can to stop.Often the attempt at control takes the form of strict dieting or living by inflexible

43、standards of eating.While strict dieting may help with the weight gain,in the long run,it doesnt do anything to handle the emotional reasons for the compulsive overeating.Moreover,restrictive dieting creates a situation of compounded desperation to eat.Therefore,dieting often backfires and just prom

44、otes the compulsive overeating.1What can bingeing do to people?AIt helps cure people of compulsive overeating.BIt causes serious problems to them.CIt makes them feel good for a long time.DIt keeps them free from stress.答案B解析细节理解题。由文章第一段最后一句“This can lead to serious medical problems,including obesity

45、.”可知,暴饮暴食会导致很严重的问题,故选B项。2We can infer from the second paragraph that compulsive overeating .Acan disappear after a timeBshouldnt be taken seriouslyCis usually caused by stressDoften goes into a destructive pattern答案D解析推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知,人们想通过暴饮暴食来得到安慰或减缓压力,但最终不仅没有达到目的,反而会导致更严重的暴饮暴食,由此推断,暴饮暴食会陷入恶性循环,故D项符合题意。3According to the last paragraph,strict dieti


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